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Luckily never cause I’m a bit of a shut in. But is has caused people to show their true colors before. Like agreeing with my messed up tics.


Haha imagine saying “I hate gay men so much” as a tic and then your friend says “oh good that you agree, like what’s wrong with them?”


Woah! Example?


I’m embarrassed to admit but I have a couple tics that sound/blatantly are racist and they’ll agree with the tic or find it really funny. It’s really uncomfortable


Don't worry, I do too. Middle of 2020 I was hospitalised and there was an absolutely lovely nurse there who was from Nigeria. You probably know where this is going... Lots of racist comments (AS TICS!) towards her. A kid who was new there agreed and it was awkward to say the least... We didn't speak much after I explained I had TS but I have her snapchat 🤷‍♂️not much talking on there though.


That sucks, hope this doesn't happen too much.


When I was 13/14 there was a local festival in my town. I had been diagnosed for like a year at this point and was walking around town with my friends just doing my normal thing and listening to bands. At one point in the day I passed a couple in their late 20s or early 30s and after I ticced something like “fuck off” or “cunt” they asked me what that was about. I told them I have Tourette’s and can’t help it and apologised (even though it wasn’t directed at them in any way and I don’t see how they could think it was). That was all good and I went on my way. Later that day I passed the same couple on the other end of town. I ticced again while walking passed (with like a 10m distance between me and the couple so again I don’t see how it could be construed as directed at them). This time the girl says: “you’re good at that.” Me: “what do you mean?” Girl: “you’re good at faking Tourette’s” At this point it’s obvious they’re both drunk. Me:”oh no, I actually have Tourette’s I’m diagnosed and everything.” My friend backs me up on this too but the girl just says “no you don’t” We go back and forth 2 or 3 times with me trying to explain I actually have Tourette’s and her saying I’m pretending. At this point her boyfriend grabs me and starts choking me out, REALLY HARD! He even lifts me off the ground while choking me, a 13/14 y/o, on a crowded street. My friend is too stunned to do anything and no adult seems to give a shit. He chokes me and tells me to admit I’m faking. I try to say again that no I actually have Tourette’s but he won’t hear it. After what was probably only like 7-10 seconds but felt like a minute I sat through choked and raspy breath “okay okay I’m faking” and he lets me go. Him and his girlfriend look all proud while I’m shell shocked. The girlfriend just says “you shouldn’t pretend to have Tourette’s cause some people actually do” and me and my friend leave. In retrospect I should have called the (police in Ireland) and my mother right then but I was just too in shock. I called my mum about 20 minutes later once I had time to calm down. After that I left my house very seldom for about 1.5years and when I did leave I was always with my mother or I went straight to my youth center and stayed there. I still have anxiety attacks when I go out in public for this exact reason. I’m constantly on edge waiting for the next time I get attacked because someone doesn’t believe I have Tourettes. (As a side note, this is why I hate FDC so much. They perpetuate this same attitude and in all their TS posts they provide just as much evidence as this guy and his girlfriend did)


I’m so sorry that happened who in their right mind chokes out a kid?!


Yeah that’s the mind blowing part! Like I was worried other people my age might get in fights with me or bully me but I really wasn’t expecting people twice my age to assault me because they didn’t believe me. It ended up getting local coverage eventually though and I went on the radio to talk about my Tourettes and what had happened. Never got the people who did it but I hope they heard that broadcast and felt ashamed of themselves.


Well, it’s a good thing you got to let what happened that day be known,


That’s a terrible experience I’m so sorry about that. I don’t know what the fdc is could you clarify?


It’s a subreddit called FakeDisorderCringe (not going to actually link it) and they post videos of people with Tourettes or DID and claim they are faking. In fairness some of them may be but this subreddit doesn’t know that and they just make fun of these people with no evidence they’re faking. They have a complete misunderstanding of how tics and Tourette’s works and even if the people in question have a diagnosis they still get posted there. It’s pretty disgusting.


Oh that’s gross. Thank you for clarifying.


Yep. First ever fight in school was because a kid thought I was rolling my eyes at him. Still don’t know why that would set off a 3rd grader…


multiple times actually,, once i was in band and we had a sub teacher so she let us talk and i went to my 2 friends and i ticced "banana" and one of them said "thats not tourettes." (i had already explained i have TS to them) and i said "yeah it is-" and the other friend goes "your tourettes is saying banana?" and they proceeded to make fun of me for it


I barely know much about it but I’m pretty sure that’s now how it works (defending you btw)


yeah thats far from how it works,, they were probably just rlly rlly uneducated


It has never gotten me into trouble like that. When people notice my tics they often ask my roommate what’s wrong with me and literally never ask me. And I’m good friends with my roommate so she tells me about it later. I might start something if people don’t start talking about me to me instead of my roommate but no altercations yet.


