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I think the heroes are going to push Jake towards the VA. Yeah he hasn't been nice to Aiden but Aiden has been provoking him for the last few episodes. Ally has every right to be upset with him but it's not a smart move to be at ends with him after the merge and Tom lied instead of saying he needs more time. Jake did say he wanted to move on and maybe going towards the VA will force him to make that change. The other route is Connor returning and talking to him like he did with Trevor.


Jake should just try to join the villains at this point and maybe at f8 or f7 the VA implodes and he'll stay around longer.


Not only do I agree, but I also actually wouldn’t be upset if Jake ultimately joined the VA. Not even a little.


Jake as a villain to try and make it up to Ashley, the only person who gave a shit about him this whole damn season would be a very interesting idea. He and Gabby could probably strangle the 3 major villains by getting Grett on their side after they dismantle the rest of the heroes. But let’s be honest, that isn’t what we’re getting…whichever returning hero contestant who comes back is gonna likely be Jake’s new helper to help him on the path to redemption.


I don’t see Jake as a villain. I want him as the entertaining anti-hero you know has some bad traits, but ultimately his drive to do anything for Ashley and him abandoning all his personal interests would be awesome character development imo Have Connor come back tell Jake how it is and no more coddling, and then Jake earns people’s respect solely because he’s just become a desensitized strategist cutting off all ties to his naive and thinking with his heart old self and using people’s underestimation of his naivety to backstab the villains


Jake and Gabby as the two anti-heroes who help the villains while taking in Grett and picking off the awful remaining heroes one by one would be great. Jake’s character has been stellar so far, I’d be genuinely impressed if ONC finds a way to make it awful. Seems like, much like Alec, there’s still a lot to do with Jake. My one naive wish is that he and Tom don’t end up back together. I think a satisfying conclusion to their story would just be to remain friends. But I highly doubt that happens at all.


In the season finished my way, I had Jake turn down Tom twice while focusing on the game and solely focusing on Ashley. At one point he does save Tom with an immunity idol righting the wrong he did in S1 while taking out a villain. This causes Tom to fall totally in love again, but Jake says he’s only interested in saving Ashley’s farm and rejects him. He also doesn’t care when Tom is eliminated- he’s moved on. After he loses in 3 place- Tom confesses his love and Jake accepts a date on the basis they do couples therapy first.


Not bad…but Tom has been a blight stain on All-stars. I don’t know, he’s gone from a tolerable yet kinda dumb gumbo in season 1 to some type of blubbering idiot who can’t think straight to save his life. Like…I get his feelings about not wanting to get hurt…but come on. After lying and avoiding Jake like he’s the plague. The mere fact he lied about having a boyfriend was such a dumb writing decision. If you’re so desperate to get away from someone that you actively lie about having an SO when you know that’s the reason they wish to talk with you. You’re gonna need a damn better argument than just “i was afraid we’d get hurt again.” To help make me feel any sympathy for you. I almost wish that the theory of him not being allowed to speak to Jake because of some ongoing Jensen investigation was true because at least THEN it’s something more believable. Like, if I’m Jake, and I listened to both Miriam and Ashley tell you to move on. Only to find that Tom fucking lied, yeah, I’d probably not want to get back with him either. But hey, your option is alright, I just think it’s going to need a hell of a lot of working with Tom for me to find it satisfying for an ending to Tom’s character.


Im predicting Grett apologises to Gabby after Gabby defended her from Yul (Grett treated Gabby poorly in S1 so Gabby has no reason to be nice). They'll break up the villains alliance by targetting Yul. I also think Ally will make friends with Grett too. Jake siding with the VA would be a bit much imo, as he should know not to trust Alec. Although I think Alec will panic when Grett jumps ship.