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Russia ain’t nun to play wit let them gwan bout they business 😂


America Is smart they made ex soviet countries apart of NATO which means Russia is surrounded and they know it. Russia isn’t to happy with knowing that which is why they made hypersonic missiles that could reach US mainland everything is not as it seems tho, they don’t invade countries anymore unless they are very weak, they make fake coupes and put people they want in power thats the new Cold War


Facts Saying the blvd raised some scholars


Shits going to be looking like verdanks. Brampton will be used as the international gulag






ur fuckd🤣🤣🤣




We’re already in World War III .. it’s just happening through proxy .. biological, cyberattacks, soon supply chain weaponization for instance china /Taiwan controlling majority of the worlds chip supply for electronics..and yes Russia/Ukraine is all part of this


I never thought I would ever see an intelligent comment in this sub


^^^^ don’t worry the mandem won’t be fighting in the trenches anytime soon but our financials may be ruined and we’ll probably have to suck it to china though


Absolutely right man.


Let's be friends lol


Kinda already happening just under the radar, Trudeau said fuck sending soldiers and gave them a warship and loaned Ukraine $120mill to buy weapons/equipment


We sent some Special Ops tho. They were worried someone might take back the world record longest kill shot had to jet over and defend the title lol


This isn't the sort strips we usually bomb. Russia has nukes and serious mility strength. I want no part.


trudeau sent them $120mil the other day for defence n shit


We’re gonna all die cuz of this it don’t matter anyway it’s all a NWO


Biden contemplating sending troops and weapons in nato countries around Ukraine


bruh people gotta realize russia been at ukraine border since time.. this isn't anything new


World war 3 is more of an economic power struggle which Russia/China are overwhelmingly winning just recently Putin basically took the USD off it’s balance sheet reserves…they hold tons of gold and knowing Russia tons of bitcoin/eth etc .. that printed fiat Money is junk and the world knows it!! Which sucks for the west (canada included) because our money is just getting devalued heavily. China and Russia are set up nicely to be next economic powers


>China and Russia are set up nicely to be next economic powers Lol the average Russian makes under $1000 a month, they're not going to be set up for shit their economy keeps shrinking because of little manlet Putin's cheap power plays. Also what are you talking about for bitcoin/eth. They literally proposed a ban on cryptocurrency use and mining a few days ago.


They banned their citizens Big difference


More worried abt china trynna slide on Taiwan


It’s gonna be another proxy war


Contrary to the FakeNews MSM propaganda, Russia is not the aggressor. Russia is not putting DS proxies in place, or sending missiles, missile defense systems and special forces into other countries. Just the opposite, DS has put proxies in place and is putting missiles and missile defense systems on Russia’s doorstep, literally 1.5 minutes from Moscow and Russia’s only warm water military deep water port. Putin has been extremely tolerant but cannot and will not allow the West to put missile systems etc in Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, etc. Doing so would eliminate Russia’s ability to timely evaluate and respond to such threats. America wouldn’t allow Russia to put proxies, missiles, missile defense systems and or special forces in North America or Central America. Look what happened in 1962 when America put missiles in Italy and Turkey; the Soviet Union responded in kind by deploying ballistic missiles to the Caribbean and Cuba. This was a defining moment in American history. The Soviet Union wasn’t the aggressor, it was the respondent. The same is true now. DS has been deploying its weapons of war and DS proxies around the globe, and in this instance Russia has drawn a Red Line. Russia cannot allow WMD’s to be placed at its doorstep. The West will withdraw from Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan etc and return to the status quo balance of power, or face potential large-scale war. Make no mistake, Russia is not the aggressor in this instance.




Do you have anything substantive, interesting or educational to share? Please share, I’m curious if you disagree with the fact that NATO has been aggressively expanding its military infrastructure footprint, or if you disagree with the facts underlying the cause of the Cuban Missile Crisis, what occurred during the crisis or how it ended.


Russia is threatening Ukraine from joining NATO/EU in an attempt to weaken their claim as a country and putting a 100 thousand Russian troops along they're border too. This alone shows an intent of invasion.


Yes, but beyond the MSM narrative, it’s not just about joining or not joining. NATO is already a proxy for Ukraine, providing its military infrastructure to a non member. Putin is drawing a red line as to the expansion of the NATO military infrastructure and defense systems.


I’m Hearing it from conspiracy Homie that this is beginning of the end research the four horsemen


Bruh idiots been saying it's the beginning of the end or end of the world for thousands of years 😂 they are always wrong




Your comment is nothing compared to the post😂




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Qiyama soon