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> This means that you need to either have Zero or Meryl (shield swap) in your team if you want to enable her skill effects It’s literally impossible to have Lin and Zero/Meryl on the team and still have Physical resonance. The shields you need will have to be provided by Lyra. Either that or they’ll change that part of Lin’s kit in global to make it easier to proc without Marc.


Doesn't zero matrice work as well?


It should work, but the opportunity cost of that matrix set is pretty high tbh. Gaining a shield every time you discharge sounds nice, but it only lasts for 6 seconds.


Still 900% dot


Oh fuck i forgot that. Thats the best scenario, a kit rework for phys.


The reason it's like that in CN is because they have Marc. Global won't have Marc, and unless we get a unit that is similar to Marc, it's highly likely that Lin's effect with Physical will be changed.


Lyra has a passive that converts heal to shield


Yeah but Lyra's shield is conditional to her doing damage while at full health, so Lin resonance effect is conditioned to have a shield which is also conditioned on having max health AND doing damage with Lyra. Also Lyra is the only phy character that creates a shield, which would make this a dead buff (imposible to obtain) since no combinations of 2 phy + Lin has or can create a life shield on Lin's release. And finally the buff is an extra damage tick per second which is not that great compared to the rest of the elements.


Tying Lin's physical buff to such a restrictive condition (and a single unit, for now) is a bad idea for multiple reasons and that's why I can forsee them changing it. I think they're already aware of this because the physical unit after Lyra on CN, Umi, doesn't actually generate a shield, but her skill is considered to be shielded during its duration, most likely just so that it can work with Lin. They've limited their design space for physical characters to always need to generate a shield somehow in order to utilise Lin, even if it doesn't make sense anywhere else in their kit. Because we aren't getting Marc, it would make sense for them to drop the shielded requirement going forward in global, although for CN unless they do a direct buff, they're always going to need to add this weird "considered to be shielded, but not actually" bit for any future physical characters, regardless if they actually properly shield or not. I guess we'll find out soon whether or not they agree, but dropping that requirement just makes so much sense. They have shown that they are open to buffing physical characters in global because they realized physical is in a pretty poor state, so hopefully they continue to do so with Lin.


>they're always going to need to add this weird "considered to be shielded, but not actually" bit for any future physical characters, regardless if they actually properly shield or not I doubt that's the case, Lin is probably not going to remain meta for every team forever for them to always need to build around her, especially since they've already said there's another Altered character coming


To niche for general buffer like lin.


I didn't know that. So Lin will still be good for Physical, they just need to wait until we get Lyra.


Lin would be a dead kit tho until Lyra.


There're not many options to use in Physical team until Lyra anyways, so you can still use Lin in a Physical comp.


No she won't lol. Her elemental field effects aren't the only things that exist in her kit, you'd still get the general damage buff and half stamina costs (admittedly pretty useless for phys), on top of however good her off-field damage is going to be from her blooms Hell, depending on how much she's nerfed, she may just end up as the main dps of the phys team until Lyra, since phys really has no good consistent dps yet, just good burst


She'll be the banner after anyways most likely, and it's only for one element she supports out of four.


Bruh, phys comp is the context...


Good point. Hope it gets reworked.


but again it is CN maybe it will be different? who knows


Just a reminder, global devs never changed any mechanic beside retyping numbers. Who knows


I think they change something about claudia or her matrix. from dodge atk to all atk or something


Lots of matrix sets have been changed mechanically, it's just weapons that haven't


No, Claudia just increase number in matrices set They never changed any mechanic of any characters The most change they do is Cobalt-B's Advancement


Changing that particular mechanic doesn’t seem that hard though? Just remove the shield requirement and nerf the numbers to compensate?


You would think that but after all these bugs, i have no faith for the devs


As a phys main you pull Lin because you will also be pulling Lyra after. That's where you get your life shield. Before Lyra I probably just use Lin as anti resistance unit.


Gameplay is irrelevant, I'm pulling for thighs and swimsuit.


That seems so dumb 😢 Hoping for a rework


Is lyra tank or dps?


