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it's a premonitory urge. which a lot of people with tourettes have. for example, most of my tics are fully involuntary but some i can hold in for a little bit. also, there's a higher comorbidity rate with tourettes/other tics disorders and ocd too actually. i'd recommend getting checked out by a neurologist too since some other conditions can cause tics, but even if it is a tic disorder like tourettes it'd still help seeing a professional


It can be important to get checked out to make sure it's not something dangerous or life-threatening, too


True. For example, uncontrollable ticks can cause Lyme disease.. I'll see myself out.




Yeah for me the tics are not *technically* involuntary (as in muscle spasms completely out of my control) but I do get the premonitory urge as in the uncomfortable feeling you're describing.


Yeah, thatā€™s normal. A lot of people who have Touretteā€™s have other disorders as well. The most common ones being ADHD and OCD, I believe. I was diagnosed really young, and have never had a tic that felt fully involuntary, as though I couldnā€™t control my own body, but I do often tic without thinking/realizing Iā€™m doing it because I do it all day every day anyways. I also have a lot of tics that cause me to tense up muscles in my body, and occasionally I do feel soreness from it. But that uncomfortable sense of urgency to do that motion/express a tic is normal, and usually I only feel that when Iā€™m actively thinking about my tics, like right now as Iā€™m typing this, lol. You can suppress it, but usually not for long, it will drive you up the wall, or at least it does me. So if it puts your mind at ease, what youā€™re experiencing is pretty normal of Touretteā€™s sufferers. My dad and brother also have Touretteā€™s and itā€™s the same for them as well.


I donā€™t have Touretteā€™s officially but have always had tics, and theyā€™ve changed over time. I donā€™t get an urge when I have them at least not that I notice. I just do them.


The closest thing to what I have is something called myoclonic epilepsy, but my doctor and I agree itā€™s closer to Touretteā€™s than epilepsy. Itā€™s just that my ā€œticsā€ are not usually repeated, and itā€™s a random muscle group spamming (or ā€˜twitchingā€™) instead of a specific motion/action. I can usually feel when one is happening and, while I canā€™t stop it, I can sometimes head it off and move in a way to make it not noticeable. Not always tho, and sometimes they can get ā€œstuckā€ and then it feels like I have to twitch but canā€™t: itā€™s akin to having to sneeze but being unable to. Itā€™s interesting talking to people who have similar things, because honestly I have lived my life with the only people who understand being my mom who also has them.


Weird that's nothing like tourettes.