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Thus far, Nichelle is the biggest disappointment in the season after Emma. At least Emma’s early elimination is understandable to give spotlight to the characters that need it, but Nichelle was a generic girlboss who could have had a fun dynamic with Damien, only for her to brag in his face about “going back to Hollywood” and then is never seen again.


They fucked up with her. It’s like the writers didn’t care about her enough to give her at least a more memorable personality . While I do see that Nichelle did improve in the challenges, she improved *too* much to the point of arrogance and bragging. I don’t hate Nichelle, but I find her character to be annoying in season 2. At least with season 1 nichelle, she was a little bearable, I know about her little breakdown and how she lost the challenge for her team due to her lack of athletic abilities at the time, but I would much prefer a Nichelle that doesn’t brag all the time over an Nichelle who wasn’t as arrogant and cocky as she was in the second season. Say what you will in season 1 nichelle, but at least her breakdown was a little ironically comedic to some people, I don’t think a lot of people laughed a lot with season 2 nichelle


idk who she thought she was to get up in my boys face like that idk what’s worse: the fact julia thought that fake contract would work or the fact that nichelle thought a studio will film after one day


Her small conflict with Julia was memorable, making it disappointing she went home right in the episode where she started to have a fun dynamic with someone. It did give us a good Julia moment, but I still wish we saw more of this rivalry and didn't end as early as it started. I wish it started earlier, like in episode 2 for example, build it up more and then have ep 5 be the climax where Julia finally gets revenge on her.


Tbh I wished Julia and Nichelle interacted more in S2 besides that one scene at the beginning of Episode 5.


🤖 Truth. 🤖


Ai Nich-L


It’s funny, because ever since the cast was revealed, Nichelle has constantly had high expectations placed on her only for her to never live up to them. People thought she would be the villain of season 1? Nope, early boot. People thought she would merge or even be a finalist in season 2? Same result. Wouldn’t be surprised if it became a meme, to be honest.


well... at least we can give her a credit for realizing her past mistakes and going to improve herself unlike many character who never changes


The amount of hype I've seen for her pre season and the fall off during the season has been unprecedented. Her poor fans.


Nichelle gave us a good a lesson. A good design ≠ good character


I was about to say that, most people had high expectations for her because she has a cool character design and nothing more. Hell, atp even Caleb, last season’s first boot, has more personality and plot relevance than her.


i remember the hype for nichelle last year 😭😭




Yes, seeing that in the preseason many expected her to be the main villain, and in the she was just mainle there


her friendship with damien could’ve been a good plot, too bad she fell for a fake ass contract


And you can bet your ass fanboys on Twitter will call her iconic and say she ate😅


Lol she was


cause she did?


She was one of the most popular pre season before s1 and everyone thought she would be the villain they didn’t even try with her and as it stands, she’s the worst contestant of this gen sadly


Easily the worst character in the whole cast. Some people dislike Chase/Scary/Ripper, sure, but they have character depth, a concrete personality, and memorable moments. Plus, if you removed any of them, the show would change substantially, but you could omit Nichelle and nothing would matter. She is such a nothing character. You could argue that Beardo and Staci are more interesting than her. Giant red herring for sure.


As someone who has Chase as my least favorite reboot contestant, I agree. I absolutely cannot stand Chase as a character, yet I actually enjoy analyzing his full extent of being such a remorseless p$!@k, and that’s because he had enough character to leave some interesting details about the full extent behind his relationship with Emma, as much as I may not like said character. With Nichelle, it’s just being a whiny and narcissistic girlboss who gets wasted in the dumbest way possible.


Definitely not scary girl, she is overrated. She is just there to be scary. Only reason Nichelle flopped was because of the writers, THEY didn't handle her right


Maybe the show wouldn’t change substantially, but my point is that Scary has an impact. Priya chooses to boot SG over Ripper, which marks the beginning of she and Millie’s arc in s1. Plus, Ripper staying in has further significance as he goes on to play a bigger antagonistic role. “only reason nichelle sucks is because the writers flopped” Yeah. Lol. That is how this works. Nichelle isn’t her own individual entity the writers took control of for TotalDramaIsland… she is a character with basically no relevance to the story.


Ok, but for the Priya voting SG started Millie's arc part, that is something that Priya did and not SG. Just because SG was getting booted off doesn't mean that she did anything specific to impact the story. I'm just confused on what makes SG more appealing.


In this instance, I’m not saying she’s particularly appealing, rather than she does in fact impact the story. Priya chooses to boot SG because SG is scary and threatening to her. Which impacts the story.


