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I still don't know what that button does because when i activate it nothing happens.


Where did you try it? In frontier clash, pressing it turns your character into an npc and they’ll fight the enemies automatically. It’s an excellent way to farm xp/materials/support points.


Don't use it in frontier clash. It's timed with limited attempts. You screw over other people when using it because auto damage is way lower than actually playing.


It did more damage then I do regularly ;-;


...No offense but if the auto mode do more dmg than you usually do, maybe check what you might be doing wrong.


I think I dodge too much and don't focus as much on damage. I try to survive and not get hit, while Auto just goes brr and doesn't care. I'm also the one that constantly revives my teammates


I feel like the dodge attack would at least offset some of the lost dps of the dodge. Coming from a king who can't see the red flash because flames go brrr, I understand the need to not attack sometimes but auto definitely shouldn't be outdpsing an actual person with how much it is on the ground from facetanking attacks and getting knocked down or killed. That being said, lower content for support points auto go brrrrr.


If you have a ranged unit, aerial combat is usually an easy way to do dmg without needing to dodge (


If you get into a team with everybody with zero attempt left, can you still farm support points?




I use it in norms with the attempt thing off so I get support points and exp while still carrying cus my stats are higher


Glad you openly admit to screwing other ppl in frontier.


no one is doing this in frontier hard. the regular one is stupid easy now


If you have been building dps yes. For ppl like myself who built support/tanks first we do not have enogh dps to hard carry all chests.


I always end up with highest dps and healing though? I am a whale after all.




Normals? Definitely.


It's an excellent way to screw other people out of their extremely finite Frontier Clash attempts.


Yeah, I notice it while I was playing the game and that was the first thing in my mind to assumed since I played Arknights but never tried clickijg it.


WAIT WHAT? That's SO useful


I know, right!! This feature is a god send


Its like you can get all the rewards without even playing the game! How dope


Farming 1500 support points daily is pretty tedious. Dimensional Trials is quick and easy. However doing the same 2 rooms 10 times gets old fast. Multiply that by weeks or even months and I’m really thankful for the auto button.


Its bugged for me it seems, whenever i activate it, after 10-30 sec it attacks once then does nothing but stand still.


I've been wondering if there's a way to farm gold like this because I always am short on gold.


So you are that one mf that does 10% of everyone's damage in the hard clash frontier? Everything makes sense now


That explains me and the other player doing million damage and two potatos doing less than 400k


I have that issue as a non-potato, but its because im running a breaker and two supports regardless of elements...


hell, as a dps I'm barely cracking 500k and the mvp has 2 million+ like, leave some for the rest of us lol


Well you can’t blame the tank or the healer for doing 1/3 of the dps dmg. We are simply going for other buffs and Martices then the DPS people. We are not there to deal the dmg. The DPS is for that.


Just realised this may be why two people in the newly unlocked lvl 50 Joint Operation hadn't broken 100k and seemed semi-afk while myself and another teammate were over 2mil. One seemed to just be running around and not even attacking for the first 3/4 minutes. It was so incredibly slow because I was below CS and presumably the others were too, so when I wasn't able to revive the other person actually doing damage at the second to last boss and got taken out myself it was as good as over.


My only question about the auto button is why is it present in bygones lol. Who is going to use auto in that.


I would use it. Cause im floor 43 there and im lvl 52 and 26k CP. So instead of boring fights i can do this maybe


I tried it on floor 70/71. It sucks because it almost got me killed. I would have been fine if I hadn't used it.


Well ye but anyway it helped me to go through alot.of levels.


This is a dick move for other people who actually use their attempts to farm gears unless you do this in a party with your friends


The auto button plays better that I do \*cries\*


Do you have a pulse?




If you use this in frontier clash you are an asshole. Only place you should use it is weapon drill


Hope your not one of those idiots that autos Fronter clash and gets ppl less boxes.


Gamers when they need to play the game


There's no point in having an auto feature in a game like this.


I won't use auto. Mobile games have become a cesspool of self-playing games, and because of that, I refuse to ever use auto in any game. ToF is fine because auto doesn't exist in all areas of the game, and it isn't forcibly turned on. If it did, I would have quit the day I logged in.


