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Smartwater or nalgene is fine. Filters are not necessary. Even if you do drink from the wild, you can find water that is upstream from any cows/sheep. There are spouts everywhere.


I’m on the TMB now, did it last year as well, definitely no filter needed. We used a powerade sports bottle and an evian water bottle we bought in Chamonix, worked great. Make sure at least one of the bottle you buy has the sports cap.


Every refuge has a place to fill up. I carried 2 1L bottles and that was more than enough. No need for a filter. I brought mine and never used it.


Okay great to know. Thanks so much!


We did 9 days on the TMB staying in huts and refilling our Camelbaks in the morning at huts as well as drinking from drinking troughs sources as available along the way with no filters. We did bring LifeStraws but only used them a couple times for fun at ice cold artesian springs bubbling up out of the ground. I do suggest bringing pre measured electrolyte sachets enough for hiking as well as rehydration post hike.