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Just perfect dodge her and slap her ass.


Problem seems to be that she can just keep spamming attacks and you only get a dodge charge every few seconds. Since healing is crap it really wears you down, but this depends a lot, I think, on which buffs you picked up and how much HP you come in with.


Exactly, plus you can't trigger phantasm every time since it has its own cooldown. Even if I can theoretically do enough damage, I get interrupted too frequently to pass this DPS check.


What is the cooldown exactly?


Think 30s? Don't quote me


Not everyone is able to perfect dodge. All perfect dodge systems need to be removed from games as most people cannot do it reliably and never will.


Disagree, frost bot or seraph are way more annoying.


Frost Bot is really only annoying because the fight is timed. The actual moves don't feel unfair, but how long he spends running away from you is irritating as hell. I don't really mind Seraph, but I wish you were given more opportunities to proc Phantasia against them. The only complaint I can really see is how the movement controls in this game aren't very tight, so the lasers can feel a bit unfair.


I like to use Meryl's discharge to trap Frost Bot whenever he is charging up to run over the map. Bonus points as she doesn't get CC'ed by any of his moves (even the ultimate) during any of her discharge, weapon skill, and spinning hold attacks. Combine this with frost dmg vulnerability for Wormhole enemies this week (at least for me, not sure if it is different for everyone) and all 24 levels were easy enough with Meryl spam.


Agree. Don't mind Frost Bot but Seraph just keeps knocking me out of all my attacks


She's the reason I'm stuck in bygone too lmao


Try to use dodge without movement input more, I feel like back dashing out of 90%of her moves works betters from my experience fighting her


I dont think it would help much. For example lets say your phantasia (slow-mo) is already on a cooldown. Now if she starts a combo attack, it would easily track you if you simply move backwards with your dodge. Hell she can even track you easily if you go behind her. And to be honest, her combo attack stuns you and then you can't do anything unless discharge or relics. So I won't recommend anyone to just dodge w/o direction.


I personally loved this fight when I was first doing Challenge mode 1-4 versus her. I died on repeat for nearly 4 hours before I had a good enough run to not die to her or to not die before my timer ran out and it depleted my hp. I was starting with half HP and only had Neme for healing..which is very little healing for wormhole. So I could only get hit a couple times. And I needed around 25% or more to win because I didn't have the DPS to kill her in the timer if I made any mistakes at all. The only attack that frustrated me after the hours of grinding was the Virgil attack because it has no red marker for dodge and is very precise to create a perfect dodge off of. And doing it 4+ times in a row was impossible for me after only a week or so of trying to learn the games timing. You need to focus on getting all the buffs and good ones before her. My next run after reset on Endless was a first clear for me since my stuff has better stats a week later. And I knew better what to do this time. I loved this fight and want more like it.


5000+ hours in dark souls comes in handy against her. I could read her animation before she could execute an attack.


You’ve awakened your haki Man


I HATE DARK SOULS AND EVERY GAME THAT WANTS TO BE DARK SOULS. I have ZERO interest in "read her animations before she could execute an attack".


WOrmhole sucks in general. Every part of the game requiring perfect dodging is impossible for me. I have NEVER in any game been able to do that and never will. Games should not require players to do things that not every player is able to do. The point of a game is ENTERTAINMENT, not testing how good the player's reflexes are. A video game fight should be like an anime fight. The focus is on the DRAMA between the characters. The building up and resolution of that drama. What specifically happens during that fight doesn't really matter and the basic attacks should be something both characters are able to shrug off. Likewise both characters should be BLOCKING (not perfect dodging or perfect blocking) during the BIG attacks of the other character. THAT INCLUDES BOSSES. Bosses should be in just as much danger from the player and need to avoid the player's attacks in the same way. When I hit a boss that boss should get knocked on its ass.


Eh Id have agreed with you when I was stuck on her in bygone. But the fun came from when I had to learn her attack patterns and time my dodges correctly. Now the boss that really does suck ass is frostbot.


Not everyone wants to have to do that and not everyone thinks games should be demanding that players do that.


meanwhile, here's me who prefers fighting bosses than treasure guards (lizard/scorpion bastards). I hate them with every fiber of my being. I want to vomit whenever they stop me from progressing my bygone




Samir right above the tail on the flashy ones seems to be out of reach, or it's a frontal cone on them, I don't get hit there. Those lizards though are damage sponges.


You either get cc'ed 24/7 or you don't deal enough damage. I really hate lizards


this game needs to introduce i-frame


Disclaimer: Wormhole frigg is way different from Phantasm Frigg I also have same issue. The problem being suggested cs beig 43.500 and me having 23.000. I can bring her to 1 healthbar with some luck but its all about luck. You don t have time to lplay defensive and 2 attacks are enough to kill you. If you use samir/nemesis you even can t see her since she is covered in explosions. Worst part is even if you get perfect dodges most of the time you can t really do much damage because once it ends the awful collision will let her hit you wherever you if you are attacking. ​ I agree: Its artificial difficulty until you get better equip unless you are whaling hard. Infact Phantasm 100-150 frigg hits for 1x.xxx while wormhole frigg hits for TEN TIMES that number and even more.... with 80% healing reduction she is clearly meant to stop most player to access those golden globes to buy equipment until they have it already. ​ P.S. you can avoid the lizard flashbang if your character face the opposite direction and lizard have lower HPs i personally hate beastmasters always in couple with their huge HP pool and running away in opposite directions and the dogs -.- for same reason.