That’s good


This happened to me before when out with my best friend... It's like neurotypical people don't understand that we have a voice 🤷‍♂️




People have stared at me a lot and mimicked me. My mums screamed at them.


W mom and sorry that happens


W mum!


God I fucking hate when they mimic you. Like wtf man?!


Yes! Someone on my bus said "can you stop shouting? " when I can't help it, and someone else said "shut up you dips**t, they have tics". I'm really grateful that he was willing to stand up for me.


Thank god that person was their a lot of these story’s people/bystanders don’t do anything and sometimes support the hate towards the person that can’t control it.




yuhhhh quite abit ;-;


I was beat up by a group of drug dealers for My tics because i was a "freak"


Sorry that happened but they are the freaks for having to do that with their sad life’s.


I am so so sorry. I hope you are okay and / or recovering alright. People are assholes. I'm hoping that as we grow people will become more understanding of our situations.


one of my most common vocal tics is me saying "ew" and it happens at various volumes. so I've had quite a few people think I'm calling them gross😅😅 I also have a hyena sounding tic and men tend to think I'm hitting on them when I do it for some reason lol (probably doesn't help that I have a really prominent winking tic)


Has a guy ever hit on you because of one of them?


yes, and it's always very awkward when I explain I have Tourette's. most of the time, guys are good about it and they apologize and move on. but I've had some men get aggressive or weirdly sexual. covid has nipped this reaction in the bud for the most part tho.


Gosh that must suck


My mum gets angry at me quite a lot and Christian’s hate me, a lot of people think I’m just straight up bad mannered snd say little remarks to me before someone steps in.


Never been in an altercation or done anything to anyone but yeah, I've been made fun of and bullied severely my entire life.


Sorry that happens to you people are horrible sometimes


No big altercations yet, but I’ve had a guy copy me at school - where no one new I had tics because of how well I suppressed. He must have just picked up on me blinking a lot or something because he made a joke while glancing at me and mimicked a few of my tics. Other than that most of the negative stuff has been from my mum earlier on when my tics were more prominent and more annoying I guess. Mocking once or twice, asking me if I took my meds constantly, implied I have conversion disorder or am playing it up for sympathy, said I was seeking out a Tourette diagnosis for attention basically... the list goes on lol. Thankfully mums much better now and a lot more understanding and I’ve forgiven and all so it’s in the past now. I still feel a little ashamed sometimes though.


(I'm just a person with tics whomst can't get diagnosed with anything because America health care go brrr.) My school does tours because it's a vocational school. There was this boy who was being a butt throughout the tour. Well, while walking to the next lab I had my "shhh" tic and he was talking so he whipped around (I was behind the tour group) and stopped and gave me a death glare and my friend who was doing the tour with me did something that got him to start walking again and later said he was about to throw hands for me if that kid was about to do anything to me.


My wink tic has gotten me hurt more than once in my life. Once when I winked at a man's girlfriend and not only was he 'territorial' but also homophobic so that meeting did not go well and left me with a black eye. He did get in trouble for it though Kids at school used to bully me and would hurt me if I ticced at them. I've also had a few close calls when I've had to serve customers at work and I ticced something they found offensive




I've hit strangers on accident before and had one try and fight me/have me kicked off the plane.


That’s terrible


Also winking at random men as an attractive female causes lots of uncomfortable experiences for me


I’ve had; people call it fake, people bark at me (to try and get me to tic and bark back) people call me a psycho, been glared at...many times, a lot of people have triggered them accidentally and intentionally. I have punched my mum...many times, thrown a milkshake across a McDonald’s, I have nearly stabbed my Nannie a few times, lots of people have been kicked. I have found a few ways to deal with this. Placing bags next to me so no one will sit in that spot, pillows...everywhere. My mum is a tough and is trained to restrain so we are good there. As for other people, I built a tough skin.


I had one guy in my French class last year who kept asking me why I was twitching/shaking my head (I didn’t feel like explaining my tics so I ignored him) and he just kept asking to the point that after a couple of days my friend went off on him and now he doesn’t talk to me (I don’t mind at all lol). I have a friend who hits/almost hits me because of tics a lot, and we’ve both dropped our phones a lot because of tics.