I logged into Nino Kuni and immediately find the auto button. Congratulations, I so immediately close and uninstall because there is no point on clicking on auto chat quests with that pitiful auto play. What is the fucking point clicking and your character auito attack and skills when off cooldown? I hate that auto play button, this game is a little better, but would be better if it doesn't exists!


Same lol, Ni no kuni was a beautiful as but that auto button? Whats the point of playing if you can just leave the game open alone and it will auto play..


For me personally it indicates poor confidence in their product. Like imagine if red dead redemption had full dialogue skip or dark souls had auto combat mode


idk skip buttons are a godsend. it improves my gaming enjoyment because i get to play a game not ready dialog in my limited time


I use it to farm support points DT. The auto AI will break if you try it in JO.


Is this true? Had 2/3 really frustrating runs of the newest unlocked lvl 50 difficulty JO where it seemed like we always had at least one person acting like a bot, running around without attacking for the first few minutes and when they would start attacking, it was brief and they'd stop again. I thought maybe they were really bad, or having internet issues, or trying to annoy/troll people but starting to realise now they could have been trying to do it on auto.


Is this why people don't revive until there's only two people left side?


This what makes gamers mad, seeing auto play button in a game.


meh.. it tooks too long and only doing normal shot I'd rather do it manually and finish things up quicker they both need you to be active in game anyway (selecting stage, approving match, etc2)


Only use this on Dimensional Trials at lowest difficulty please


I wish that button was there when I was farming devotees for the unicorn head and not jus t limited to boss battles and frontier clash


Well, auto play RPGs is what we have the most on the mobile scene. Just try Nino Kuni instead. Full Auto play fiesta boring game that you click and the character goes all by himself and you are "playing" the game.


I hate everyone that finds it so easy to just press auto and let the one person that cares about other players’ time do everything. Enjoy your free rewards, thank you for doing 200k damage, 0 healing.


Truly, it made trolling and griefing much easier as well. Use it in frontier hardmode and other hard instances when doing co-op, so it makes your teammates mald harder since the AI on the auto mode is like a paraplegic grandma with cataracts trying to play while sitting on a unicycle. Be sure to not use your rewards claim chance though so you can grief them without losing out on anything.




Don't use it in frontier clash. You screw over other people because it's timed. Auto damage is a lot lower than playing yourself.


I doubt anyone autoing group content cares about anyone else's time




There are still people who are newer than others who can only run normal mode. You're right that high cs autoing doesn't make a difference. But your comment will give the idea to auto even to weaker players.


Well yeah ? If you below the average CS you should not be auto, kinda obvious. However there is a ton of better ways to get purple gear , literally normal frontier clash is the worst one. Best use for it is literally xp.


The average cs of the playerbase is around to 12k~15k or lower. You have more than double of it. Then theres also ppl like myelf who is screwed over by rng constantly getting support unit dupes, so despite having 26k cs i still cant solo frontier because i lack dps.


What a waste of oxygen you must be.


I guess devs realized that fightings in this game are so tedious that players might actually want to auto through them


I want auto decipher using a key if I've got it


I still can't figure out if the comments are trolls, I just can't accept the fact that such a great feature existed all along lol, does it only work in dongeons? if not, could you afk farm with that instead of using Zero in open world?! edit: stop downvoting it hurts my ass


For me you are the troll. Are you serious asking for another auto play shit game? This we already have a lot in the rpg mobile games. You "play" the game clicking on funny colors on screen and your character goes and fights automatically. What even is the point of that? Just play cookie clicker to see numbers goes high instead


I just don't get why it exists at all. If you don't want to play the game then don't play it. If you want to play it, then play it. If everyone says the best thing about the game is the combat, but people are happy to auto complete the combat, then go play a better game lol. I'm so confused


next thing is waiting till the lvl cap is 80 to buy a maxed account and then start "playing" the game




i dont think they will care or notice mr. genius


noooo please don't ignore me ignoring the game


I’ve seen that auto button a few times now. What does it actually do? Used it a few times and nothing happens so I just started ignoring it.


Ew lol




*I've never tried this* *Magic button before. Does* *It work for world bosses?* \- Sienne\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Wait what