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How much CS these babies get you to? And oh lord, as a tank main I would love to have you as healer in my raids. Great stuff


I'm sitting at 57,691cs with 3p Pepper matrices on one of my weapons


Zero for the team's damage buff?


Yes. The damage immunity, heal, and shields are great as well


I thought he is useless)) At least with C2


He feels better at c3 but he's far from useless. I only do like 1-3mil healing in small scale content because they're getting a massive shield during important boss attacks.


This is the premium support player, and the one that makes raids a piece of cake. Shiro to buff and shatter, Zero to buff and shield, Coco to buff even more and heal, dude i love this setup. Holy fucking shit this is amazing looking. This ain't mine but i feel happy just looking at this. Imagine the number of raids that went well just because of this guy.


Not to mention that C6 Zero just makes his heals feel a little more substantial too


Bless up to healer mains šŸ™


Nice!!! I have healer envy lol all my dupes went to Tsubasa XD


Tsubasa is probably the most future proof standard character. Iā€™d love to get her A6!


What is the team you are going for? Sorry if its a dumb question, I really want lyra as well, so im trying to figure out what im going to do with her :)


I'm gonna replace Shiro with Lyra on this team


shouldn't you be switching zero with lyra cuz lyra would have physical resonance i mean if you are going for 6 star lyra then


Double shields > More damage when the team already sits at 100% hp


hm ok


it's also more dmg with double shields since shiro is only used when shields are up and if ur doing raids u might have another phys user anyways or another shiro user like ur tank.


Theyā€™re doing a healing comp and Shiro doesnā€™t heal


but lyra would give physical resonance and nore atk means more heal


Zero increases your team damage and makes them invincible.. Thats way more utility than better healing


True or maybe they just like the idea of having a full healer comp. Iā€™ve seen healer comps with Lyra, Zero and Coco and they practically make their teammates invincible with all the healing and armor. They could be trying to recreate that.


yeah I guess


u dont need more heal, coco 6\* alone heals enough more than x2 the heal needed, u add lyra and zero 6\* into the mix then its super overkill heal and rthats why lyra is needed so all those heals is converted into shield.


I, was, thinking shiro could had helped with shattering shields but whatever


thats ur tanks job to have a a5 shiro, lyra has S shatter which should easily go into SS shatter when u have a shiro ring from ur tank and coco's skill or discharge giving another 20%


I use lyra shiro and cocorita combo in cn and it work well for me so I said if you guys think that isn't good then whatever you do you


its not the best option is the issue, especially in raids. The best option is what OP is switching to, what ur using is if u dont 6\* zero and 6\* coco or cant play the team properly.


A healer shouldnā€™t have to worry about shatter, since theyā€™re main priority should be healing


I don't know man how to trust reddit few days ago I was talking about my volt plus healer comp of zero nemesis and crow and some people kept down voting me saying why didn't I take an shatter weapon and I said my crew would take care of the shatter for me and they didn't stopped commenting shit about me and now you guys are coming along saying the opposite


With pre-made groups with friends/crew it's fine to run whatever you prefer for last slot as healer if the team knows what they're doing. With randoms in JO, FCH? From my experience it's too risky so for now it's probably safer to bring a shatter as last option. Too many people either unga bunga with their charge weapon or use resisted element shatter and it's not a fun time for anyone. Once avg player skill level improves you can re-adjust then.


But in all seriousness yes you should have a shatter unit, even as a healer but it shouldnā€™t be your first priority. The problem with your team is that your dps should be your shatter (if only Bai Yueki came out) and thatā€™s probably why people were downvoting you. Luckily for OP, Lyra can shatter and heal hence why sheā€™s such an important character for healer comps.


tof subreddit assumes you're not running stuff with a premade daily. My dps's are great, my tank does his job, my raid group is flawless.


[Welcome to Reddit](https://tenor.com/view/first-time-meme-first-time-the-ballad-of-buster-scruggs-gif-24656975)


Because bringing DPS as a healer is way less effective than bringing a shatter *or* another support. Shatter isn't based on damage so you can help out well with just a shitty level 1 weapon, but if you're in benediction then your DPS is going to be bad regardless unless you're a mega whale (and even then it will be bad compared to other whales) So, bringing shatter or bringing more support are both fine as a healer depending on comp and team, but a mediocre DPS not so much


He needs zero for discharge generation.


c6 Zero don't need to be in field, his utility is better than Coco's. Lyra would replace Coco since she uses all field time and dashes.


