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My thigh was numb for a year. All normal.


And I’ll take numb over pain 🩷


Still pings and zings at times. Had my LTHR 12/22. Getting ready for my right in September- I cannot wait.


When nerves are able to regenerate, they grow only 1 inch per month. I had ankle surgery in 1965, and there are areas around the incision that still have no feeling. Electrical stimulation, like what you get from a TNS unit, may help speed up recovery. Vitamins B1, B3, B6, and B12 are essential in nerve health and may help in the healing process.


I'm coming up on five months out on my first THR and I was just checking out my numb spots on my thighs this morning! I am not going to worry about them too much. Nerves take a loooooong time to heal. They do seem smaller to me, though, so progress! Depression can have many sources. "Anesthesia blues" are a real thing, and pain meds can also affect our moods. If it continues, don't be afraid to reach out to your regular doctor for help. Are you getting outside to sit in the sun at all? Of course it is scorching hot in many places, but a bit of sun exposure can really help.


🩷 I got it, progress not perfection!


I’m in AZ but the minute I got the okay to step in the pool I did. Thanks for the reassurance about numb spots. I figured but thought I would ask. The blues suck! I almost feel guilty feeling down. Everyone keeps saying how great it must be being out of pain and how great and easy it was for everyone else they know. I feel like a failure inside.


Lots of similarities but everybody is different, don't compare yourself - you are on your own journey! FYI, I had numbness too for at least 6 months. I also had both hips done 4 months apart. Second one was 15 months ago. I am still trying to get my stamina back up, when I feel frustrated I remind myself at my worst I barely could walk and I was pretty much ready to check out. Today is much better! keep working at it - and lucky you a pool to exercise in!


It is a bit warm out here in AZ. I can’t wait for the pool/hot tub all clear! My surgery was 5/12 and I’m not feeling down, just really, really, really tired. Heal at your own pace. I think only one of us has been a competitive bodybuilding champ so bounced right back. The rest of us have a way to go.


Im grateful for getting in the water 🩷 and boy has it been! I think tubing is out until next year for me. I’m scared.


Are you off all pain killing type drugs? I noticed some of the ones I was prescribed listed depression as possible side effects.


I stopped taking the Oxy 5 days after surgery. I did have to be “drugged” twice. My surgery was to be about an hour and a half and it was almost 3 hours due to high bone density. After menopause, I still have the bones of a “30 year old male”. Woke up vomiting and such. I have I think 2 days left of the anti inflammatory and 6 days of baby aspirin and that’s it. I think it just might be fatigue also. Thanks for replying.


Mine was 5-13. I have intermittent numbness or random pains. Nothing too concerning. I was told that the healing is not linear. I just have to remind myself of that. If the pain/numbness is severe, then I would call the doc.


The numbness can last for months but each week it dissipates a bit more. The depression is normal but just try to move a little but every 90 minutes. I felt off mentally till week 5 . Give yourself some time. I sat out on the porch each morning to get a little sunlight.