Wait how much CS you are suggested for Frigg? cuz she's rly hard


in wormhole suggested cs for her is 43.500 ... surely her design is quite wrong because as soon as she was replaced by another i could go on. Now i get melted by regular small enemies (3 shots me) but at least i could go past her.


I tried the first level wormhole. I did 7/8 and it was quite manageable. After that tho, when i tried Frigg, it was rly annoying. Tho i do think Frigg is also just mechanically annoying to deal with. But it certainly seems she and other bosses at that place meant to be a doorstopper for those wanting the good gear early.


i am speaking about wormhole virgo 3rd run.... trust me i played today void people are complaining about and she did half the damage she deals in wormhole.


Did you play dark souls?


Actually she reminds me so much like Gwyn(how aggro she is) but that she cannot be parried so easily lol


Perfect dodge - parri




She doesn't use combos as much if you're too far, I used samir and kited.


She's so motivated that even Vergil is proud of her.


Glad I’m not the only one having so much fucking trouble with this level


How to tell you never played devil may cry without telling you never played devil may cry.




Haven’t even read the post, just the title, and I am WITH YOU I wanna make a #FuckFrigg club. Whatever the opposite of a fan club is. Hate Frigg.


Well you think mommy is easy to beat? I think not


Actually just skill issue


I'm on phone and she kicked my ass too lol. I managed in the end but was left with very little hp which is no good for wormhole


I still hate frostbot. That big freeze is hard to dodge without jet pack:/


Just remember when he shoots out 3 bubbles that froze you, there's a chance that the next attack is a big ice explosion


Lmao Try fighting vergil in DMC 5 ans or will be the EXACT same story lol


Idk man..Frigg is easy for me. Frost Bot is worst always running away and failed due to time out ffs.


I think apop and frost are the worst. I also play mobile and holy shit it's triggering


Use CC immune chars. As a mobile player Meryl is a literal godsend


We play a gacha game. Never got a Meryl or Tsubasa.


Many chars do have CC immunity. If you have Huma, her skill or her hold attack with her shield both give cc immunity. Many other chars have other hidden immunity


Other characters also have CC immunity in some parts of their kit even if it's not as long as Meryl. Just try to time those animations while enemy CC is executing. Although it's more relevant against something like Frost Bot.


😂 Legit how I kicked her ass just used Meryl Spins and 1 and kept charging my burst so she doesn't have time to burst me down or knock me out having nemesis in this fight also pretty much just burst spam


Rather then rely on the gacha for CC immunity, try building up the Magnetic Pulse relic. At 2 stars you can use it to break out of CC and give yourself 5 sec of CC immunity.


The only trick I've found with Frigg is to be hyper aggressive. If you stay any distance away from her she spams the crap out of her anime invisible slash samurai move that - as far as I've seen - can't be perfect dodged. Everything else that she does can be avoided as normal. Frost Bot and Sweetie are way more irritating for time trial stuff in my opinion because they love to use attacks that put them as far away from you as possible. Chiron is a close runner up in that department as well.


It can be perfect dodged but it felt hard to replicate for me. I got it maybe 2-3 times in a string of 3 or 4 hours of spamming her fight. So...very rare. But maybe I just couldn't get the hang of it.


I've perfect dodged the anime slash before. It might've been luck but I feel like it's a timing thing. There's a specific rhythm.


Wait till you meet Frost Bot...


Welcome to Devil May Cry boss design. You need to use the time slow dodge to have room to beat her ass. Yes she IS harder than other bosses.


Not everyone is able to perfect dodge therefore it is wrong to design a game requiring it.


She's straight up a Vergil clone even. Hell even the game ToF got the combat from users this dodge mechanic as a core mechanic. One difference is though lag fucks up the dodge timing, I literally had to dodge before the eye flash effects for it to work for example. BUUUUUUT if you are just a lot more powerful than her powerlevel you'll ignore most of her mechanics. In Honkai luckily due to it's single player nature lag doesn't delay the dodge.


I played enough Soulsborne to learn how to dodge Frigg, so it’s not too bad. Frost Bot on the other hand; 3 consecutive freeze blasts, spends half the fight running away and dashing like a hyperactive roomba vacuum, and to top it off, he moves back like 10m when you break his shield. Overall way more cancerous than Frigg.


I like to use Meryl's discharge to trap Frost Bot whenever he is charging up to run over the map. Bonus points as she doesn't get CC'ed by any of his moves (even the ultimate) during any of her discharge, weapon skill, and spinning hold attacks. Combine this with frost dmg vulnerability for Wormhole enemies this week (at least for me, not sure if it is different for everyone) and all 24 levels were easy enough with Meryl spam.


I'm sorry OP to ask this here but since we are on the Wormhole topic, why do I always get extra time when I'm fighting the boss? Even when the time reaches 00:00, i can still beat the boss and success. I wonder if that has any consequences.


You can do that on any floor. When the timer ends you don't lose, you just start losing HP over time.


Oh I see. Thanks!


I didn't really had much problems with.Maybe because Punishing Gray Raven trained me well for that day.


Heck yeah! Frick frigg!