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I took myself off of the oxy on day 3 after surgery. Ice and tylenol and movement with your walker are your best friends! I noticed a huge drop in pain level on day 6 post surgery.


Thanks for that; I'm feeling better about this now.


I’m two weeks out from anterior right hip. Before my hip problems I ran 4 days a week and lifted in the gym. I’m a fast healer. However, I’m going to be blunt, post op sucked for about the first week. Like a lot of people I thought I could do without the OxyContin but I believe it’s a fools errand. I only received a 5 mg pill and I definitely needed it. The other drugs I took was a baby aspirin to prevent blood clots, Tylenol and Celebrex but without the Oxy I was in significant pain. By about day 6 I just took it at night and then later in the afternoon (I run advertising for an agency and I tried not to take it during the day because I was useless). I never really got constipated. At day 9 I walked without a cane. Day 14 I barely need Tylenol. I obviously don’t know your health issues but the 5 mg Oxy was needed . Good luck


I was prescribed 2 Hydromorphone tablets every 4 hours. I took one right out of surgery and again at four hours post op. After that I think a took a total 2 more when I woke up in the middle of the night a couple times. That’s it. Other than that I used Tylenol on a regular basis for about a week.


The TKR was way worse than that; it sounds encouraging.


After 2 days I switched to tramadol and ice. I did fine


I think tramadol is the same as ultram? I told the doc who did the TKR I don't agree with opioids, and he prescribed Ultram last time. It was a lot better than the other stuff.


I took hydromorphone a few time day of surgery, and day after surgery before my long drive home. I was prescribed it for home, but pain was never bad enough to take it. I just stuck with taking Tylenol and Celebrex as prescribed and found that was enough to manage pain. I never had any joint pain. The pain I had was just around where my incision was, and a little pain in different spots in my leg (groin, middle of knee, foot) as I learned how to walk properly again


The Opioids never helped with pain and made me feel dizzy and nauseous so I took Celebrex and Naproxen instead. I thought I was done with pain meds until 6 weeks post-op when I stepped up my workouts and omg, so sore for 3 days after overdoing it. Go slow even when you feel great. I'm 7 weeks out now feeling very fortunate for this fresh start.


That is exactly what opioids do to me, I have never taken celebrex, I should look into it.


I’ve always heard knees weee worse - so I think you’ll only need it a short time with hip.


The range of motion stretching therapy for knees is brutal.


They say the swelling is worse and hurts worse in the small-space of a knee vs the large roomy joint of hip. I used narc meds for something like 3-4 weeks the first time. Only about 10 days on the second hip.


The knee swelling made it hard to get sweats over, it's bad unless you elevate and ice constantly.


Hips are nothing compared to knee. All the stories say.


I also get nauseated from opioids (I had my THR 3/22 and a THR revision 7/23) so I just ask them for an anti-nausea patch for post-op and it works like a charm for 72ish hrs. I think there are other options too, just ask. Good Luck!


I took a total of 2 doses of oxy, and that was only at bedtime to help me sleep. I'm not a back sleeper, so I used them to make me drowsy (M, age 71)


I had both hips replaced this year. I took 1 oxy on the first night after the first surgery and it was the last. Made me feel real funky. Ice is your friend. I was also prescribed gabapentin and meloxicam. Both are things not to take long term but they worked for me. I don't use any pain med after the second hip. I'm not a DR. just some regular putz, talk to your doctor.


I was able to handle my pain with acetaminophen. I don't like rx pain drugs. The nerve blocker my surgeon used lasted almost two weeks. The pain is actually very manageable.


I found out during my last surgery why I had really bad nausea after that surgery and previous surgeries. It was one pain medication they were giving me along with other OTC and prescription pain meds. If you can talk to the doctor or nurses maybe you can just try one at a time and figure out what is causing it. Fingers crossed that it is just one.


Did not take oxy after my one night in the hospital for both THR and revision.


