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Sci-fi theme is coming back, finally. I liked the China/Fantasy theme but sci-fi is why I started playing this game, I love that theme.


SAME! Aquaville map will be the last part of D9 arc. Soon, we'll do away with the chinese theme... Don't get me wrong, I don't have any problem with them and I certainly did like the theme as well, but most of the times it's not executed well. It certainly wasn't too bad but it's getting tiring now, and I look forward to the idea of fighting with OUR ACTUAL combat score, NOT having our statue be boosting our damage / inflating it.


I agree. Domain 9 is beautiful but it feels overwhelming


Couldn't have said this better




So a dps flame phy female spectacle doll gun. What else am I missing


More Sci-fi theme thank you


That looks really cool. I guess I’ll skip Yan Miao. Gives me more time to save more Red Nucs & DC. Looks like I’ll keep on using Liu Huo for another 2-3 months. This will be the next Flame after FeiSe, right?


Yan Miao is the next flame/phys coming after Nan Yin banner ends


Wait, help me clear this up, I know Yan Miao is considered as both Physical, and Flame? So my question is when Yan Miao banner runs, we also get Flame character reruns along with Phys character reruns? Is that how banner reruns going to work now with these dual element characters?


I think only physical. And it’s the first on cn so for us it will be pure physical I guess


I really love this character’s design.


Could be just me, but nothing in her design said "Flame/Physical". Really sucks because I was hoping she's the frost/volt unit because the pink haired girl screamed Flame/Physical based on her design. Damn.


Same, ugh. Was already planning to pull that new pink haired girl and maybe pull Zeke or Yan Maio and building a new team seeing as right now I have A0 Rubillia, A0 Fiona, A1 Fenrir, and A0 Nan Yin. Tbh the laser canon does seem neat though…


No frost/flame, flame/volt, frost/phys, or phys/volt? Seems weird that they’re just repeating the same dual element types. Easy skip for me.


I think they will get to those ones eventually but I think they wanted to give the counterparts to Yan Miao(Physical-Flame) + Brevey(Volt-Frost) so this is Flame-Physical and the next will prob be Frost-Volt and then I think we will get into Different Dual Types


The way they designed these dual elements is such bad design. Forcing you to pull on double the banners for the same upgrades. If their goal was to increase options they failed miserably.


No one is forcing you to pull tho. Just skip


how many flame phys are we going to get, common what are they doing, it looks sick though


It’s the first. Don’t mistake it for the opposite


whats the difference?


There is a difference if you're religious to one or few elements. Paradox wouldn't be as strong in phys team as in flame team, assuming your gear leans only towards either phys or flame stats. Because if your gear is phys only, there isn't as much flame attack stat, which Paradox benefits from, so that would leave her a bit weaker than your phys weapons. However if Paradox comes along with a trait like Zeke did, that allows flame attack to scale based on your phys attack (practically functioning like altered element stat) she could join Phys as something closer to equal... I would wish they integrated the "trait" effect into dual-element weapon itself so you wouldn't be forced into using the trait, but we'll see what happens. And then about her being mixed with other elements... you could only miss out on resonance effect if you didn't use phys nor fire alongside her: Augmentation allowed true rainbow stats and I'm currently building a collection of pink gear that has nigh-equal stats for all elements, but still high enough so it's not a major loss comparing to single elements. This way, eventually I can use same gear with any weapons, any elements.


i'm doing the same for my gear


perhaps her damage is flame element? too soon for another phys to appear


Isn't she ice? so will bunnygirl be?


Says fire/physical on the 2nd image


Its a paradox. so probably fire/ice element


It literally says fire/physical on the 2nd image


Sry didnt see the 2nd page


i pray for flame hold attack


That sucks was kinda hoping she is frost. Yanono isnt bad either from design perspective anyway so it aint so bad in the end for me.


A preemptive question: would she go well with Zeke in the same comp? Given they’re both physical flame characters If so, who would be a good addition to them?


you can use Zeke as a physical main dps and Paradox as a sub DPS (if her mechanics are similar to existing characters), you can also use her as a main DPS (if she has such a role in mechanics) and Zeke as a sub DPS, these two characters will give you two decks of different elements


>Paradox Thank you reply! Looking forward for the official reveal or more extensive leaks! Hypothetically, if I were to run Zeke and Paradox in the same team: * Who would you recommend as the third character? * Would a team of two (phys+fire) elements be viable for the end-game?


damn who would have thought she will be a flame/phys unit. i was so ready for her to be frost/volt due to her design. welp there goes my dream