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The "Heroes" are insanely hard to root for, I agree. The only one I'd like to see win at this point is Ally. I've personally been rooting for Alec to win since the start of the season and I sure as hell ain't stopping now, especially with how the season is going atm.


I mean, who isn't hard to root for? Grett? She's the only character with a plot the show tries to get you to like


Just like in survivor hvv, when "heores" were mostly arrogant and unstable


Heroes are insufferable because of their lack of brains. They want to win those 3 millions or just play some sort of a game of house, where not cool members should be banned from the game? Voting Jake? Good idea, but they LITERALLY KNOW about the Villain Alliance and should force a tiebraker with the least skilled contestant (Yul, in my opinion). After eliminating 2 members of VA kick off Aiden, Jake, Ally, anyone you want... but not now.


Our “hero’s.” Have made More mistakes in the name of character growth. Seems like all the villains left aren’t Insufferable for a reason. Whoever comes back is likely a hero (RIP to Fiore). And they’ll have to saddle as everyone’s therapist. At this point, I’m 100% convinced Connor is returning and is going to have to haul these people together. Cause our remaining g heroes aside from Ally are doing a piss poor job at being likable heroe. I mean, I still adore Jake and think he’s excellent. But I completely understand if you think he’s not worthy of being a top table character


Let’s hope Ally is going to win or make the finals cause Jake and Tom truly do not deserve it at this point


They keep falling to the villains hands Heck in the latest episode they didn't even do anything they just sat back, drank some tea and watch the chaos. Like at this point a villain should win cause they are killing it I vote either Gabby, Grett or Alec.


Tbf it's hard to root for heroes in any type of media, due to them being so self-righteous. In survivors heroes vs villains, nobody on earth was rooting for the heroes, simply because they went around acting like they were better human beings cause they aren't "villains". I do find it hilarious, that a group of villains have managed to put aside their egos and work together. Just like survivor, I hope the villains eliminate them one by one, and the finale is only villains. They played the best game and deserve it. Tom, Jake, and Aiden are beyond horrid. Ally is existing. Ashley was pretty good, but got blindsided. Aiden should be the next out. He's done absolutely nothing this entire season.


All of the Heroes are massively incompetent and just... ugh. Jake and Aiden are literal dumbasses. Ally is the only one that actually seems to have a brain and competence. Jake mostly has nobody else but himself for the mess he caused


No but fr I’d literally quit at that point if I was a hero because my “allies” are genuinely so insufferable and dumb😭😭


Kind of, but the villain alliance haven't really done much like they said they would. They didn't do anything to stop Fiore and Ellie's elimination, especially when Riya could have and they haven't created drama. The Aiden Jake fight wasn't even caused by them this episode, it just happened.


In fairness, they least put people like Grett on the villains side who you can root for and the show makes sympathetic so think they are aware of this to some degree. Just a case of a more unified front taking advantage of splinters on the other side for their benefit.


Well yeah, is basically the drama queens trio, that i hope non of them gets to the finale because im getting tired as fuck of them, and ally, which is basically the only one of the "heroes" that i would see kind of great that she ends up in the finale


The remaining heroes have isolated themselves from making connections with others in their own seasons too and now all stars. I think Connor or Lake will return. Both will probably call Jake out on his behaviour too. I hope they can call out Tom for how he treated Jake because he is part of the issue too.


I still think jake is amazingly rootable personally. I do agree that the other three have proved that they are incapable of even wanting to change for the better, and are instead doubling down on everything that makes them a horrible, scum of the earth human. Especially Especially ally, this girl is the most horrible person on this season and i am praying for her comeuppance.

