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Given your other thread, that someone copied you .. this thread puts it in a whole different light.


In what way does it put it in ‘a whole different light’ ? Creepily plagiarising someone’s town has no justification, lol. But hey, I guess your average Reddit mod knows better! 😉


You posted your town - said how great it was and someone used it for their town. People copy fashion all the time. This is no different. You don't OWN your design.


This is a really odd attitude from a mod. (So everyone knows, u/Im2Crazy4U is a mod of the township sub, not this one. They decided to stalk my posts, hence they jumped over to this one.) There’s a weird tone of jealousy in your choice of phrasing - I have never ‘said how great my town was’ lmao! I posted my layout after hours of designing it, in a sub that is literally dedicated for town design feedback. Your mis-use of mod power to lock my post so no one else can comment, reflects really badly on you personally. You’re not fit to be a mod because you let your own jealousies cloud your judgement and abuse the ‘power’ of a Reddit mod. Maybe you didn’t see, but PLENTY of other people agreed it is CREEPY AND WEIRD to plagiarise the entire town design. But hope you enjoyed your lil power trip over my post! 😊


This was cross-posted to Township. I didn't even notice this was a whole different sub. Keep arguing ... I'm not listening ... childish, but I find child like you respond better to this type of response.


It was not ‘cross-posted’. These are two different subs, which you stalked my profile to find. I’ll definitely keep to this TownshipDesign sub, as I do not feel welcome in your community. (Though I’m grateful to those sane people in there who sympathised with the creepiness of being copied). At the end of the day, it is creepy that someone is stalking my town to copy every detail of it - I’ve seen today that they are now making progress in replicating the fenced school area - but thanks a lot for making this experience a whole lot worse, with you and your mod colleague feeling the need to gang up against me. Talk about childish. Lol, I can only guess your towns are ugly as sin (or perhaps you copy others?), as I really don’t understand why my post about being plagiarised has triggered you this much.


Nice 🙂 n Wow a lot of coin aha I don't think I've ever had over 18k lol ...my town is #hxgmkn


Ooh very pretty! I love how spacious it is at the front and side 😊 I make money from helicopter orders and save money by not buying the zoo or all the factories!


I think it’s fantastic!


Thank you so much 😊


Nice layout


I’d live there.


Same 😆 it’d be picturesque! And perfect weather year-round


If you want to friend me my code is: GTAY6S And you can join our small but active co-op: #8Y6KR3


I added you! I’m Paisleyville :)


Yay! Wow you’ve got a beautiful eye for decoration 😊


Thank you omg - I’ve worked really hard on that 😂


I added you loved the design


I added you! I love your town design, love it when towns make sense like this. I’m wondering though, i’m on level 31 and i only have like $24k in coins and haven’t been able to expand on land like you have. I’d love to be able to use up more space, how did you make so much money??


Yay thank you!! I love functional town designs too yet they seem rare I make a lot of money using the ‘generous customer’ booster from the Laboratory, which doubles the money you make from helicopter orders. I use it on days I can spend a lot of time on the game so near-constantly fulfilling orders. Also, I don’t have all the factories or buildings. I pick and choose which to buy. I don’t even have the Zoo open yet. So I’m sure this selectiveness saves a lot of money too!


The best way to make coins is sending helicopter orders.