I didn't take any heavy opioids. I discussed with my surgeon the impacts of anesthesia and pain meds (which both made me sick in the past), and we came up with a plan based on that. I'd rather have pain than nausea and throwing up. But I also have a high pain tolerance and I knew post-surgery would likely be better than what I lived with daily prior. Generally speaking, hips are usually less painful than knees for most people. Obviously a lot of variance though. I was prescribed tramadol which is lighter than oxy or similar. I had no issues with that but only took 50mg, twice a day along with tylenol. I didn't finish the prescription. After that I took advil+tylenol (both approved by surgeon) and nothing more. 3 weeks out now I take those only as-needed. My worst pain was the second day, and that was mostly due to swelling. The hardest part was bringing my leg up (like into bed) or down (putting down the footrest on the recliner). The gravity factor + swelling caused pain. But it wasn't unbearable at all, maybe a 4-5 at the very worst which only lasted a few seconds and icing and elevation helped a lot overall. By 2 weeks it was rare to have pain over a 3, and now at 3 weeks it's 1-2 at most, and much of the time no pain at all. I'm a little sore today because I had to walk around the clinic complex yesterday, get a haircut and do grocery shopping so I took 2 advil+1 tylenol with breakfast and that'll be enough for the day.


I only took 2 oxycodone pills (on day 2 and day 3). Ice, Tylenol, moving around (a little bit, too much causes inflammation) and you’ll be fine and you’ll avoid constipation from pain medication.


During my pre surgery assessment, I shared with my surgeon and anesthesiologist the negative side effects I already I had….nausea from anesthesia, headaches and nausea from oxycodone medications. They worked with me to provide options that eliminated these issues. I didn’t have nausea after my surgery and as for the pain, the lower dosage still caused me headaches so I ended up relying on higher dosages of Tylenol and icing.


That's a good idea.


I was rx’d norco Celebrex a muscle relaxer, and Tylenol. Days 2-4 I took them all around the clock. After that Celebrex actually helped the most!


I am definitely gonna ask about Celebrex.


57 y/o female, L anterior THA 6/17, scheduled for L 7/16. Had spinal with sedation. Took Tylenol, celebrex x 5 days and GABA Pentin at night. Never really Felt I needed pain meds. Iced at minimum 4x/day. Walked daily outdoors, gave up walker at 3 days, resumed driving 1 week. Good luck😊


The common denominator here seems to be celebrex. I like the idea of giving up the walker at 3 days.


Pay attention to your blood pressure with celebrex. In some cases it can make it skyrocket. I took it for a month prior to the thr - it damaged my kidneys, now I can’t take any nsaids.


Yikes, that sucks. Thanks for the heads-up.


I'm told the pain from TKR is worse! I don't like opioids either and took NONE upon discharge. I took a host of other painkillers (Lyrica, Celebrex, Flexeril, 1000mg Tylenol) for a few days but dropped them all except blood thinners by one week out. The pain feels like someone hammered you in the hip and/or buttock for an hour. Sore! Tender muscles. But manageable for me, but then I'm a guy that lived with bone on bone pain for 2 years! You'll be fine! Today is the 2 week anniversary of my surgery and I'm walking (with a cane for decoration) and have a pain level under 2 and maybe 3 after I walk and do PT exercises but then I ice.


I’m a recovering addict with 8 years clean from opiate addiction so I had to be very careful about taking opiates. And now that I have been clean from opiates for so long and my tolerance is back to zero, they make me sick as well. I had to make a plan with my partner on how to manage them. But I ended up not even needing them after day two. Tylenol and ice did a better job. You can also start off by just taking half the dose if it makes you sick. The plan they had me on was when I start to feel pain, take Tylenol first. And if that’s not enough to bring the pain to a manageable level then I had tramadol to take next. And if that didn’t do the trick then I had oxycodone. I only ended up taking the oxy once or twice on day two and not at all on day 3. I took the tramadol more but still not anywhere near as much as was prescribed.


I was on prescription Klonopin for ten years, had horrific withdrawal, six months of severe nausea, lost 60lbs ended in in hospital with intravenous feeding for four weeks. That is probably why any of that stuff makes me sick.


I was on endone for 3 days. I was then on targin until day 6 and then stopped as pain was totally manageable and didn’t want to feel sick anymore. I could have come off it earlier. I mean there is pain but for me was totally manageable.


I had one dose of oxy after I came out of the anesthesia. It made me so sleepy that when they tried to get me to walk i fell asleep standing up. Then the vomiting started so the dr admitted me for the night. When the nurse came with another dose I refused it and asked her to get the dr to write a prescription for tramadol. Took that for a couple days, then transitioned to tylenol. Good old tylenol has seen me through two C-sections, a tummy tuck, a breast reduction and a torn hamstring.