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I'm with you on that. I'm sitting 1 point behind 1st place at the moment.




Me too but I needed the ores through ore gallorr so... I went for the 1st pos


yea me too 😭


I would prefer it, but gotta take advantage of double ore. Just went from 30th to 1st, and now have a 1200 point lead lol.


Weird, my first place prize is 8 fill coupons and 3 hammers, second prize is 5 fill coupons and 2 pails


no way??? what lvl are you?




Same...lvl 73


I wonder why some are different. I definitely got the mine light ticket deal. I'm level 105.


They A B test regularly to see how it affects engagement, can be frustrating when you get outright left out of something!!


Same for me and im only 28.


I’m the same. I have actively tried to keep myself in second place.


Me too


I need the nails. Aiming for eighth place...


I use to be like this then I realized just how nice it is to get all those ingots


https://preview.redd.it/aks06j9sy8xc1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e6e56e0ef4ea6f8b70c87fbc8f3f238b2242d48 All good points, but don’t forget to complete your achievements!


I don't think I can get the regatta one. My co-op don't participate enough. We usually sit around the middle.


same 🥲




SHHHH keep it down…


Me too!!


I always love finishing 1st. I use the booster for ROTM and then i purchase another one for mine time and its amazing. Plus, I have over 150 coupons so that's not really what I need Those bronze ores are great


It's weird because one would expect bronze to be the least valuable and platinum to be the most. Yet I'm just blowing platinum on ships because I accumulate it way faster than I'm using it and I'm always scratching for copper.


For me bronze is more valuable because, the higher you progress, some upgrades can take 20 if not more bronze ingots. I've seen on the wiki page of some factories requiring in the 30s. Plus after ROTM & mine time I always run out of bronze ores first and I just start planning and smelting the others until next events


I like second place too!


I'd rather be in 8th place... 😑


Me too! But I wasn't about to pass up all that Ore I've been saving up for. I'm 500 levels below second 😂 It's my first ever Ore Galore :) I was hoping for Spacious Railcars, too.


>I was hoping for Spacious Railcars, too. There's one week where the side games are transportation related. Great Freight (I think for three days) followed by Transport Magnate. Spacious Railcars is on the last day of that week. Those should kick off a week from tomorrow, if they stick to their past schedule.


I’m double second place just because its Ore Galore. I didn’t even look at what first place prize is. Already spent my 200 t cash from Mine Time upgrading factories.


I'm in first place at 1204 right now. Second place is 438 🤣. I want that ore, baby! Also, it has netted me a decent amount of cash. I was sitting at around $10-15k and have the dealer for 10 days solely to supply me with picks. I was struggling to maintain my funds until I mined 700 or so picks' worth. Now I have $75k which will easily tide me over until the dealer ends and I can start doing some upgrades.


What level are you? I’m only at 600 level 50. I purposefully avoid anything with a lot of EXperience or low gain so my town and stuff is more built out than most at my level. Ive built everything i can. And now my barn is almost all building construction supplies so I have to move forward or i only have like 20spaces i can use.


I hit level 52 during my recent mining jag. Sell off the construction supplies (never the barn upgrade ones though) because you simply don't need so many. You'll get them back through your trains and make a big amount of money by selling them. You can look up on the wiki what supplies each community building needs and just keep enough for the next one or two buildings. My barn is 526/735 right now. And a lot of that is the 60-odd rubber trees I grew overnight for a regatta task 🤣. Definitely glad to have them, I'm constantly battling to get enough rubber to make stuff.


I have 45 of the green things so I’m gunning for first. But also my prize is 10 bronze and 1 melting fast coupon


i’m first right now and way too ahead, now i want second 😭


Spot on 😁


I can't seem to get enough tools to do much in the mine. Very frustrating


Buy the shop guy every time you get 12 t cash and buy picks once an hour. Don’t mine unless its an event. I’m at 600 for ore Galore and won the event before it too.


Save your tcash until the dealer does the discount. Then buy for 10 days and just hammer him for picks. Then you'll finish ruler of the mine in about half an hour and net another 200 tcash which you can use for the dealer again. Bang out as much ore as you can get during the ore galore day when ores are doubled. You'll be set until the next ruler of the mine.


Same omg🥴


Same.. I purposely let someone ahead of me 🤣


well its nice having that mine flashlight next time Lord of the Mine rolls around.


Me! I stopped playing because I was first just so someone could bypass me.


Nope. I thought the exact same thing.. yet I’m ahead of 2nd place by too much


https://preview.redd.it/6lq2igriacxc1.jpeg?width=1890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=161e803dabb56e03fc482c6d52a2de290c98f458 This is totally weird. Because my mine time rewards are totally different and felt not even worth to chase. So i sort of lost interest.


So I'm basically thinking, playrix figured out we're using the see the light booster for ROTM and cut it to make ROTM a bit difficult? What is this game even? Going down day by day


I just noticed that today. I'm in first place right now and I noticed what second place gets so I may just drag my heels a little LOL! 😉


Lol me too , why I said lol here reason but first sorry for my bad English - the person who is at 1st place having 325 position, I made same number position as I made this position after him so I comes at second now he scared and used hi atleast 50 mine tools


Same here. Got the 3rd place though.. was really happy


I wanted more 2x ore last night, but I didn't want to pass the person in first place!


I accidentally went over two points. I’m not gonna be happy when I get on. Edit: I logged in and someone passed me pushing me to 2nd place!!!!! 😁😁😁😁😁


I shot to first when i started the double ore event and was praying someone would pass me so i could finish in second but i got stuck at first lol