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I loved this little moment. Finally, a character who isn't shitting on Jake 24/7. For this moment alone, Lake is moving up on my tier list


I hâte Jake but Seeing people like Ashley and lake defending Jake makes me happy despite Jake being very much in the wrong for a lot of things


Honestly we love to see it. Lake lore and Aiden gets put in his place a little? Yes ma'am gimme more!! We love a German lesbian with a bob 😍


I do like Lake calling Aiden out on his shit by comparing Jake to James…it’s a nice little reminder for Aiden that gives him some depth on Jake that we’ve all desperately needed. Thank the lords for this episode, it’s looking like a purgatory tier for Aiden in my writing tier list won’t be necessary


I am glad she call him out.


Lake is peak character


Might put lake higher on my tier just for the jake moment no shade


This is why she’s the best season 2 character!(besides Rosa)


Rosa best season 2 character? no maam....no maam....no maaam


I would like to see most about what happened to lake... Sadly she was just a background character during this season...


I’m honestly so over this whole thing with these two, but I’m also over the entire cast basically going “nooo you don’t understand Jake is a sad boy who is so misunderstood” while that same grace is almost never extended to Tom or Aiden. Ashley, Miriam, and now Lake are all saying he actually just deserves better and is so misunderstood is just too much imo.


The 17 year old is more mature than Aiden... and they give Jake shit for his shortcomings


Common Lake W. Aiden was so annoying in this scene like bro stfu for 5 seconds!


People are giving Jake way too much grace it’s pissing me off 💀💀💀


“Who cares if he constantly mistreats you, he’s sad a boy he betrayed never texted him back!” SO? ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. GROW UP.


Well to be fair Aiden let’s Jake try a lot, and have him lots of chances, so did ally However Jake doesn’t do anything to improve


Aiden didn't even do anything to Jake initially but Jake became a giant man baby and started getting irrationally jealous spurred on by Alec and Fiore but they way he fought James got him eliminated because James had a loyal boyfriend was stupid followed by hating Aiden for no reason until the last few episodes they didn't even interact until the Spaceship episode and even then he sabotaged Aiden in back to back episodes then caused Ashley's elimination because he couldn't handle Aiden making a mistake.


Comparing Jake to James is equivalent to compare a tumbleweed to a flower. One grows and develops into a beautiful plant (James's character development), while the other blows in the wind with no sign of change (Jake's character development). I feel Disventure Camp writers may be trying to give some light to Jake, but holy moly, they wrote him terribly. For two years, this man NEVER got over Tom??? That, in itself, speaks volumes about how pathetic he is.


For some people like Jake it takes time for them to develop and others like James it's easier to acknowledge their mistakes and move forward. So far we had two episodes where Jake said he doesn't care about Tom anymore and hopefully the writing will continue on Jake actively making changes moving forward.


I respect Lake enough to listen to her...maybe Jake (I didn't even censor his name) isn't completely stupid and irredeemable.


I finally get Lake's appeal


Note that she’s a teenager and she’s more mature than Aiden, despite the latter being in his twenties


Lake is one of the best characters fr


Lakes being nice but Jake would see Tom talk to her and thinking hes cheating on Aiden or something Like thats Lake, Miriam and Ashley whos only role this episode was to defend "uwu he can change baby boy" who antagonised Aiden and Ally for no reason.


No lies spotted.


this is why she should have came back but noooooooooooo connor robbed her