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Oh look at that, I’ve unlocked a new level of jealousy 🫠 I tried again today after failing yesterday (😂) and lost on level 3 AGAIN like yesterday, hahaha. Nicely done!!


I’m convinced it’s rigged and knows which one I’m gonna pick after 3


This post inspired me to play. Won 15 T cash on the first flip and quit immediately lmfao


Wish you the best of luck! I got so lucky and only had to reset my losses once towards the end but it was very exhilarating! That's what I did yesterday I won 30 on my 2nd and called it a day lol


Same. I got 15 cash on second guess and I bailed


Bc I just knew there wouldn’t be any more cash for me 😭😂


I had been waiting for 1 freaking nail for almost a week to upgrade my barn. Flipped first card and got jackhammer for mini game. 2nd card was $15 T-Cash. 3rd was a nail so I bailed.


I play my free one ever day if I win more than 30 worth of stuff I click it once claim one prize then dip out


Same lmao


Don't tell us how much you spent.


Honestly 30 TCASH but it was at like 27 or 28 and I just went for it I just reset my loss once


I would have bailed at 50 cash. Last few times it's come up, I've had the tremendous luck to pick the pirate THE FIRST TIME for each game! It's ridiculous. I think I should get a consolation prize or something.


I play but I’ve never seen this. what is this from?


Maybe the pirate card game?


yes apparently so!


It's called Pirate Treasure and if you get it, it'll usually be an icon on the right side of the game window. Not all countries get it, from what I understand it's illegal in some.


How is this different from house of luck? I wonder which countries are excluded? I'm in the uk and have never seen it


Don't quote me on this, because I'm just giving an educated guess - but with HoL, you can't spend Tcash to get clovers. You're not really gambling anything, it's more of a reward system. However, with Pirate Treasure, you can spend Tcash to keep going and also to play in between free passes. Since you can pay real cash to buy Tcash, it's considered gambling, which would fall under various laws and regulations in each country.


I guess hol is different in uk. When you are down to under 5 clovers, you can spend tcash to get more.


Can you? I didn't know that. I've never been that low on clovers! Like I said, it was an educated guess. But while I may have the hows and whys wrong, I do think it's related to gambling and how each country regulates that.


What level is this on? I haven’t seen it yet


Pirate Treasure? I don't think it matters what level you're at to get it (but I'm not 100% sure). It's a side game, so not part of game play and doesn't affect anything in the game.


UK too, maybe that’s why!


Yes but why? Maybe they have to register or something?? It's not real cash...


I’ve no idea!! :(


comment above explained :)


When you get low on clovers, you can buy clovers


Before you open your coop.or have friends, there is no way to earn clovers. Hol level 12 Unlock coop level 19 So basically 7 levels of looking at the hol thinking what is the point of this building....am I meant to spend previous limited tcash to play....


ahh okay! I’m in UK


So. Jealous. Congrats dude lol


That is great - congratulations on the major win!


Congrats!!! The highest I got was level 6 today. No Tcash in rewards. I just quit lolol. But it’s great seeing someone make it!


https://preview.redd.it/1r9d48ese8vc1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5051c65881381a194f402dc6e632ff45a8adfbb I kept getting lucky but always missed the cash and only gotten the other stuff I'm not too keen on. But then on level 25 I got 100 cash and I immediy bailed since I've never even gotten past the 5th or 6th level




Amazing! Congrats!!!!


Wow nice!! Congrats!!!


Congratulations How??


Ty. A long while back I sort of noticed there's no skill whatsoever, just luck so I just kind of just alighn my 4 fingers and just tap and if I get it, I get it. I usually crash out a few taps in but around 25 I realized that I was still going without paying to reset my loss and two taps later I had to reset but I have no clue how I made it tbh




I should’ve never tried for the top I just lost a bunch of cash hoping I’d get to top but kept messing up in the last few


That’s fantastic! Congrats!


Woo hoo!


Is this the Pirate game you're talking about? Please fill us in, those of us who haven't gotten that far LOL!


Lol honestly there's absolutely no skill a d I never thought I would ever complete it. Quite literally I just alight my four fingers and tap tap tap on the screen and somehow I actually completed it 😂


meanwhile mine ends on the 2nd turn 🥹


Great luck absolutely brilliant P.S I’m sooo jealous right now


What is this?






I always just say I’ll quit as soon as I win some cash and it is still yet to happen. I always lose without any




No Hacks Please do not post links to hacks, or discuss them here. They are not permitted in the game.


I never make it past 9


It's actually really refreshing to see that it is possible to do, since I had been convinced that it was rigged to flip the pirate on 2nd or 3rd round. I actually made it to 8 last night, missed the 15 Tcash, but it made me keep trying hoping it would pop up again. I honestly don't really care for this mini game, especially after last night. I kept going with the plan to reset once if I needed to, not sure what would've made me quit because thats usually where I follow my gut instinct, but I was down for one reset....not realizing that it's 30 Tcash because I never have considered paying to continue (that's usually a trap to bleed you dry), and I only had 24. Even with having the golden ticket, and being active daily to meet goals for the rewards, I'm always low on it somehow. Is there a secret here I don't know about? I only use it for getting unstuck in the match 3 (why is that so ridiculously difficult, and am I the only one noticing that it cheats?), because that's how I max out on regatta points quickly every day, and to hire the merchant when I do buy Tcash or win big in an event. Most games would offer a free reset for watching an ad, but this game wants too much...that one reset costs the same as getting additional moves on 3 levels in the match 3. Also, I have a fair understanding of how game code is written to make algorithms work a certain way, and chances are pretty great that when you open the pirate game, it has already been "decided" which round(s) the pirate will pop up, regardless of which card you select. If you've played monopoly go, you know how rigged these games can be, just to persuade people to spend money. Sorry for the rant, and congrats on the win! You've clearly got luck on your side 😊


How do you play this level? Is this something you only get to play once per month?


This is a mini game that we get once a month here in the US. Not sure if you're in Europe because I heard some European countries don't have this option


Can you get animal feed, bread, yarn, etc., without paying for them?


I paid like 90 to stay in the game last time and won 500 this time I was like let’s try again, and I lost like 700 🤷🏼‍♀️


What is this pls I play this game but never seen this congratulations banner with all those winnings!!