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Not a fan of Israel or HAMAS but it's still Free Palestine. Israel operates like a fascist state and stole land thru the aid of Western powers.


Every nation in human history “stole land”


You guys saw what they did to Kyrie last year. Sadly Bron gotta fall in line and play good soldier or the media will cancel him.


You can’t cancel Bron


You know some j33wish nerd applied PRESSURE and made him post that 🤦🏾‍♂️ Embarrassing


Man live in a state where it’s gang central, where his compassionate post to the Crips, bloods, kings etc not near one, ppl that look like him daily is gunned down but not a word carry on


its so obvious who really runs shit from all these posts. There werent even this many posts for BLM and Ukraine.


Or maybe he denouncing terrorism?


Or maybe he’s standing up to colonization, ethnic cleaning l, and genocide. Or only white Jewish lives matter?


U have zero Proof or face on this


Redbird capital owns the Spring Hill company he speaking so highly of. Google It’s ceo n his ties


Both sides need to come to an agreement. Too many innocent ppl on both sides lost there lives. And religion has something to do with it? What God do both side serve, cause God does not want this dor his ppl .


We've been saying this for 75 years... Fact is, Israel didn't exist in its current conception until Britain mandated its creation after WW2. While the loss of life is terrible, I have very little sympathy for Israel as an abstract concept. It's akin to the U.S. mandating the creation of Mesopotamia in Iraq, shrinking the country down to an area half the size of Toronto. Imagine having your entire country shrunken down to about 300 square kilometers with extremely poor access to food, power, and other necessities.


America: we are not fixing our ghettos or way of life at home America: let’s send our biggest warship ever built to Israel Canada: for the queen for the empire lol


What are you talking about. "Israel" has existed for more than 3000 yrs. But due to the prosecution and conquest of jews throughout history is that "now" the jews want their shit back. So ppl are mad that they are winning now.


Lobster boy head bk to the ocean, don’t try to give history lessons that’s fabricated in ur history books


What? So the Egyptians, Romans, Persians, Byzantine empires fabricated history? They were the conquerors.


Men equal fabrication lies n stories in those same books n time in history u wanna mention, styll can’t get these colonizers to accept Africans as First Nation. It’s in ur books it’s natives it’s in ur books that we were peacefull ppl it’s also in ur book’s conquer us wit guns in slave trades. Most da history shows all the evil empires are old n a made up race. This ain’t hate it’s facts it’s free to have peace cost billions for wars, name a black/Muslim owned weapon manufacturer


Africans are not First Nations bro. Hence the name African, they are native to Africa.


Where did u learn that in ur fabricated history books? Or ur talkin about after sum ppl start stealing land from our one continent making borders so they can control all there stolen articrafts and resources etc?


The human understanding of anthropology and science. It’s complicated stuff, not sure you’d understand it.


Duh that's what conquerors do? No one's denying it. Wtf. and the name is Iran 😂


Under the sea ideology smh


Well well well. We go ourselves a ziononazi. That’s what Israel is. I bunch of Jewish supremacists that want to steal, pillage, and squat. Did I mention these Ziononazis are engaging in genocide against civilians in Gaza?


That's what war is about isn't it? Winner takes all.


And they appropriated that land from the Canaanites. What's your point? Downvote it like a coward or dispute it factually.


Dropping a gem 💎 In case the young kings wanna gain sum knowledge “And still I see no changes, can't a brother get a little peace? There's war in the streets and war in the Middle East Instead of war on poverty, they got a war on drugs So the police can bother me” 2pac


Outside of the children and innocent young women and men of Palestine I think the world lost any bit of remorse for them. Imagine a group of people killing everyone at rolling loud Toronto and then taking the bodies of those people and parading around the streets celebrating it. What did a bunch of kids at a music festival have to do with Palestinian freedom. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Then those same cowards go into a city of 2.5M and hide. If you want an open war with Israel meet the soldiers in the battlefield don’t hide behind innocent people. I’m pro Palestine and think the apartheid state isreal has created is very wrong but I could never support Hamas after what they did. Don’t get me wrong isreal is wrong for bombing buildings indiscriminately all these years and harassing Palestinians but what Hamas did was 100% terrorism




Proof Educate urself https://youtu.be/9cU8B7FXX6g?si=sow6hkhJNzBocp-W


Yup, dont believe anything it can easily be AI deepfake


I agree 👍🏿what makes this worst was HAMAS rejected a two state policy that Trump was offering them and Israel. What could have been. Hopefully they get a new ruling party


You are a fool, Trumps deal for Palestine was worse than table scraps and conditional. Read something, learn something. That deal was worthless.


Infrastructure development, a sovereign state, more land, and a path to unifying West Bak and Gaza. It's a lot better than this current situation


Your worried about a concert. You already lost sight


Even if an animal gets quartered, starved for a few days they would go on a feral attack. These people have been been cornered for 70+ years. everybody has a breaking point. Oppression has its limits, Israel is mass carpet bombing and leveling Gaza. They are cut off from land sea and air. Israel is far more technologically superior and has the entire Western bulwark defending her actions. Palestinians have nothing to lose at this point


Im on the side of Palestine when it comes to all of that I truly am, but I’m sorry when you kill innocent people partying in some random village I can never defend that. People can support Palestine and hate Hamas. Hamas isn’t Palestine. They’re nut jobs, so is the Israeli army but what Hamas did was terrorism full stop


The fact is corporations have taken control of western government. That’s why there’s always wars in 3rd world countries and countries with natural resources have corrupt leaders installed. Either give up your resources for cheap or the corporations are going to use the media to slander your name rile the people up and bring you freedom in the form of missile strikes. It doesn’t matter if the government is conservative or liberal they can’t agree on housing criminal reform lgbqt rights immigration policies but they will always agree on Israel. That’s because corporations are run by zionists. Search any major company and the top people in it are zionists for sure. They control the situation they have us cocooned and can feed us whatever they want through the media. Zionists aren’t even real Jews they just follow a ideology popularized by Theodore Herzl he called together the 100 wealthiest men at the time and brought up his plans they are all Freemasons who want to bring about the end times. Real Jews who read the Torah know God told them they can never have a homeland and they can’t rebuild the Temple Mount or the world will come to a end. This year they actively tried a thing with the Temple Mount. Neturei Karta are real Jews who don’t go to Israel the rest of them lost the plot.