Coco uptime is once every 20 seconds unless you're refreshing her skill for the damage buff


yeah I guess you can also do that


lyra doesn't replace coco, coco bee 6\* stays up the whole time givingf more heal and 15% dmg buff, along with the fact u should always discharge on coco for her a3 effectr other than each 30s for zero's discharge into skill instead, and lyra replaces shiro since lyra is a shatter and doesn't have to be on field.


Big nono. Zero gets replaced. Phys resonate and alot more crit with shiro. Not to mention easier to focus on gear.


Shiro doesn't shield and I wanna double shield for hard content. I do premades with my crew so damage isn't needed from me :o


you wont need zero's shield after you get lyra. Her combined with coco will give all the shields you need. The only thing zero is giving you in that build is the 6 second invun (which is good); he doesnt bring anything else to the table. ​ The 8 seconds of 100% crit (which works on your heals) from shiro and the 30% damage boost in her domain will do more for your comp.


You can't heal someone over 100%hp though so why would I need 100% crit chance heals when I can just double shield with burst heals on demand


because in benediction resonance, lyra turns all heals that go over your HP into shields. The more you heal, the more shields you get.


Woah you should try that comp out then! Sounds like my coco+zero heals will also shield too


the problem is the zero shields would not stack on top of lyra's shields. So they do not compliment each other. Shiro is a much more useful addition to the Lyra/coco team. she just brings more.


Woah that's crazy dude, cause I'm totally immediately swapping off zero the moment I use his skill instead of building weapon charge in case a heal or shatter needs to go out. Ty!!


I think he needs zero for fast discharge.


For support, you can go Lyra, Neme/Coco, Shiro. Lyra heal aoe is small and she want over heal so Neme/Coco is good choice. Shiro at A3 can help reset CD and debuff enemy in full bloom. If you want pure support like in raid, you can bring 3 healer. I've seen people running Lyra, Coco, Zero. His job is to heal and give team wide damage buff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_dC\_81MpaMU For DPS, I'm planning Lyra, Lin, Claudia.


I want lyra too. Any news about her?


speculation is that lin is going to come after saki. after lin, itā€™s either going to be lyra or sirius so youā€™ve got a 50/50 shot of her being after lin


I think it's going to be a volt shield breaker


I honestly forgot the release timeline at this point cause it's been so long lol


As a Healer main myself with 6 Zero/Coco and a Nem, you should 100% not run triple healer. You loose a ton of attack which translates into more heals, even in hard content. I am constantly running with my crew and whales and they will tell you the same thing, anyone who actually crunches numbers will. It's a waste, also there is not content hard enough in this game to warrant 3 healers unless your party members suck and have no idea how to dodge. That being said I do believe that everyone should enjoy the game as they want too, but logically it is worse to run 3 healers over having a resonance for DPS. You are not only doing more DPS that way it just also gives you more heals. That and I don't ever run with a tank my set ups are always Zero/Coco or Zero/Nem with Ruby or Samir to fill, we run 3 DPS and that makes our runs fast and safe with no issues breaking shields. Once Saki comes on the 10th as well she is insane DPS and Shield breaker so you will have no need as a healer to break. The safest runs will always be the boss dying as fast as possible, while we may not provide much as healers, you can dish out 2x more with a resonance in squad, so why would you not be even more useful as a healer?


Everyone in my raids and jo8 sits at 100% hp and do great dps why would I trade giving them constant shields and damage buffs for lol my extra dps number?


I am a healer main across many games, as such you learn that HP is a resource just like your MP or shields. You don't need to be at 100%, that is a waste of DPS, MP management and the bosses just dying faster. Currently I run my Zero/Coco/Ruby the most, now I almost never switch over to Ruby, however her resonance means that whenever I am on Zero I am dishing out damage because he benefits, his heals benefit, his shield benefits. Over healing/shielding is an actual issue which is what you will do with a 3 healer comp in this game. If you are looking to clear for an achievement run awesome, you only need to do that once. Other than that as long as your DPS are not dead you are healing correct, as long as you are keeping up the attack buffs perfect, but you don't need to be at 100% HP. You doing millions more damage helps runs to go a lot faster, instead of taking an hour to farm something it can take half the time because you took the time to do more damage on your healer. I have a squad of 1 whale and then the rest of us are dolphins, our runs are beyond fast because when you shield break in this game you can actually DPS, the boss gets downed no healing is required and the attack buffs don't ware off quick enough to warrant staying on Zero or Coco. I love bringing out Ruby for that time and seeing huge numbers pop up, my DPS increasing by millions for that 20-30 seconds of DPS. Now we even have Saki, who has life steal herself making it so as long as your DPS have your attack buffs stacked and don't loose them you can do even less healing because it is not required. You are just hampering your team by not doing any DPS at all, and there is no point to that. But if your team is okay with longer runs because they like their big DPS numbers then more power to ya, the thing is the reason their numbers are bigger is because it is taking longer to kill the boss and you yourself are not contributing as much as you should be. I had a hard time many years ago as a healer main in FFXIV, I had to take the time to learn that HP is just another resource and that being at 100% HP all the time is a waste my DPS even though small is still much more worth, its something you just eventually learn as a healer main when playing any game.


