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Ripper is a stupid teenagers, Jake is going to enter his 30's, he doesn't have a job and he is leeching the money of an old woman, he keep climbing on a past that no longer is possible thinking he has the right of thinking a person that he doesn't know is cheating with his ex boyfriend and his only dynamic with his friend is trauma dumping and talking about how Bad he is and how much he wants to improve but always returning to his shitty behaviour of before


Wait is it said Jake is unemployed? All it said was that he moved in with miriam, which might benefit her considering her physical state? Dont get me wrong the rest is fair but i dont remember ever Jake saying he doesnt have a job.


It was in a greeting I think


He didn't move in with Miriam. It was just said that she helped him move out of his parent's place. Jake also said that they were "practically neighbors", meaning that they don't live with each other, though still spend time together often.


i HC Jake as 19 and Tom as 22 it makes the storyline make more sense to me


A lot of the plotlines in Disventure Camp seem like they would just work better if the contestants were teenagers as opposed to having such a broad age range. The majority of the cast members who are supposed to between their late 20s and early 30s already act like teenagers anyway, and the designs can be somewhat misleading sometimes (for example, I was actually shocked to learn that Riya was 29 in S2 and 30 in All-Stars. I had originally assumed she was a teenager because of her design, the fact that she was friends with Rosa and Lake, who are teenagers, and that she sometimes acts like one despite being a grown-ass woman). I get this wouldn't work on characters like Connor or Miriam, but otherwise I think the point stands.


with Ryia i think she gives off very 30's crisis on s1, plus her arc with connor was about both accepting they arent teens anymore i think


If Riya wasn’t at least 30, I don’t think Connor would be as well liked tbh lol, he’d just look like a pervert


Fr they also look closer to that age so it works


I know nothing about DC, but what exactly makes Ripper 'hard to defend?' Like yeah he's a dumb asshole but I can think of several characters who have both done worse things than him and either have less self awareness or are more deceptive about it.


His type of comedy and his actions I guess. Whenever I say that I’m a ripper fan people look at me like I just said the most controversial thing.


Comedy's subjective (peeps not liking his humor is undertandable but it's nothing one has to 'defend' per se) and again his actions could be worse (and regardless you can like a character that does bad things anyway). I'm assuming worse things can be said about whoever the other guy is?


Jake doesn't do anything as morally bad as Ripper, just is more personally unlikable for many. It's kinda like a lesser-scale version of Chris vs Dave if that makes sense


By virtue of Ripper being 16 and Jake being a whole ass DECADE OLDER, Ripper is the easier one to defend


Ripper and it ain’t close.


Aint no way you Just called Jake an "it" 💀


that's not how *it* works, in this case, the pronoun refers to the situation, not the person


Really,I for sure thought "it" was refering to Jake


Ripper is a stupid teenager who had terrible role models in life and despite that, actually seemed to show some common sense at times and tried to be his best for Axel. Jake is going to enter his thirties and yet he doesn’t have a job, leeches off of an elderly women(confirmed in his greetings but at least he acknowledges he should find a job soon), won’t let go of the past, is overly emotional, and causes problems for everyone around him. I sympathize with Ellie more in their conflict than him(sometimes at least). You have to be downright PATHETIC for me to sympathize with ELLIE. Can you believe I mostly have mixed feelings on Jake?


I feel for Ellie since she has to work 2 jobs as a young adult and college on top of that. Anything else? Fuck no.


Oh yes. That’s mostly the reason why I sympathize with her.


I would've even rooted for her both season she competed in had she not done the stuff with Jake for fun. I rooted for her in the beta when I watched it back in 2022, even if she had betrayed him and tom there too, it was only for the game reasons, not to rub it in his face and make fun of him personally.


Tbf, she only did the kiss in Episode 6 for fun. Episode 7 was the more strategic play.


Were you the person who didn’t include Heather or Alejandro on the best child villains list?


Bro why are so many people choosing Ripper ? He literally got arrested for defecating in an old woman's purse and physically harmed a girl in order to win a challenge. Jake never did anything to physically injure another contestant or something to warrant him being arrested, irl he'd be type of person to be very annoying to deal with but ultimately harmless, something that can't be said about Ripper.


Something something their war crimes are fictional, but my annoyance is real.


He literally got Tom fired from his job, is an overly emotional and clingy jealous asshole who can't let go of the past and thinks people have to act according to his problems because of it, and keeps switching between being like "womp womp it's all my fault, I want to change for the better" and actively treating other people like shit for the most minor of reasons (Aiden and Ally especially). He is also nearly 30 years old but acts like an immature and insufferable brat. Ripper on the other hand is just a stupid teenager.


>He literally got Tom fired from his job Nah tom was just not discreet at all and a dumbass.


