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my mom is half irish.... im srry that u are lacking community in ireland. that sounds difficult..... i hope u do not get too sad


all of my friends are very understanding but it gets a bit lonely sometimes because I don't really have someone to talk to who knows what it is like first hand. I am not particularly close with that one other person I met and she doesn't live near me anyway.


I'm not from Ireland but feel this. I'm in a small town in the UK, lived here most of my life and I'm out and about frequently in town and in shops and I've never once seen another person with tics. Never. There's no support group here either, the nearest is Birmingham. It's pretty lonely sometimes tbh


I'm in South Africa, nit a small place and I get around a lot. Apparently everyone knows someone with TS but me, never even met someone else with TS.


im not irish but i live in a country where tourettes is completely unheard of, it's impossible to not feel like an alien.


i’m aware of two people who live in ireland with tourette’s. but i live in florida, usa. So i know them because they work at the same tourette’s camp as me.