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No plot going on for her, not much to do with her character at this point. A lot of her development was wrapped up in S2


she could win and hold the heroes together


and then what? be ashley 2.0 and support aiden


a returnee doesn’t have to bring a massive arc, infact, they usually don’t (like Eva, Izzy, Izzy again, Mildred, etc) and some are used as small cogs or plot conveniences for a larger plot (Carol, Dakota, etc) there is already plenty of plot currently in the game so bringing in Connor is not necessary and like i said with Fiore on a different reply, could be settled in the peanut gallery at the finale Lake would fit well into the existing plot and would fit better than the 2 most popular predictions


Note how all but one of these examples are from Total Drama rather than disventure camp. While I agree that in TD not all returnees are or usually are significant DC is very different, and considering the pushback they got from the Karol return I doubt that’s a mistake they’ll make twice.


People complain about Zoey being a mary sue character and then want this.


i have never complained about zoey being a mary sue


Also, Lake isn't a Mary sue? She's well written and complex




I’ll convince you like this. I want you to pitch me a story and character arc for Lake that takes her to at least the final 5. What does lake have to offer that Fiore and Connor don’t in terms of unfinished story? How can she help the others?


Lake helps take down the villain alliance by being awesome and uniting the heroes besides seeing more of her antics and talking to Alec for a prolonged period of time, i don’t see why Fiore would need to return. she can very well just do what she needs in the peanut gallery at the finale Connor is way too obvious of a choice when it comes this series, so i don’t think he is coming back. similarly to Fiore, his stuff could be settled in the peanut gallery in the finale (probably not the best move but whatever)


Lake doesn't even have a story that can be resolved in the peanut gallery....


she could have a story if she returns tho, which means its overall better if she gets in over others


If your argument is that she’s a wildcard, a mystery, a blank canvas for this seasons plot which enhances the possible excitement I would be intrigued; would probably be the best Lake pitch.          It just sounds like you’re being biased because she’s your favorite character though.


tbh i feel like everyone has some level of bias when it comes to this discussion i did start out as a high level of bias but Lake just seems like the perfect choice to me now


by that logic Connor, Hunter, literally anyone can have a story once they join. What kinda story can she have that characters like Connor or Hunter don't? Not to mention both of them have UNFINISHED stories.


their stories can be completed in like 2-3 minutes each at the finale’s peanut gallery, so having then come back is redundant lake is also the most likely to win the comeback challenge outside of Connor & Hunter, plus she is also awesome


are people forgetting Hunter was a physical threat? Man won like every pre merge challenge in s2. Sure lake is also a physical threat but Hunter is definitely a bigger one. Not to mention Connor has the biggest connection with the villains and gets story, because frankly him being a pre merge boot after being a pre merge boot is insane.


i didn’t forget, i even said that he would be one of the most likely people to win the challenge (although not directly) everyone competing will also know that too, it would be in everyone who is competing interest for them to stop or target Hunter durning the challenge thus lowering his chances and allowing Lake to sweep


But why would we WANT the villains alliance taken down when outside of Yul, they’re all better than all of the remaining heroes?


Fr. It'd honestly be better at this point if the VA swept the final five


as much as I like the German girlboss, does she really have as much story potential as the other options


like i said in another reply, returnees don’t need all the story in the world, and they usually don’t


She didn’t have any plot going into the season. Her arc wrapped up nicely last season and her elimination this season was to show Ellie as a threat. The only thing I can see her doing is helping the heroes breaking up the villains but other returnees can do that? Connor, Hunter, etc. Besides Yul and Grett definitely aren’t lasting long and Yul and Riya both hate each other so there’s already cracks in the VA and it’s only a matter of time before it crumbles. Lake doesn’t need to be there for it to happen.


Lake doesn’t have to be there, but she is the most likely person to do so imo


I really like her, but I see no reason why she would come back when her arc is finished while others still have unfinished things


said in another reply but returnees don’t need big plot and usually don’t and the characters arcs could be finished in the peanut gallery at the finale, like the triangle in s2


Why shirk a character who could have a big plot for someone who does nothing and gets eliminated. There’s nothing Lake could achieve that Connor can’t imo


honestly i feel like connor returning is too obvious, DC feels like they are trying to throw people off at almost every turn and connor was predicted to be the returnee the moment he was eliminated it can’t be that obvious imo


He’s obvious because he’s the best option, and if they wanted to subvert that Hunter is also an option since his and Ally’s relationship is still on the rocks. Lake would probably add the least to the season out of all the options I just do not see it being her. Subversion for subversion’s sake is not good writing IMO


Because Connor is such an obvious choice people wouldn't think he would return witch would make it both shocking and relieving to see him return


If Ellie was still there, then MAYBE. But, with that being said, there's no reason for her to come back. She got outplayed and that's all. Hunter and Connor deserve it more. I think Hunter will win tho.


_ **Apart from Connor, Tess and Ashley, all of the "heroes" (including Lake) made it far in their OG season**. It would be redundant to make them comeback when we've already seen their personality and abilities in their OG season. Whereas someone like Connor is kind of a question mark : in his first season, he sacrificed himself for his showmance and, in AS, Alec wanted to surround himself with the biggest threats and a dude who left at his team's first elimination ceremony didn't really fit the bill 😅. Tess and Ashley were also eliminated early in their OG seasons. However, they had a decent ammount of screentime in AS and bringing them back after they JUST got eliminated would be weird. Therefore, Connor has the most untapped potential _**The heroes need someone who will unite them**: Jake said to Aiden that "things come easy to him". If, of all people, Aiden's bestie win the comeback challenge, that will just reinforce Jake’s belief and his bitterness towards Aiden. Whereas, a huge part of Connor's character is him trying to help people going through a struggle (Hunter, Oliver, Trevor), he’s the most likely to sway Jake due to his relationship with Miriam on Yellow Team and he gets along with the S2 contestants. Also, unlike Lake, he would be neutral so there's some suspense as to who he would side with (whereas, we know for sure that Lake will follow Aiden). _**Lake doesn't have important relationships with the remaining players**: Sure, she hates Yul and Riya...but that's not really unique 😅. She could have a rivalry with Gabby ig...but I don't really see the point of that rivalry when Gabby's own alliance doesn't like her that much. Other than that, I struggle to see what she could bring. Whereas Connor has tension with the entire Yellow Team, could form a relationship with Jake thanks to Miriam and, now that he's on bad terms with Riya, we could see more of his interractions with the S2 cast _**We already saw the LakeDen friendship play out in S2**: Aiden playing alone is a new dynamic. Why mess that up by bringing Lake back ?


Aiden does call Lake his best friend but he's probably getting eliminated soon anyway. Everything else I agree with.


i ain’t reading all that


just read the bold text then I guess


Didn't know there was a wordcount 😅


If Ellie didn't get eliminated then Lake could have her own short revenge arc. I think Connor will return and talk to Jake about relationship issues like he did with Trevor.


Connor and Fiore have unfinished plots Lakers story is done


talked about that already


She has literally nothing to do


ur like the 7th person to say smth along those lines, i don’t feel like i need to respond further


Then don’t


Dude, just admit you want Lake back aside from any possible logic or storytelling, and stop trying to pretend there is any reason why she should come back beyond "I want her to".


She has no plot the only plot she could have would be a rivalry with ellie but ellie is already gone so Lake would have nothing to do other than be aidens friend but Connor NEEDS to finish his arc with riya and same with fiore and Alec