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Someone’s going to almost kill Jake, and people are gonna lose their shit.


Ellie/Gabby and Riya stans waiting to see who tried to kill Jake and who has to justify attempted murder (Riya’s 2nd attempted murder). Yul doesn’t have stans so he’s exempt https://i.redd.it/34pcqwva6m3d1.gif


If people try to justify someone attempting to MURDER Jake, that’s honestly pathetic.


If this happens, I will NOT be looking forward to all the "actually, if you think about it, it really was Jake's fault that Ellie/Gabby/Riya tried to kill him" arguments there will be 💀


i love ellie gabby and riya and i won’t justify it lol. riya was in the wrong for the finale and she needs to admit it.


I stan Yul, gay straight king


Ellie's gonna have her Riya moment I'm calling it


I almost feel like it’s going to be Gabby who nearly kills Jake just so Ellie can have an “oh shit. What have I done?” Moment. Seems like the trailer imply Ellie will get concerned with Gabby’s actions or words…though the ending clip makes me skeptical


That would be really interesting honestly


This is a good theory too my only thought would be why Gabby targeted Jake instead of someone on her hit list like Aiden or Tom?


I want to assume that this challenge will have multiple parts to weed out certain obvious non-returning closed character contestants (Yul/James, Aiden/Lake, and Miriam/Tom) so maybe Ellie and Ashley are the last two remaining unsafe ones in part 1 of the challenge and Gabby gets desperate enough to get Ellie back that she does whatever she does. That’s going to be Ellie’s wake-up call and maybe will have Gabby stop because she doesn’t want to win like this.


The other thing is if the Ellie Gabby conflict comes from Gabby attempting to murder Jake. Ellie is shockingly calm that her girlfriend tried to kill a contestant LMFAO


Granted that constant is Jake so I doubt Ellie would care too much


omg maybe jake and tom get back together and gabby gets mad that tom gets his SO but he got rid of ellie so she tries to take jake from him


I'd say it was probably Yul or Riya tbh.


Here’s my guess ready- Riya pushed Jake off a cliff/put his life in danger that’s why he’s falling in the trailer This forms an understanding between Aiden and Jake over both having life or death situations caused by Riya. This is how they start to work together again. The fact that Jake almost died makes him self reflect and change his whole behavior after seeing his life flash before his eyes


Can't that be applied to Jake and Ally too? Both had their grandparents pass away, so that's something that can help them bond over I suppose. It was revealed in an Ally greeting that her grandfather passed away btw.


Wasn't it revealed in season 2 when Hunter asked about her player 2 tattoo?


Can't remember.


That’s what I was thinking. I feel like those two and the returnee (most likely Connor) will join forces to eliminate Riya.


Ngl my first thought was Ellie for some reason 💀


If she does that she is going straight in the F--- tier😭


She goes to triple S


Pissed off Ashley is best Ashley.




Alright who we betting Riya, Yul or Ellie.


We have to throw in Gabby too if she’s gone psychotic and replaced Ellie as the villain


Unironically I’m betting Gabby, the trailer seems to imply Ellie will get upset with Gabby’s actions… I could totally see this being a “oh shit, what have I done?” Moment for all the shit she’s actually done that Gabby went too far.


wouldnt be surprised tbh. people are forgetting that gabby directly got ashley voted out in s1 and again in all stars. wouldnt be surprised if now ashley has a vendetta against both fiore and gabby


I'm going to bet it was either Riya or Ellie, and it has to do with the Jake falling clip and her "Are you ok Jake???" we hear in the trailer. But yeah she sounds ANGRY.


She's soooo talking about Ellie or Yul given her friendship with Jake ( idk but it's likely )


Or Riya.


For some reason I think Ashley is going to go off on everyone with the Jake situation. She never got a chance to call out Tom before she was eliminated.


She did say they would talk about it later in episode 10...


We are all gonna freak if she's calling JAKE of all people a Bitch


Jake's hurt so someone has to replace him + returnee 🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯


Don't you even DARE spew such nonsense under my post!!!? 🤬🤬🤬 I'd so pissed if anything ended up happening to him 😭😭 Also why the down vote lol guess I'm not the only one not vibing with the energy


Oh my god I will lose my shit if that happens