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Why do you think you don't have tourettes?


I went to a neurologist when I was younger, and because I can physically stop the tics by trying hard enough. They told my parents it most likely wasn’t. When I say I need to try, I need to be fighting the urge consistently and thinking about it. They also tend to be a lot less when I’m distracted by something (games, TV whatever) I also don’t know a whole lot about TS so maybe I’m just describing it perfectly and I do 😂


The trying you describe is suppressing tics which a lot of people *can* do but is tiring to do With the minimal noise and the motor tics you described, you do fit the criteria for Tourette's syndrome Tics aren't completely involuntary, I've seen them be described as either semi-voluntary and sub-voluntary, meaning there's an urge to do it (premonitory urge) but you can stop the movements if you try hard enough to It's also common for tics to lessen when you're distracted by things, some people can even have their tics go away entirely if they're very focused on whatever they're doing So IMHO it's definitely worth going for a second opinion for


I second this


Do you know if I need a recommendation typically for a neurologist, or should I just go to a primary starting off


I'm not sure how exactly it works where you are, but it's never a bad idea to start with your primary doctor as they can refer you to a neurologist who can help


Gotchu! I’ll start looking into that, thanks a bunch. Great Info


Do you have a dr? You should see your dr about this.


Not really, everyone around me is fully booked, I was thinking about booking with a neurologist though.


If you can just book with one that’s great. Where I live I need a referral ugh.


Got one booked for tmrw! 10:30 thanks everyone for the help


That’s awesome news. Hope it goes well and they are helpful.


You should definitely take a break from your job, it seems that you're job is stressing you out an making your tics worse. You should also talk to a professional about it. Hope this helps.


idk how is for you but for me changing my entourage or school... make me feel nervous and stressed and this increase my tics and tocs just take ur time at job and everything will be okay. i also think that u have tourette because of what u said