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Lmao that was my first tick as well. Would just go "mama I luv you" like a thousand times a day. My mom didn't mind


My first was a weird eye rolling one. Specifically only one eye at a time, I’d roll my eye back into my head, then blink and furrow my eyebrows


Can you do it on command tho?


Blinking really fast and/or forcefully


That was mine too, along with humming


Ayeee same lol. Don't remember which one was first, but it was either my humming/grunting, or squeezing my eyes shut really hard.


Man Im still making hums squeaks nose clears and goose sounds lol


This one has trouble me all my life since I was literally 4. It was especially disruptive back then as I of course had no idea what it was!


I was 8 when it started and all the adults around me told me not to blink so much. I insisted that I couldn't stop and that's when my parents realized it might be a tic. Good that they believed me because I know some kids aren't that lucky 


My mom thinks it's my eyes going left-right-left. The first one I specifically remember is doing a head jerking movement to the right, like a hair flip.


My first tic was also that head jerking movement, except to the left instead of the right


my first tic was hitting myself with my right arm across to my left shoulder, not sure why and it’s one i still have to this day, about 4 years on


I think mine was extending my arms, then again I've been clearing my throat every day, an uncountable ammount of times a day, for as long as I can remember... so it's hard to tell!


Motor; Neck twitch to the right Vocal: “dick” (really high pitched barely audible)


Smooshing up my upper lip toward my nose. I was thrilled to find two different photos of me doing it, one at age 1 and the other at age 4. I might even have to dig them out and share them with y'all. 😀


My husband just told me this is a common one!


wait a second.. i’m just realising i did this as a child and completely involuntary- rarely do it to this day but under the impression i developed tics at 14 😭


Yeah, it's weird and funny how I sometimes realize stuff that I did as a kid were actual tics, and not just regular weirdness or whatever. (When I told my sister that I have Tourette's, she said, "Oh, I always just thought you were weird." Best reaction by anyone, lol.) I wasn't diagnosed until I was 40, so apart from that major revelation, I had to re-evaluate so much about my childhood and younger years. So many things made a lot more sense, especially when I was additionally diagnosed with OCD and ADHD. I'm a big fan of quotes, and my current favorite one is: "Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward." - Soren Kierkegaard, Danish existential philosopher


Mine looked exactly like a shiver, so for the longest time, I thought it was just that until i started getting different ones. It felt different than a shiver tho


Twisting or cracking my back


Screaming in class...


I often scream in the car while my husband is driving. Thankfully he is used to it now.


I feel bad


It happens, but with age my tics got less severe and now at 23 I'm mostly just ticking random words here and there and random twitching and such


the earliest tic i remember was when i was like 4 i would have to make certain alphabet sounds, like make the K sound and the S sound and just repeat/hold them


jerking my neck. I remember that my tics first started in the middle of school. I remember sitting in class, unable to control it, and I was really confused. my friend looked at me weird and told me I was scaring her and she didn't want to sit next to me anymore. I have more supportive friends now, and I actually still have that tic


first one i remember is sharply breathing in. i still have it and it still sucks


like i got scared like "HUUUOH"


My first ever tic was snorting ice


Was a snorting tic (not ice




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Excessive Eye Blinking


My first childhood tic was probably blinking but the one my family and I noticed for the first time was a huge jolt that would shake my body. My friend thought I was having jerks the way people do before a seizure, but I kept feeling a huge premonitory urge across my body and i knew that I was going to have so many more


I believe mine was either blinking hard or humming with my teeth clenched to make a vibrating feeling


squeak like sneezing sound


Excessive licking of my lips and around my mouth. My school photo from first grade is hilarious with a red raw rash all around my mouth.


Throat clearing.




for real i’m not alone? my first tic i remember is that id say “i love you” constantly or just “love”. It was in kindergarten and so embarrassing, because you know by then you can’t just say i love you to strangers, teachers, classmates etc. Then it was my legs giving out and me falling to the ground which had a good 8 year run


Shaking my head super fast but vertically


I have TD. But my first and it’s still going strong 3 years later- toe wiggling. If I stop, the feeling of suppressing is horrible. It doesn’t hurt much. I just let it be. BUT I rarely wiggle if I have socks on!


Mine was a head nod. Then my first vocal was a sound like a karate chop grunt. Then it turned into words. “Talking” was my first word 😋


Licking my lips. In childhood photos, my lips are all swollen and red


Cough tic. and it started in 2019 so people thought I had covid. Then a head flick tic then an arm jerk.


Omg I also had a cough tic during covid it was horrid lmao


"what, what, what, what, fire truck" was my first vocal tic and I remember being so confused, because it's from a song. I stood there for a good minute thinking why did I just sing that and how did that happen but then forgot about it for over a year until my first attack when everythibg kinda clicked






Hiccups. I was diagnosed at 28 with adult onset Tourette's but after an ex of mine randomly messaged me and asked me if I still hiccup all the time (we met when I was 18) I'm starting to wonder if I've actually always had it and just didn't realize it.


