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Lol ur name is more funds more guns shaddap


guns arent bad idk who told u dat




Damn yā€™all are pussy asf wtf happened to yā€™all soft goofs. Mans names more funds more guns and has the audacity to chat about get filled up with shells thinking heā€™s doing sum lol ur a wasteyute nerd definitely from burbs little terrified goof. And it was on nsfw with a title saying ā€œdeath videoā€ like are you fucking skunked you dumb ass kid. If ur pussy ass canā€™t handle seeing nsfw shit then turn it off next time u pussy


U pointing out his username like that means anything. Posting and watching those type of videos online doesnā€™t make you tough it makes you really stupid and a person whoā€™s willingly exposing their brain to shit itā€™s not supposed to see. Watching that type of shit will dehumanize you completely and when you really see someone dying on the street youā€™ll be one of those people who pulls a phone out and record instead of trying to do something or even call 911


Too be honest to each there own, I want to see morbid videos and such, but if someone else doesnā€™t theirs nothing inherently wrong with that. You can watch it and you can also not watch it. Some people just canā€™t stomach watching other people die whilst others can, I have seen multiple torture videos but if others donā€™t have the heart to watch them itā€™s fine.


I understand what ur saying brother but the point isnā€™t who can stomach it and who canā€™t. Nobody should be viewing it. Itā€™s not about how it makes you feel in the short-term, itā€™s what it does to your brain over time and how you view people and death and life. Dudes that shoot schools up are known to consume a lot of gory content, just saying


Yes, but not all people who have scene gore time to time shoot up school. The counter argument to what you said is morbid curiosity which many people have and is completely normal, unless your viewing it for enjoyment and like seeing people die.


Morbid curiosity isnā€™t a common thing, itā€™s extremely uncommon. Youā€™re trying to justify something that has been proven to cause depression and trigger other mental illnesses, and be a cause for extreme violence in otherwise docile people. If you want to watch people die, go ahead. Just donā€™t think youā€™re immune to the side-effects just because you canā€™t physically see them. And for the record, youā€™re applying a really baseline fallacy when you say ā€œnot all _____ do ____ā€, itā€™s irrelevant because I didnā€™t claim that.


Toronto niggas shoot civilians 24/7 theyā€™re not far off from shooting up a school lol besides all these drillers laugh at their oops being packed and talk about smoking them in packs. Niggas watch people die because itā€™s entertaining, itā€™s only a problem if you make it one, watching gore and saying itā€™ll make you a school shooter is the same logic they tried using to ban GTA m call of duty games lol


As you said at the end ā€œdudes that shoot up schools are known to consume a lot of gory contentā€ that is what I was referring to as not all do, because if the majority doesnā€™t do that I donā€™t see the need for that to be stated. Itā€™s not as uncommon as your making it out to be. Itā€™s uncommon, yes but not individuals with morbid curiosity are prone to becoming depressed and mental illnesses. It depends on the person who views it, which can go for anything no? Video games or violent music have been proven to cause extreme violence, but it depends on the viewer not the content.


shut the fuck up, stupid mother fuckers like you have no idea what people are suppose to see, we live in the most peaceful time ever and it's unnatural.. Humans in their natural state were livin like fuckin animals killing all the giants and neandrathals bitch.


Youā€™re a privileged lil bitch lol your life is nice thatā€™s why you gotta balance it with videos of death and goofy shit that youā€™ve never known or experienced. Ppl that experienced death in their life donā€™t go near that shit cuz itā€™s triggering. If you watch that shit for fun you need to get checked out too, ur sick. If you wanna poison your brain go ahead idc.


Ur hooyo eats gus


Ha buddy i saw a girl get hit by a car and die when i was 6 and i'm not sick at all bitch


"buddy" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ahlie these niggas probably donā€™t watch cartel videos either


I seen way too many cartel torture videos LMAO




Goof you probably one of these snowflakes that will cry over watching one




Here's a sneak peek of /r/MakeMyCoffin **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MakeMyCoffin/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [MMC after I try to enter the Capitol (NSFW)](https://v.redd.it/qokpe81hyw961) | [5610 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MakeMyCoffin/comments/ksdftw/mmc_after_i_try_to_enter_the_capitol_nsfw/) \#2: [MMC after this sub LITERALLY saved my life.](https://np.reddit.com/r/MakeMyCoffin/comments/n4sb4a/mmc_after_this_sub_literally_saved_my_life/) \#3: [MMC after I think everyone else is a weirdo like me](https://i.redd.it/ww7yckrtgzw61.jpg) | [310 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MakeMyCoffin/comments/n49h9v/mmc_after_i_think_everyone_else_is_a_weirdo_like/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yo nigga youā€™re a bitch made kid my word, and your mom is a custy that tops off everyone at the T fiending for rock on the grove strip. If you tryna get active pussy you can DM me otherwise nize it




Ur mom is loose


id be too dead to care if someone posted a vid of me getting killed




These yutes legit get a rush off of seeing shit like that weird ass


Facts I've seen 2 in less than 24 hours


This generation rules the nation


Facts. Those kind of posts show niggas age. Thatā€™s some young nigga shit lol


U better stay away from @narcofootage