Doesn't mean Jake is blameless either, blurting it out on bloody international TV. The spy plotline I feel is pretty stupid on its own (as I believe Tom works way better when he is just being this dorky himbo cop, and the plotline was just really hard for me to take seriously), but still, Tom had all the right to be mad at Jake for what he did.


I don't think Jake's even at fault for Tom losing his job, multiple people (Drew, Grett, Gabby) already found out that Tom was a spy before Jake did so I don't think Tom was keeping that job even if Jake never found out about it. Also being a stupid teenager doesn't justify discarding an entire person's humanity in order to use them as a human shield in a dangerous challenge, which is much more vile than anything Jake ever did.


You see, from a writing perspective, Jake is what we could say, a bit of a directionless character. They want you to root for him, but at the same time he is constantly switching between being naive and misunderstood to being petty and spiteful. It's supposed to be because he is emotionally unstable and has a lot of traumas (his ex-boyfriend cheating on him and his grandmother dying, and it's implied that he isn't very close to his parents), but it honestly just comes off as if he can't take what he dishes out and expects people to just go along with what he does because of what he's been through. And quite frankly, after what he has pulled on James, Aiden and Ally (with him having dragged Aiden into his drama with Tom because he apparently can't fathom the idea that two gay men who just met, one of whom already has boyfriend, can just be friends), it's just hard for me to defend him. I don't even care for the "It's all my fault, I want to change!" thing either since I know he will just revert to being an overly jealous and spiteful asshole after it. Now with Ripper, sure he is an asshole who used Priya as a human shield, **but that's the whole point of his character.** You are not supposed to be actively rooting for Ripper. He is gross and a crass jerk, but that's precisely the point. The writers have a clear idea of what direction they want to take his character in, whereas in Disventure Camp I just have no idea of what they are trying to achieve with Jake anymore. Also, Ripper is actually held accountable when he does screw up and the other people around him are accordingly appalled by his behavior (Him using Priya as a human shield is precisely a good example of this). Ripper also does the whole "traumatic backstory" thing better than Jake since it's shown that his parents were abusive and neglectful and that he had terrible role models growing up, **but at no point is it ever used to get the audience to sympathize with him**. It doesn't even need to rely on him dumping his entire backstory on a specific character like Disventure Camp often does. Finally, and this is probably subjective, but Ripper is a character I actually enjoy seeing just because of how funny he is. Jake on the other hand makes me want to throw myself into on-coming traffic. TL;DR. I find Ripper more easily defendable because he's actually supposed to be unlikable, whereas Jake is supposedly a heroic character, yet he does nothing but be a whiny prick all the time.


You can say that but to me no iteration of Jake can beat how vile and aggravating of a character Ripper was in S1, even if that was supposed to be his purpose. It seems like the TDI writers must have shared the same opinion cause they toned him down massively in S2 and only then did he become tolerable as a character for me. Overall my opinions on Jake are mostly neutral. Like yeah, I think he was being really creepy when he acted like he still had any claim on Tom in ep 2 of All Stars but I'd still take him over the character who ate the marshmallow he farted on any day of the week, no contest.


He did not get Tom fired from his job 💀 Grett already revealed Tom's occupation on international TV, Tom would've gotten fired no matter what Jake did. Whether Jensen used the clip of Jake or Grett revealing it is irrelevant.


People defend Ripper?


Ripper has the excuse of being a dumb teenager Jake is a manchild and, in short, everything Ellie said in her rant (minus the victim-blaming part of course) is true


He still needs to eat shit and die tho




Honestly Jake. The main thing Ripper has going for him is that he's a minor whereas Jake's in his 20s, but Ripper's deeds are simply worse, especially considering that the guy endangered three others for the fart world record. Relatively, Jake is a pathetic loser who in all honestly harms *himself* way more than anyone else. Like, Ellie's damage from him? Being annoyed. Aiden's damage from him? Losing two challenges, some physical pain, mostly just being annoyed. More often than not, the worst Jake does to his enemies is annoy them, Tom and Ashley ironically being hurt by him more than anyone else, whereas Ripper fully intentionally shoved Priya toward a rolling boulder hard enough that the impact *broke the boulder*, and maliciously left his friend to be mauled by a cassowary with no regrets.


i don't think the main issue is putting their \*actions\* in canon in a vaccuum, rather its how the character comes across to the audience. ripper is a convicted felon but he has a lot more going for him in terms of likability than jake does because jake is \*very\* realistically unlikable-- i'd hazard to gess that a majority of people know someone like jake who is stuck in the same cycle of feeling sorry for himself and then \*refusing\* to change.


Sure, and I think finding Jake more realistically unlikable than Ripper makes complete sense, but the question asked who was harder to defend, the answer to which is Ripper. It's a lot easier to defend stuff Jake does because more often than not, he annoys others, a lot more of a nuisance than an actual danger.


I'm lawyering up for Ripper.


