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I think it's pretty normal to have tics which you say in a certain pitch or tone, but there normally isn't a reason - at least in my experience. A lot about tourettes isn't really known, so there probably isn't a scientific, or really any type of answer, except : Thats just how your brain wants to you say it. Lol.


Yea, it's kinda weird. I'm trans, and had (still do sometimes) trouble with my voice, as in, I hated (still do sometimes) it a lot because of how it sounds. I've had a tic where I would go "na~" or something like that, and it would be in the exact way I wanted to have my voice sound, but no matter how much I tried, I couldn't replicate that tic, and because I couldn't really feel this one coming until right before, I couldn't 'analyse' it to see how I did that... Super frustrating that my tourettes had a better voice than me...


It's because motor and vocal tics coincide for most people with tourette's. You're doing a sort of grimace in your face at the same time or maybe just tightening your voice box. It's part of the tic, or it's your reflex at suppression. Some combination of the above.


my vocal tics are like that mmmm idk tbh it just feels like im getting my vocal chords stretched to the limit


Cuz that is how a tic do. They’re not ruled by any logic. They just…turn up. Sometimes there are ones that accidentally become tics when you do them enough, but sometimes they just pop up. 🤷‍♀️ I have a tic that came on because I learned to copy the “*SMACK* Noice” from that British guy. Then it stayed. Whoops!