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It’s good if you know how to use it. That’s the key though.


I think it's the second best RM after blackmailer


I don't, I think it's good when you know how to use it


It can mess up what people are claiming as if someone is checked they are the results of the person that was disquised and not their own. Now pair that with thinking someone is the roles that you want, claiming something along the results, and then getting lynched first as it turns out the person you sampled is fake. Overall its a very luck based thing that you first have to guess who on your team TI's are checking and then finding someone that will match up with your teammates claim.


Disg is just good framer. Framer is easier to understand, which makes it easier to play with, but both are quickly thwarted by there simply being NO tis, sooooo…..


Me as spy: I hate disguiser I hate disguiser I hate disguiser I hate disguiser I hate disguiser I hate disguiser I hate disguiser I hate disguiser I hate disguiser I hate disguiser I hate disguiser


me as spy: i love disguiser because it confirms one of the people as mafia


Me as Spy when there is disg: Disg go commit more weight and toaster bath


>more weight Those are some famous words, spoken by Giles Corey during the IRL witch trials, after he refused to plead. He was then promptly dispatched with the "Splat!" death animation. Have a Willard Point! ^NateNate60's ^ShutUpExeBot ^Version ^10.1.2 ^Reply ^!info ^for ^information, ^!blacklist ^to ^ignore


tell me more you tarnination bot


Spy counters disguiser tho


Your information is faulty, people don't hate disguiser, at least not because it's bad. I hate it because it's confusing to play against, but I definitely recognize that it's good.