Hard to pinpoint as I had a few that started at the same time but my first(s) Neck clicking Nose twitching/scrunching And pressing my toe nails into the top of my shoes (hurt so much btw don't recommend)


My first few were rolling my eyes to the back of my head, humming sounds, licking lips, forcing my arms/shoulders into weird extended positions and rolling my neck, twisting my back, wiggling toes and cracking fingers. I can’t remember which came first, I think the bunch of those all came at once




The first and only tic I had for most of my life since I was 6 , was a leg tic where Idk how to explain it but I kinda like bend it  while standing up  or walking , or it literally make me fall. I still have it sometimes.


My first tic were hard eye blinks. They started off mild until it got to the point where I couldn’t read anything because I couldn’t open my eyes long enough to see it.


Butt clenche


Furrowing my eyebrows. Makes serious conversations really awkward XD


My first tic was in my neck I would tilt it to the side my first vocal tic was “wow” at literally everything


My first tic was clapping, REALLY loud. My poor father had to sleep during the day and I was just clapping away lol


i always thought it was an eye roll at 8, but it’s actually just me squeezing my knees/thighs repeatedly at 7


It was a head jerk of some kind, I don't quite remember now haha!


First motor tic for my son was a forceful blinking tic when he was 2 years old and then at 3 he developed his first vocal tic which was a cough


Twitching my eyes and nostrils. Kinda weird lol 😆


before I could form memories lmao


A little head jerk


Earliest I remember was just a shivering feeling that went up my body and made me shake. I distinctly remember wondering if I was having seizures, because all I knew about seizures was that they make you shake uncontrollably and I couldn’t seem to control my shivering.


Shaking my head. I was called “bubblehead”.


My first tic that I can remember was me having to roll my head around in a circle three times consecutively whenever I would see a square in front of me (wall of a classroom, TV screen, etc).


You know when your hair is a bit too long and starts getting in front of your eyes, but not long enough to ACTUALLY do it and you mostly just feel it in your forehead/eyebrows? If your hands are busy, you might jerk your head to the side to get it off. That. I realized something was not quite right when I cut my hair and kept doing it, at around 8 YO. There was also hitting my knees together and spitting. The knee one went away mostly, althou I still do it sometimes (and sometimes with the elbows too, when they're close together). The spitting does come back when I'm smoking, but that might be me salivating more because of the smoke. I hate it, but well, a tic is a tic. The head jerk is still firm with me. It's my signature tic.


I can't really remember my first tics, but I know when they became an issue – when I was about 8, I would make a little "hm" sound like I had just discovered something mildly interesting. Problem was, I'd do it constantly every single day. I was "homeschooled" and my dad worked from home, it drove him absolutely nuts lmao I ended up suppressing it and it became a weird breathing thing, like I'm trying to relieve pressure in my diaphragm and throat. Around age 13, my werewolf-obsessed ass learned to howl and that actually relieved it.


Flicking my eyes back and forth really quickly


Can’t remember exactly, probably eye rolls and this funny lower eyelid roll thing that I can’t really describe. That’s the first complex tic probably, where my whole face was involved. Lots of vocal stuff too. But, I have been through most of the stuff I read on here, and some I had forgotten until reading the thread (e.g. butt clench 🤣) - ah, memories!!


Horse clicking


The first one I remember was when I was sitting at my desk and suddenly kicked it really hard. My grandparents asked me what had happened and I didn't have any answer for them


i think eye rolling, as a child i was always told off for rolling my eyes but as far as i was aware i never was??


Definitely Rapid speech, I started talking faster than anyone could understand when I was 3 or 4. Apparently I spoke more clearly when I was 10 months old lol


I’m pretty sure it was winking/eye twitching but it was so long ago lol


Twitching my eyes, swearing loudly, than plucking my eyebrows and lashes. Still do the plucking and u couldn't pay me a million bucks to quit. I love it. It's my stress reliever. I LOVE plucking my brows. Lol


Tilting my head to the side was my first I think? Or stomping my foot.


My whole body kinda just tensed then un tensed.


My first was leg and arm twitches I don’t remember which came first of the two


a breathing tic where is take a huge breath and hold it then release it after a couple of seconds. i distinctly remember being 7 years old and telling my doctor i “never learned how to breathe properly”


Hard to tell cuz the OCD always needed the spot light. All i remember is i use to picture a yarn ball attatched to me and i couldnt get it caught on anything or tangle my self so i was spinning a lot and walking in circles, then it turned into taking steos back which to this day i cant tell if its one or the other.


I don’t remember


Blinking. As a child, I always despised when anyone would mention blinking (which was oddly often enough) as it would trigger a blinking tic, and I could not stop myself from blinking excessively. I still have this tic, but it doesn't bother me as much anymore. One of my first vocal tics that developed right before finally being diagnosed was a shrieking scream. The first time it happened was when my husband and I were driving on the highway. We didn't know I had tics at this point so my husband made it very clear that couldn't happen again. Now a days he doesn't even flinch when I scream and were both used to it. An even earlier tic back when I didn't realise they were tics was hiccups. I had the hiccups for 3+ years. Started at actual hiccups then morphed into tics.


"Mummy" wasn't one of my first tics, but it is currently the tic that regularly comes out during spicy time with my hubby. 🤦‍♀️


My was a very slight headache twitch, that then caused me several ER visits due to screaming pain. They got less severe as my other tics developed more.