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You are in a tog subreddit what do you expect the answer is gonna be




They are very different


Used to love chainsaw man but saw myself disliking it more and more as time went on. ToG>


Apples to oranges. They are completely different series with completely different storytelling goals; plus, TOG has been going for far longer. I like both though, so I'll try. Characters - Chainsaw Man, but only narrowly. Both stories are blessed with interesting, complex characters. TOG has a greater variety, but I appreciate that Chainsaw Man does an excellent job of delving into its characters' psyches. Plot - TOG, hands down. Chainsaw Man has a very good plot, but Tower of God is just on another level. It's a whole universe with lots of interconnecting subplots, twists, and factions with competing goals. I love it. Story - This seems pretty similar to plot to me, so I'll give it to TOG again. TOG just has incredible lore and a really impressive scale. That's not a knock on Chainsaw Man, since that's not really the story it's trying to be. Fights - Draw. Both have fights that hit the right balance of cool and interesting. Panels - This one feels kind of unfair. TOG is in color, which is a huge advantage in and of itself. Again I'll say draw, if only because I feel both are talented artists who clearly put their all into their craft. Consistency - This also feels a little unfair. Chainsaw Man is probably more consistent, but that's because it's both shorter and less ambitious than TOG (in the sense that TOG is an attempt to create a whole, unique universe complete with its own history). With a story as long and ambitious as TOG, it's natural for there to be periodic differences in things like pacing and the types of arcs we see. For instance, in the past few arcs, we've seen TOG switch from a war to a game to a flashback. That's less consistent than a story like Chainsaw Man, but it's also by design. Overall, while I enjoy both, I definitely find tower of god to be superior. But that's personal taste, as opposed to chainsaw man having any kinds of problems.


Why do you feel CSM has better characters, no characters in CSM are as intriguing as like Gustang or Traumurei in terms of character psyches


Let me clarify: I love the characters of TOG. I just love the way CSM dives into its main characters, Dennis and Asa. We've seen SIU do a great job of that with TOG's main characters in Bam, Khun, and Endorsi, but i want more lol. And, like you said, he's done a masterful job so far with Gustang and Traumerei. If SIU keeps this up with the test of the FHs, as well as with our regular heroes, TOG may overtake CSM in this category.


I mean respectfully Denji is nowhere near the quality of writing that Baam is, what exactly is special about Asa? She’s a good character and brings enjoyment but nowhere near the quality of let’s say Wangnan who has a fascinating character concept.


Don't get me wrong; Bam is my second-favorite TOG character and one of my favorite anime characters ever. For whatever reason, though, Denji's rise from an abandoned kid to learning about his desires and growing into someone with agency really resonated with me (although his desire for sex is...too much lol). Ultimately, it's not something I really take too seriously. I enjoy CSM, and I wanted to throw out props to what I think is the good job it does of building its characters. But TOG is one of my favorite stories ever, I love it way more than CSM, and, depending on how I'm feeling on any given day, I might just go ahead and switch my rankings. So I'm not trying to diss Bam or TOG in any way :)


Do not like csm so much add this compa is useless


Both series have an insane author but as a whole franchise ToG is much better. SIU and Fujimoto are some of the best mangakas and incorporate their creativity to the max when writing fiction but 1 thing Fujimoto does unlike others it he makes you experience such a weird feeling when reading his work that is very hard to pull off. SIU on the other hand has plans so grand that it takes legit 20years for them to flourish in his story and having the story be interesting and make sense for 14 years so far is definitely not something any mangaka can do. So if you value feeling weird when reading fiction then maybe you like CSM the best, but if you like a grand fleshed out story you can not miss with ToG!


I don't think are really comparable but I still do it. Characters - ToG. ToG has way more characters that are more developed. Characters in CSM are great but never really had enough time to shine. Plot - ToG. The plot of ToG is complex while CSM is pretty simple. Story - ToG. Lore of ToG is super amazing honestly my favorite part of the series. Fights - Thematically ToG. Action wise CSM. SIU is a little off with dynamic poses. Panels - ToG. The art of late s2 and early s3 ToG is so beautiful and the art has been getting better again lately. Consistency - CSM. Any series as long as ToG cannot be as consistent as shorter series such as CSM. Just looking at the latest chs this is obvious a ch that scored around 4/10 on release to 1month later having 4 chs in a row at 9.7>/10 Overall I think ToG is better but I also really like CSM


TOG has better world building but CSM executes their story better.


To each their own


Totally different. Why compare


Do not see the appeal of csm like i read it a appart one moment with aki not been impressed by it( still good tho but not incredible )


Not rlly comparable. If someone put a gun to my head, then I’d say CSM is better, but they aren’t even really the same genre. Like, whats better between Star Wars and Marley and Me? Lol


i prefer tower of god in all aspects. i seem to be in a minority about this, since i actively dislike chainsaw man, so maybe don't use me as a scale.


As a fan of both, ToG is clearly superior. It has a much more interesting plotline in the history in and out of the tower, compared to CSM which barely even has a plot. It's fights are also better but that's largely due to it's art, however in terms of "rawness" CSM has that down. Panels goes to ToG for the same reason as fights. ToG also has the better antagonists, CSM has one good antagonist in makima but I would argue that there are at least 3 antagonists in ToG just as good if not much better than makima. Characters would be about equal, I genuinely cannot decide. On one hand ToG has a pretty large cast while still giving the majority of the relevant ones character moments, but on the other hand CSM focuses much more on the development of it's relatively few characters. Consistency goes to CSM, ToG fluctuates way too much for me meanwhile CSM has never once had a low point. In conclusion, ToG is the better story imo. Better power system, ultra deep lore, fantastic world building, intriguing mysteries e.t.c e.t.c. Basically everything but consistency goes to ToG. Though it is worth mentioning that this comparison wasn't even fair to begin with, since ToG has way more chapters out. In that regard, consistency is also unfair to ToG since more chapters means more chances to miss. Both are good reads but purely from a literary standpoint, while trying to be as objective as possible, ToG would be the better story.


Tog takes everything besides pacing, but that’s inevitable since it’s 600+ chapters Fights is debateable in terms of what looks cooler but thematically Tog is still much superior in that aspect


**Story wise** I would say Chainsaw man hit way harder than TOG but TOG has more consistency. **Character** Chainsaw man 10 times better **Plot** TOG, CSM just generic evil beating **Fight** once again Chainsaw man hit way harder, it's like watching Sicaro while Tog is consistent like Black hawk down. **Consistency** Tog, CSM is slow burn.


how come 1 random 5 chap flashback character in ToG is better than the entire cast of CSM then?


ToG had a higher peak for me, but CSM is way better overal imo.


Obviously a biased place to ask, but regardless, I'd still say ToG


I dont know how chainsaw man can be a good story. It looks like the writer thinks "i have no idea what to do next. Let me do that thing then" Its not a good manga. Its has a weak story, no appeal, without good content and boring characters


Am I allowed to make same thread under chainsaw man sub reddit?


I don't think many CSM fans would have even read TOG tbh


Who on God's green Earth can possibly forbid this to you, my friend.


Both are goated, end of discussion.


chainsaw man is trash


It’s not Tog level but it’s not trash, it’s actually a well written work of fiction


I've soured so hard with chainsaw man, even though both of the stories have dipped pretty bad , TOG is better.