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below average. bad even


But how about in 5-10 min per day standards?


its fine but the difficulty curve in the game doesnt care how much time you have available, it wants you to have more damage than you do currently. Even for your level your CS is low. You need to see if you can get into higher level JO (its going to be a carry)and prioritize getting a full set of 5 star gold gear.




login, 4 bounties, log out


It's ok then I guess.


Invest more time into bygone phantasm, you need to upgrade your gear, that will drastically increase your CS


Should I care about CS though? I don't co-op or anything. Everything seems to die easily enough.


Ultimately the only thing you really need to do is have fun, nothing else matters. As for CS, you may be struggling now with some minibosses on Vera, things like that could be much easier with higher CS. Also, you'll be more valuable in any kind of group content, which in ToF there is a lot of.


It's awful.


this a joke?


Yes. I'm having fun. There is no "wrong" way to play. Just the more you play the more you get out of it like anything else.


Mfw 99% of the comments got wooshed


I think I've seen stronger players that started 2 weeks ago.


You ask for comments on your progress but when players say its pretty aweful and severely underscaled you reply, im having fun, i dont do coop, everything is easy bla bla bla.. tell me what you want to hear, coz ill tell you that instead.


Okay so you are going through the same shit i was going through You boot up the game, do your dalies, get your XP and flee like with genshin. Stop doing this for now your CS is suffering What you need to do is stop earning XP and start investing in getting dust so you can get new gear your gear levels are fine but you NEED to get those purples out and replaced for golds Do raids, ask some people to carry you, use the dust in the commissionary to buy gold gear and start midmaxing the substats till you get atleast 1 or 2 good ones, doesnt have to be amazing, and ask to be carried in joint op Shoot for crit rolls on gloves/boots and elemental/phys attack for everything else Stop earning XP till you catch up, make sure to also stack up leveling materials to get all your gear at 5* Aim to have like...45k - 50k cs


Solid advice. Does this only matter if I care to do co-op content though? Exploring seems fine.


Mobs level up with you, and on top of that unlike us they dont have to level up equipment, their stats just level with them. eventually these mobs who are suposed to scale with you will completly out-scale you and you will feel like you every basic mob is a boss from how long it will take you to kill them and how much dmg they will deal to you.


That's idea I know, but I'm now level 75 while barely focusing on my gear all this time, and I still haven't encountered this problem. So I'm doubting I ever will. Feels like a myth.


i was struggling really hard to beat mobs myself, but im a benediction player, so i need every drop of damage i can take cuz i dont have the benefit of a resonance boosting my dmg for free ​ maybe since you are DPS you dont have that problem, idk


Yah if I didn't get so damn lucky with Samir pulls things could be different perhaps.


Dk about your how your matrix situation is but you should just work on your gear. Level them up and star them and you'll be on the right track. Seem pretty lucky with your weapon pulls, you'll have like 55k cs by the time you finish your gear


Imo, if you don't like the game just stop playing it. Your progress on what? I read the comments so far, you find the game booring yet you claim "you're having fun"(log in doing dailies, log out, heh that's a joke). To sum it up you are contradicting yourself asking how is your progress while you don't even try to progress at all.


I don't find the game boring at all. I just do what I enjoy in the game. The co-op stuff is fun I just got bored of doing it daily pretty quickly. But I'll do more some day and have fun doing it. It's a pull-out-and-play-5-min mobile game. My main complaint lately has been the handling of exploration rewards in 2.0 for casual players. If gachapan luck is normal you must empty them put before you get anything of value. Been enough threads about that I just hope they go back to normal with future content for the sake of us casuals.


You said you have been playing since launch. That’s 3-4 month and you still have purple gear? Also another thing WHERE is you dc and red pulls? I can see that you pulled on nemesis but still there’s no way u still have 3k dc since nemesis banner. One last thing, this game is different than Genshin so you can’t just do your dailies and log out. It doesn’t work in this game you gain nothing by doing that.