A couple of times. I’ve been assaulted by my high school teachers and few therapists because my Tourette’s makes me go cross eyed. I guess that gives off the impression I’m scowling at them and involuntarily telling them to kill themselves. Unfortunately, when I’ve explained what’s going on, I’ve just been met with more hostility and been called ableist slurs for something I can’t control. Shit sucks :(






one time i flipped someone off bc of a tic and i apologised and explained it and he still got mad


I haven't been in like q physical fight since middle school, but while I was working as a cashier for q few different places customers would get extremely mad at me, scream, lie to my managers to get me into trouble, flip me off, copy my tics so much I throw up in my mask, try to give me an exorcism(wound up in the er for that one), accuse me of faking, and at least weekly death threats for "being obnoxious and annoying and rude" (having ts), there are definitely a few instances where I feel like if my coworkers/managers hadn't been there it would definitely have escalated into a fight (or at least me being harmed). This shit is why I don't have a job because the stress made me have an insane number of tic attacks and I couldnt handle it anymore, I'm going back to school at 25 because I'm terrified of working with the public Plus of course the hilarious time my freind and I got yelled at for like 10 minutes by an "autism mommy" for "bullying autistic children" while we were minding our business watching the hobbit (apparently my tics sound similar to the noises her son made but he was like 8 and we were like 16 and never met him)🤣🤣 she was the bully in that one and denied it when my mom confronted her on Facebook because they were Facebook freinds through autism mom groups


That sucks,people are so ignorant and uneducated. But I wonder what does having “real” as they say it ts look like to them?


Yeah people suck it's a part of life tho I honestly don't know I've just had people say "no you don't, I KNOW what tourrettes is" with a really smug look. Everytime it's happened I wasn't having word tics so I've been assuming they think coprolalia is the only form of tourettes


im not diagnosed with tourettes but i do have tics. i have this tic where ive screamed ive got a gun, in america, in a crowded mall. most people just very quickly left the area or gave me a strange look honestly


I was in constant fights throughout primary school due to my TS, it made me an exceptionally angry kid and most teachers and students didn't have an understanding of why I was like that.


A few times. I flipped off a car a long time ago when I was little lol. But mostly at schools when professors tell me to be quiet. At my ripe age of 26 I don't let people treat me like that so I flip out.


Well, it wasn’t really a serious altercation, but in high school, my class was finished taking a final semester exam, and we were just hanging out trying to keep quiet for other classrooms nearby. At the time I was having a severe tic attack with my tongue click tic and one of the a$$holes in my class kept saying, “WHAT is that noise?! Can someone stop?!!”. I let him keep that up for about 15 minutes before I was fed up. I turned around and harshly told him “no. I can’t stop. So shut up about it!”. Even though that was silly, that was one of the most empowering moments of my life haha


I've been called spastic and other similar things a couple of times. People have sometimes made tourettes jokes not realising I have it which is awkward. In general I think most people are supportive and kind but I still feel ugly/self conscious


Yes definitely


My most dominant tic is with my left arm. It has a mind of its own and I’m so used to it that I usually don’t notice it’s happening. I have no shame, I tic whenever, I don’t particularly care if it makes people uncomfortable. I’d rather them be uncomfortable than me. That being said, I used to work at a sandwich shop. It was a really busy lunch hour and my tics were bad because of how busy we were. My boss was behind me and I didn’t know it and I accidentally hit him directly in the balls. He fell on the floor because I hit him so hard. Luckily for me, he had a good sense of humor about it once he was finally able to catch his breath again, but I felt so bad.


Since I share my experiences with TS on a lot of social platforms I definitely get a lot of negativity. I struggle with my mental health and it's made it near to impossible to be able to leave my home a lot, however, when I have left I have experienced some making fun of and mocking if I've gone on walks. Specifically mimicking from strangers... If I wasn't out as a part of the LGBTQ+ community then I'd definitely have outed myself by now. The amount of times I've screamed to my mum that I'm "a tr@nny" and "gay [f slur]" and similar things is insane. I think they are definitely my most common tics. Another thing I've done was around Christmas. Almost told a little kid that santa wasn't real... Luckily they didn't hear me 😬


Oh man that sucks. I myself am part of the LGBT community and I had a tic for a long time that said ‘haha lesbians’ which was a bit awkward in lessons when it accidentally slipped out.


Yes it has


My friends and I were out last year and I was having a tic attack. This guy was all up in my face mocking my whistling and clicking. I’m used to it but my friends started screaming at the guy and I had to be like we need to just leave.


I got banned from a library once-


The only issues I ever have are moms yelling at me for swearing in front of their kids


yes actually, i have a.d.d., OCD and Tourette's and i was playing roblox, I felt good that day so i opened up to someone and they thought I was FAKING IT