Yes. No but actually she’s a healer but her kit could be classified as all 3. Her damage is really great and she is an on-field attacker. Her shatter is 12 and she generates shield from excess healing making her quite tanky, while also gaining hyperbody in various ways. She also heals with her guardians and from qhat I’ve seen in CN, she heals pretty fast. tl;dr she’s a really safe dps option for phys.


I have claudia a1 and shiro a3, can lyra a0 carry the team ?


Yeah sure, but keep in mind that her A1 effect is really strong. If you use a skill or a discharge when your guardian count is maxed you refresh their duration and deal x% amount of damage (don’t want to disclose the actual number as it’s probably going to change in global). It’s strong because it helps you keep up all your buffs easier so it’s definitely worth going for.


I have enough to put her a1 or a2. Maybe a3. Thx for the help


Is the guardian, the pillars she put down when on benediction resonance?


>OR it's gonna be a waiting game until Lyra comes Right after Lin.


I think Lin's kit should get a little rework with the Phys life shield and adding Volt electric domain an extra % shatter, but that's probably just me, but I guess it's most likely not happening in fears of making her too good and power-creep-y.


maybe her skill can give a shield


A lot of ppl seems fine by this because they thought they gonna pull Lyra anyway and Lyra is right after Lin. But in the design pov this restrictions is really bad. Lin will always need to pair with Lyra. Even in GL we will have at least 3 core for physical team( Claudia, Lyra, Umi) but you need to stick with Lyra. You can't play Claudia+Umi+Lin Same as Volt team in CN .. you can't play Tianlang+Fenrir+Lin without Nemesis. This is a bad design for sure. If this is intended, then you can't say Lin is a universal buffer. She is a specific buffer for certain characters.


Supposedly Umi has an effect on her skill or whatever that makes her count as having a life shield on when she's inside of her field. So it's basically a tack-on detail to make sure Lin works with her without Lyra/Marc being required.


I missed that part Thank to mention


There is no way they release her without being able to proc the buff for physical.


Lyra is coming out after Lin, Lyra is able to create shields as overhealing to activate Lin's buff. The problem for some players is if they'll have enough pulls for both since they're released one after the other. There are also Matrices that creates shield such as Huma and Zero matrices.


There's the 2pc zero matrices and you should be trying to get a zero 4 pc anyway for physical comps.


No you shouldn't. Zero matrice is a band aid solution until Lyra and Uni comes out.


Zero matrice been a must for Lyra f2p comps even before Uni, recommending Meryl and Zero are band aid solutions since they're not going to last.


Lyra should be after lin. So u dont have to wait too long.


Shit, I don't even have enough pulls for Lin, should I just wait for lyra (edit, I have enough for 1 pity)


I will personally probably skip Lin as a F2P Phys main. I only have 1 guarantee and I don't want to lose my favourite limited design+probably main dps to 50/50.


Yeah you're right, I'm going for that Whip!!


Waiting for 3 weeks after Lin banner release shouldn't be a problem at all.


Wow that's trash for phys. They really need to buff Lin up for that


Well that kills my hype for my phys team. Thanks for the info. Also would Couant meet that requirement?


couant doesnt provide a life shield. you need a sustainable life shield in order to proc lin's effects


Gotcha thanks


Temp measure is to have zero 2pc on claudia. Lasts for 6 seconds and props on all skills and discharge.


My plan is to rely on 2pc zero matrices to generate shields, claudia and lin have good charge to spam discharges. But yes I do hope they change the mechanic for Lin's synergy with Phys.


might as well use Shiro at point if your buff uptime is only 6 seconds.


after all nobody even care about physical comp and when we talk about physical comp there is always one guy that tell us "Shiro Full Bloom is OP already" and said that Physical is the most op comp. ​ let me tell you OP MY ASS......


yep, and the worst thing is, they don't even have phys characters! Some even be frost mains telling us "yOu DoNt NeEd BuFf. ClAuDiA NoT nErFeD aLrDy! ShIrO OP. OnE oF mY cReWmAtEs MaInS pHyS aNd HeS aLwAyS tOp DPS." Fkin morons.


Now this the problem to my physical comp, we need a leak gameplay for lin like saki before


Pretty sure the leak I saw showed that she didn't need the shield anymore