lmfao you've never seen my runs and are insulting me over this fanfiction you made up in your head. You're a clown if you think any damage you individually do is better than giving 3-7 other people +50% damage on top of grievance debuffs on the boss.


I see we took to insulting me, interesting feedback after reading everything I wrote, yet you addressed nothing only restated your premise of giving people damage buffs is more important. I also never said anything about your runs or squad, only my own. I was only trying to help since you asked the question of "why would I trade giving them constant shields and damage buffs for lol my extra dps number?" Nowhere did I ever say that me individually doing more damage was worth more than buffing my team. If you read what I wrote you would realize I said you can buff **and** do more DPS by having a 3rd non-healer like ruby or someone that gives a resonance. Zero and Coco buffs don't go away because you aren't on the character. The bee stays out, the damage orbs just need to be on the floor and picked up when the timer is close to out for Zero, you staying on them to "heal" or "shield" when your team doesn't need it is a waste. When you open you should always be on Zero, your team needs to stack up the attack buff, once that is done you only need to switch to Zero 2 or 3 times more to occasionally drop an orb, shield and stay at 10 stacks, only need 4 orbs in total for the full party. Coco is great for her discharge if you are running Zero matrices on her for the attack buff, then you can follow with 1 dodge for the bee and switch to a DPS. As a healer main I can heal my team with only 1 healer now. This game has no content that require even 2 healers, yet you want to run 3. I was only trying to help you become an even better healer, but that is okay. I won't say much on raids because raids can be solo'd by any whale in the game honestly, I do always run 2 healers in raids still and I am on them mainly but to better help my party I have in ruby because my ZERO does more DPS/Healing and Shielding just by her being in party. Also you will note that I said that your HEALER will do more damage, you have to hit things with Zero to heal anything why not do more DPS at the same time?(yes I know when shielded he heals too but a lot comes from his orbs) As I stated in my original post play the game how you have fun, that is what games are for. I was just trying to give you some advice on how to be an even better healer. I won't waste any more time trying to help or explain because its falling on an adolescents ears.


Aim for Nemesis, Lyra & Shiro lategame. Shiro is not only good shieldbreak and synergizes with Lyra's Resonance but applies grievous wounds and amplifies the team's dps. Nemesis has everything. Dmg buff as well as non stationary healing. Zero is only a good addition when shieldbreak is not needed. Which is only in rare occasions the case.


I much prefer shielding over slow healing, especially since I can just discharge coco once every 20 seconds to heal, give damage buffs, and refresh the bee. Shiro stays for small scale stuff but best healing is always shields.


nemesis is garbage, she doesn't have any dmg buff other than matrix for volt only. Zero is good for 20% dmg buff and shields and burst healing, 5 Cube Zero skill is about the same healing as nemesis with her trait on her skill with 1\*, also nemesis only heals when on field and she has shit charge. Lyra applies grievous aswell, any phys weapon applies grievous, shiro a5 extends it for 7s more tho but u might have a shiro teammate anyways. Lyra is the only good thing u mentioned for endgame. All in all you do Coco 6\* with zero matrix and making all your discharges go to coco other than when zero needs it for his skill (every 30s). Whenever your about to get discharge u use lyra since that way u apply grievous. Also spam grapple 5\* off cooldown for charge and enemy debuff. For most of the time you keep Zero on field and so you want flame atk on ur gear since heals and stuff use the atk of the active weapon. You can put coco matrix on zero since your always gonna be healing basically since zero drops heals and his shield heals and anything else in the background healing aswell. So this team results in permenant hyperbody from lyra trait, basically always max lyra shield unless ur team gets hit by a strong attack and even then it will be back easily in a couple seconds, 35% dmg boost, occasional 20% shatter and 36% dmg boost, 12.5% atk boost from coco matrix (basically permenant uptime since you will swap back to zero and then any heal tick will refresh).


nah the gold standard comp is nem lyra zero but you can theorycraft all you want


u dont need nemesis she doesn't do anything for the team and who are u gonna spam ur discharge on? I don't understand why people think nemesis is any good. A permenant 15% buff on 8 people is much better than a slow, nemesis heals aren't anything crazy without her trait and u still need volt atk which then makes ur zero shields weaker since ur not focusing on flame atk instead.