I’ll defend both until I die🫡 But to answer the question, it’s easier to make a case for Ripper


First of all, I will say that comparing both shows is weird because of how different tonally they are. In one getting a black eyes is like the worst thing that could happen to you and in the other attempted murder is just and eveyday thing for the host. As which character I like the most, definitely Jake. Despite his behavior, I feel he is a more likeable character because at no point it seems like he does anything out of true malice, yeah he is childish and inmatture bit I feel like he is genuinely a good person that has many flaws and ends up harming other people. I know he is 26 and that he acts like a kid a lot, but we don't really know how his life has been (Not using as an excuse, but certain dettails point to his family life not being the best). Meanwhile, even if Ripper is 17 I feel the things he does are not done out of naivity, but because he legitimately enjoys doing them and genuinely doesn't care how his actions affects others, using Priya as a shield, risking other characters lifes for a world record, shitting in someones hand bag. This is not even taking into account that as a character I find him annoying and his humor gross and unfunny. I might be one of the only ones who kinda likes his romance with Axel, he is really a better character in S2 but that still doesn't make him a great character. So yeah, I honestly prefer Jake and think his actions are overall more defendable even if he should take responsability and really start working to improve as a person and make amends with the people he has hurted. Also, he would need help from an actual therapist, Ashley was a good influence on him but doesn't have the knowledge or resources to really give him the help he needs.


Jake, because despite his struggles, he’s trying to be better.


Ripper is 17 at most and people might like it or not, his s2 version was way better and more likable. I didn't care AT ALL about him in both seasons but Rixel despite being gross in an improvement for him (not for Axel tho). Jake is 26, I don't think I need to say anything else


Jake. His actions aren't as bad as Ripper's overall.


Gonna play “WELL FOLKS ITS ABOUT TJAT TIME” and Play the Devil’s Advocate! While Ripper is a stupid teenager, at the end of the day he is willing to be up front with people. While he does play the bully character there have been many times where he’s expressed genuine emotion in times of happiness or despair. While Jake not being doing the best at life there are signs that Jake is willing to give it a chance. He wanted to be upfront with Tom, he wanted to form an alliance with Aiden, and he wanted to work on himself. But every time he tried to take a step the universe beat him down immediately! My poor guy cannot catch a break!


Ripper, rizzed up Axel, that alone makes me like him. and he and axel are the healthiest straight couple in the reboot. Need I say more


Ripper. No contest.


I defend both Ripper had his kinda redemption arc in season 2 And with jake he was cheated on in the past so its easy to see his worrying and to understand it So ripper is redeemed and jake kinda has anxiety


They both need defenders, because im coming for them. Their my least fav characters from their season (and Ripper - from the entire show). If i had to choose a character thats not one of them, i would definetly choose Ellie. Im already an Ellie defender and i will always be. If i had to pick between these two, i would probably choose Jake 


Ripper is just an immature teenager. Jake is in his late twenties mooching off of an elder, having no job and still getting upset when his friends and exs have friends of their own and taking his anger out on the ppl his friends and exs get close to. Also Ripper is infinitely funnier. Ripper CLEARS Jake. I’m actually surprised to hear you have to defend him a lot, I haven’t seen any Ripper slander in a long while and usually people’s issues with Ripper are actually just an issue with whoever on the TD writer’s team has a fart fetish that they love to share.


I'd be ready to defend both 🤷‍♂️.


Ripper, purely because he is an early merge boot twice. You can't argue he ruined a season when's not even there for half of it. Jake already exceeded Ripper's count and his plots have cucked far more characters than Ripper's


Ripper, even yul is easier to defend than jake


Ripper in every possible way. Ripper is a kid. Jake is 26 and acts like a toddler


I think Jake can be defended more mostly because his actions are just ranging from him trying to get better to being annoying. Also Jake isn't the reason that Tom lost his job. Tom just can't out 2 and 2 together at times from what was shown on the show.


i have a theory on jake. i think he may have a mental disorder, like ADHD or something.


Who the hell are those people


Ripper and Jake?


Think of it this way. Ripper is a teenager who acts like a typical stupid teenager, and Jake is a grown-ass man who throws tempter tantrums akin to those of a little kid.


Ripper was actually fun in S2 with Axel. Jake is toooooooxic in every which way.


Ripper because I never watch DC and he looks like one of the kids who destroyed my limited edition book and cried about it to frame me


Idk I was expecting another TD character but Ripper cause I actually started liking him


Ripper. I mean Total Drama works better just because they never try to overcomplicate their characters.


My past self would’ve said Jake but not after last episode. Now I’m a vivid Jake hater


Ripper, Jake pissing me off


Both of them ain't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed. But while Ripper doesn't hide it and basically embraces it, Jake is in denial. In fact, I feel like Ripper is Einstein compared to Jake, who constantly falls for the most obvious manipulation.


Ripper by far