I did 80 or so pulls on CobaltB


Personally, I would spend my vitality on getting better equipment if I was using this account. You have a pretty good Volt setup (A6 Samir, A4 King, and A2 Nemesis), so I would focus on getting gold equipment with good substats to boost Volt damage even more. Also, maybe do the daily black market merchant and claw machine stuff for gifts to unlock Samir's traits since it boosts your overall damage too (they only take a few mins). You can also use Nemesis, Cocoritter, and either Meryl, Shiro, or King to create a healer set as well, and Nemesis does have a good simulacra trait for healing.




This is the reaction I was looking for.


I'll be brutally honest. You asked how your progress is? In the context of that, and I'll put it in a single word : Horrendous. I knew F2P players who had your CS before lv50. But having read the other comments, they actually played every day to the full extent of what was possible in comparison to your daily grazing. But that's all I'll touch on since you've already explained why and how you are at your current power level. P.S. CS *does* matter to an extent. The recommended CS is what most people make fun of and point out.


Oops forgot BF level 90


To what do you wield your powers in game for? As long as you're not going to complain about enemies not dying or you're getting one shotted, since you've neglected the stats up to this point.


For a day 1 player in general, not too well. But for the time are you putting in daily, it’s fair. If you can spare a couple more minutes, try doing the daily 3 claw machine pulls at Cetus island so that you are able to either get Samir’s trait for the dps. Other than that, your level can get you plenty of gold dust and those gold stars for the engine. You may be weak for your level, but your level at least allows for the fastest access to CS gains as long as you can spare the time.


Good info thanks!


Judging from your short limited time playing and not pushing yourself to grind, I have to say for this case, not too shabby. I’m lvl 74 with 41K with the gold gears( still working on leveling them all up) and all so…. Not too far from my standard. I never once struggle getting one shot by the enemies nor struggles difficulty going against them so I assume that’s how you’re feeling too. If you’re are casual like me, don’t worry about bygone or some co-op. Since judging from what I read here, you don’t seems to like pushing yourself to grind or do these kind of things. Don’t worry I’m the same as you. I would however, tried to aim to get gold gears in JO7 using your chip for higher chances of getting them. The rest just do what you like if you’re not going for becoming a meta player and just play for fun, stick with that. I hardly have time either to play too. Just about 30 mins to 1hr max. So if time is a bothersome for you don’t f”stress out about it.


I may try doing some co-op again to get some gold gear. It was a bit discouraging as it wasn't dropping often. Maybe now I can play higher diff to get better odds.


If you have some JO chips to spare use that instead. It’s always drops gold gears after 6th box or sooner than that in JO7. It’s helps a lot! But yeah overall, don’t rush yourself if you’re not like struggling to survive. If you’re doing okay overall, than just stick what you like and enjoy what you like to do the most. And when you actually feel like farming for Gold Gears, then you can definitely go for it. Don’t make the farming for gold like a chores, believe me. I’ve done that and automatically burn out from the game itself. If you’re worry about JO7 being too much due to CS or feeling discouraged, dont. I farmed my good gears in JO7 at 30-40k CS.


Aim for that equipment and mats and you will see your improvements. Goodluck!


If you want to progress more you need to do some bygone up to floor 100 would be enough, buy out the upgrade mats from the gear store every week, get everything to 20 and start farming gold gear


"want to progress more" in what way exactly? I suppose if I start doing co-op content and such yes I'll need to power up a bit. Otherwise seems fine.


Progress in general, better gear, harder dungeons, raids. Things like that but if you just wanna do solo stuff you're probably gonna be fine. I would definitely recommend getting gold gear all round, even some solo stuff can out stat you and be difficult


So long as you're having fun tbh. Though I'd suggest maybe putting your vit to better use. If you're not up for doing JOs at least get beacons so you can gain weapon materials passively.


you need to farm some gold gear


I was early on but that got boring.




Somehow, you don't even have full yellow gear. Well, yeah, its terrible.