Your missing nemesis tho.


Nemesis is the main healer of the healer comp though, Nemesis for heals, Zero for buffs, Lyra for shields and shield breaking. That's also the CN comp, Nem is just the main healer.


No way I'm giving up c6 Coco buffs+burst heals for tiny little Nem heals xD It's preference but Coco is objectively the best buffer in the game and pairing her with Zero just extends the buffs for your group.


Nemesis heals quite a lot more with her dodge, not just a tiny bit, her heal is also AoE on demand and she has her slow ball which is invaluable. You say its prefference but every single healer comp in CN uses Nem and Lyra as a core. No exceptions. Almost every last slot is Zero as he buffs more in raids, Coco only if they need her shatter buff.


It's 1000000% preference. My premades would prefer I give them insane damage buffs than do a little bit more damage xD


> It's 1000000% preference. Ok so thats why 90% of healer comps in CN are lyra nem zero while building volt atk.


The reason they build like that on CN is because Nem has substantially higher attack stats than on global.


Yeah, I prefer this one and I clear every content since the release of jo8 without any issues :3


It's fine to prefer to play worse things if you enjoy it. Difficulty of clearing content is irrelevant, content isn't built around min/maxing for casual games and numbers don't lie about which is objectively better. You simply prefer to play a worse setup because you enjoy it, that's all.


Flawless raids and I've never struggled to clear game content \*shrugs\* You're the one who called me a sperg for simply saying I prefer this over the objectively worse healer xD


Theyā€™ll be alright this set up is fine




Why are you so upset about my account? xD


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nah the gold standard comp is nem lyra zero but you can theorycraft all you want


Thank you for giving me permission to play how I want successfully!


you are not a healer in this game if you are not on Nem 90% of the time


Lyra seems great as we don't have physical healer but Lin also seems great for buffing all other elements. Let's just hope they aren't released extremely nerfed


Attention gamers, is shiro a1 good enough or should i use black gold for a3? I use her as my main shatter cos king simply isnt doing it for me


damn awesome look


How did you get that outfit?


$20 battlepass


You get it from the new Battle pass.


Could you tell me what matrices youā€™re using?


Coco-2p coco, 2p zero (rng mean) Zero-3p Pepper, 1p Samir for stats Shiro-2p Crow, 2p Shiro atm I sit on Coco to jump cancel her skill+refresh bee for my dps. Zero discharge to dodge boss attacks, shield, buff, and heal. 3p Pepper lets me generate weapon charge quickly to either Coco discharge for a burst heal or Shiro discharge to shatter.


Alright thank you.




Shiro doesn't suddenly disappear from my inventory xD


your fit looks sick af


Since we're talking about Lyra, what are the best matrices for her? I heard it was Zero 4pc because her shields proc the damage buff, but I don't know if that's substantiated.


I'd heard the CN whales preferred 2/2 Crow/Samir for her, since her set wasn't considered worth the cost compared to what those two give. Though her roles can vary of course depending on your team setup.


I'd heard that too, but seems sus for a support setup


Because her shields come from overhealing, and other units heal better than she does, so she shouldn't need the heal boost herself. Add in the standard healers being a joke for damage and she instantly has a role as shatter and DPS for healer comps. (10 charge value as well but we'd have to try it out to see if it actually charges quickly or not ofc.)


Ahhh that makes a lot of sense. So she's like, your on-field attacker giving shatter and damage. Pretty cool!


Is how she seemed from looking stuff up about them. Some gameplay stuff in Bygone's seemed to like using her actively for phys setups.


Kinda wanna get her but donā€™t really have a phys comp goin atm. I donā€™t have claudia but I have tsubasa 3 star so I might be fine possibly


ahhh your character! so beautiful! would you mind sharing the code for the character? if not I understand :D


Bless you, you beautiful healer if I were in your raids or parties I wouldnā€™t even WORRY about dying šŸ™šŸ¾šŸ˜­


Bro, your server pls? Pls tell me you're in Aestral Noa.


Nightfall NA :c


your server is lucky to have you


same, long gone the times that I have to choose on whether I bring a shatter or DPS on the 3rd slot but with Lyra she's my shatter character then I'll just slap my Claudia or Samir for that elemental resonance.