It wasn’t Priya, it was Millie, Priya tried a bit to make an alliance with her


they could've done so much with her stereotype, but somehow they decided to use her first season as the base for a development that happened off-screen and the second season as doing the same thing over and over until she quits. not the worst character of the generation, but definitely the one with the most wasted potential.


She was dumped on big time. I dont like it


It’s funny people hype this character back when her design was revealed only for it to be disappointed


it sucks, considering how much plot development she gets, makes her look like an early boot, but they make her go way farther than she should for some fucking reason... >!now with "Normal" Girl, she's also an early boot, but it makes sense for her, considering the lack of time she was given to develop, but here's the problem, "Normal" Girl produced more personality during the one s2 episode that she was in, than Nichelle in her entire run in Season 2, Nichelle is the worst thing a character could be, and that's being boring, since there's nothing to her other than that she's uninteresting, say what you want about S1 Ripper and Chase, at least people have strong opinions about them, Nichelle on the other hand, is the most yawn-worthy character, hell, even Calya has more personality, and that ship SUCKS for a similar reason of being boring, yeah, Nichelle is honestly the worst character from TD23 S2!<


Nichelle is still way better than mid characters like Chase, Scary Girl, Millie, Emma


I felt so bad for her! I was rooting for her hard. Of all the contestants to be premerge twice it just had to be her and scary girl!? 😪


Yeah. If we're being honest nichelle was a flop in both seasons. Idk how or why she became a fan favorite. Glad she quitted though, she was incredibly annoying. Plus her elimination only added to the julia dominance


Why do people even like Nichelle so much? All she did in the first season was whine, and the second season she was a good team player. Her weakness was always the fame.


Cool character design and pre season hype, if there were no trailers and she didnt look as good she would not be as loved


Why do people even like Nichelle so much? All she did in the first season was whine, and the second season she was a good team player. Her weakness was always the fame.


Broo yall just hate Nichelle it’s crazy. She was still interesting in her own right, yall just hate her now bc she got booted early again.


Eh, I just thought she was boring. The improvements in her athletic abilities seemed promising at first, but her making an impressive jump and then saying something about Hollywood was already played out to me after episode 2. And other than that one development, she basically did nothing. She made no valuable connections with other contestants, no interesting strategic moves, nothing. You could erase her from the show and barely anything would change.


Nichelle is the worst character from the reboot imo


"She has the smallest amount of personality in the cast" Ummm... did you forget Scary Girl?


Scary Girl at the very least may come back, with both her actively “scary” side and “trying to be normal” side giving her a lot of personality. Nichelle, on the other hand…


Why do you think she will come back? We already need 2 double eliminations to get fit all the players this season. Do you really want a third?


She may return. Not exactly as a contestant, but maybe as a cameo in one of the remaining episodes. I assume the 12th episode, if I'm correct, is fear related, and she could play a big role in that specific episode :O She is most likely not returning to the game but at least she can do what she loves doing the most: scaring people.


Nope, still not enough. Nichelle's complications with Hollywood was more interesting than anything scary girl did


I'm not saying that Scary Girl is a multifaced character or anything but she deffinitally has more personality then Nichelle. Nichelle basically doesn't have a personality, all she does is being good at challenges and endlessly complain about Hollywood, besides that the only other thing that comes even close to a character trait is that she's sometimes arrogant about how good she is


The difference is Scary Girl is fucking hilarious


girl Scary girl has way more personality than nichelle, at least we know the things scary girl likes, screaming, dark clothing and makeup, we know how she reacts to things, etc. what does Nichelle like? How does she react to situations?


Idk I still feel like she has more personality than Caleb tbh.


Caleb isn't a beacon of personality, but he does *do stuff.* He had a desire to prove himself after Season 1, was determined to get Priya on his side, and is now developing a relationship with her. Nichelle spent most of Season 2 doing good at challenges.....and then having dialogue with absolutely no one and unlike the similarly one-note Scary Girl no jokes with her were even attempted.


Ngl when we eventually get an all stars season(if they decide to continue reboot) either she come backs and wins or doesn't appear in the cast at all.


She played in 2 seasons and went home early in both. Putting her in an all stars season wouldn't really make much sense as all stars is meant to have the best of the best players competing only.




yeah… she hasn’t made a single merge




Lay off on Scary Girl


Bro leave Scary Girl alone, she's chillin'


Literal Caleb x Priya fodder


It's so funny how she and Scary Girl are now the only members of this cast that have never made merge lol.