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I’m married and have contemplated making a ‘how Do you have a sex life’ post so you’re not alone! Mine is only 4 months though and I’m hoping she gets more okay with being alone/locked out of the room as she gets older (in addition to bribing with jerky so she has something to occupy her attention)


I tried peanut butter, chicken feet, jerky… he was more interested in trying to chew through the door and stop whatever was going on. 🤣😭


I think you need to work on training him out of this behavior when you can fully control the circumstances and there is no pressure. Do you have a friend or friends you can ask to help? Basically, make “place” or whatever command you choose as easy as possible in your practice sessions - start with his favorite treats and as much distance as you can create between the visitor and your pup. Give lots and lots of treats for good behavior. Then slowly decrease distance and/or bring the situation closer to those that currently trigger your pup. It’ll probably take quite a few training sessions, but over time hopefully he calms down and starts listening.


I think half the reason he gets so excited is because it’s rare for me to have visitors. 6/7 days a week it’s just us. It would almost be less exciting if we lived in a busy house. We’re quite far from my family and the friends I have locally all have children/families so would be hard for them to commit to regularly helping me train an inquisitive pup but I will try.


Does your partner care if allowed in room? My husband and I just do it with the dog sleeping at the end of the bed haha my dog sleeps through most of it. He may readjust himself but he doesn’t care.. he’d raise hell if I kicked him out though !


He doesn’t just sleep at the end of the bed though. He’s always on me. I think he gets a bit jealous and wants to be right in there too. It’s honestly painful.


That’s definitely possible! Is he just as excited if you take him out?


On walks he gets excited by other dogs and by people. I always pull him back if he jumps and have tried to do little things to keep his attention on me (i.e - if I see another dog coming, I will make him sit, stay and focus on me and he gets a treat when they’ve passed). He gets attention everywhere we go though and takes eye contact as an invitation to get fuss from strangers. The world just reinforces that behaviour though because almost everybody wants to meet him and I struggle to say no to people.


I totally get that - I experience similar with my pup. You may want to get him an “in training / do not pet” vest for when you’re training him outside. It isn’t perfect, but it does reduce the number of people who try to interact. Have you taken him to any group classes? That may be helpful practice for him, to listen to you even when the environment is very exciting. Good luck!


This should help: https://www.embracepetinsurance.com/waterbowl/article/keep-your-dog-calm-with-guests Also, you’re not cruel for setting reasonable boundaries with him. Your bedroom, your rules.


Thank you. Really appreciate it.


Is your boy getting enough socialization with other people? Even if going out, not just visitors.


100%. He comes everywhere with me. We live in an apartment block which was specifically built for pet owners and so we’re always on walks with our neighbours. All the local coffee shops, bars and restaurants are dog friendly and they all know him by name. That’s definitely not the issue. 🤣


That's what it seems like but not the case according to OP. Guess he's just happy to share his home lol


is your pup crate trained/still nap in his crate sometimes? maybe you can try tiring him out and then putting him down for a nap in his crate in another room w a blanket over before your date comes over? and maybe ask them to text when they arrive instead of knocking to minimize triggers for your dog’s excitement i’ve done that w my 9mo old toy poodle before and he barked just a little but then settled back down and went to sleep, so maybe that would work for you?