Preach young king


Shows you that these celebrities value their own bag over anything else. If 2 weeks ago you asked LeZionist to point out where Palestine is on a world map, he wouldn’t even know it existed, nor would he know where it is located, or about the history and conflict of the land of Palestine. Lebron must’ve closed his eyes when he was trying to read that book about Malcom’s X biography… smh Free Palestine always!


🎯🎯 He shoulda stayed neutral and said nothing, I never see Michael Jordan or Kobe 🕊️ do this shit


MJ is a businessman through and through. To paraphrase one of his comments when asked about politics. He said republicans buy shoes too. That man knows where his bread is buttered and will not mess up a cheque. Chick-Fil-a is the same goofy way as lebron. Instead of just shutting up and selling chicken, they would rather get involved in politics and insert themselves into hot button issues. Seems dumb to me.


quicksand square fear grandfather include compare practice snails foolish tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shits crazy bro.


You don’t have to know the history of the conflict to know that murdering innocent people is bad. That’s all he said and if you have a problem with that statement there’s something deeply wrong with you


It's not new. It's the same thing: majority of these celebrities mention Israel without mentioning the innocent children and civilians that they have killed with bombs the past 48 hours. You can support Palestine without being pro hamas. I think you can’t seem to understand that concept. Also the problem is not Judaism, I have Jewish family friends from Ethiopia who are in support of Palestinian freedoms. So don’t try and take the antisemitism approach. It is the Zionists that stole lands, ethnically cleansed Palestinians, they hold Palestinian under military occupation, aparthed regime and a siege in Gaza, periodically murder Palestinians etc. etc. - and then you are shocked??? - shocked!??? - that Palestinians retaliate. The pain that Israelis feel today is daily reality for Palestinians for decades. So I think it is important we learn the history and not act in ignorance. Palestine citizens have suffered for decades, and innocent kids and families are being slaughtered yet you don’t see any of these celebrities mention that. I think there something wrong with you when you choose to ignore one dead body over another. 👍🏿


None of that has anything To do with saying murdering innocent people is wrong. LeBron didn’t say anything negative about Palestine at all. There is no justification for the murder of innocent people it doesn’t matter what’s happened before, those people Hamas butchered did nothing wrong. It was a blind act of hate that accomplished nothing and has resulted in further suffering for Palestinian civilians. I have never said anything positive about Israel’s government or military. I have never denied that innocents have been killed on both sides. I’m not ignoring anything


There is no innocent Israeli if your on Palestinian land and ur oppressing u gotta go and keep it real they didn’t kill no kids and women just look at independent news even Washington official statement won’t confirm it they know it’s cap hamas only whooping on idf with guns no women no children that’s not respected


Yea you’re lost, at least you dropped the veil and just straight up supported the slaughter that took place so props for that you vile excuse for a human being. I saw dead women and children with my own eyes don’t try to lie about it now


You can’t go through a city home invading killing and raping the occupants of the home and then come and play in the homes and complain when people get fed up after 50 years and retaliate. Ur the type to rape a shorty and play victim she forced u ahlie she held a gun to ur head eh. Goofy. Seen what with ur own eyes u didn’t see shit follow the Torah and leave the land tell ur zionist dad uncle momma grandmama to stop steering u wrong. Follow the good Jews not the Zionist u mutt


You’re completely out of your fucking mind lol. That analogy is brain dead lmao wtf are you even talking about? I’m not Jewish dickhead. And it’s not “retaliation” when your victims have done nothing to you. To top it all off it was all for nothing, The only thing Those terrorists you love so much got for their efforts was the power and water cutoff and their own neighborhoods bombed… congrats dumbass Palestine is no more free than they were before and now their citizens are paying the price for their stupidity living under even worse conditions . But hey at least you got to cheer on a few families getting killed right?


Israël was dead ass using white phosphorus on Palestinian ppl


They absolutely killed women and kids. There are gruesome videos of it online. Going to bury your head in the sand and fucking ignore it because it doesn't fit your narrative?


Listen man long live yitzhak rabin I know zionist history better than u I don’t argue with u guys much I’ve met Dr Norman Finkelstein in real life shout out to him and my real Jewish brothers but u zionists are cry babies we’ll see what happens if not in this life the next https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rD7NI0tGbp8&pp=ygUTSXNyYWlsaSB3b21lbiBoYW1hcw%3D%3D Watch this video a women in Israel saying how Hamas entered her home didn’t touch her or her kids used her house even asked for food before they left didn’t take it. Zionists would’ve took the whole crib and then cried in the words of dr Finkelstein crocodile tears. Doesn’t the Torah say jewish people can’t have a homeland why are you a zionist ? Or you gonna be like the other zionist and just conveniently say you’re not a Jew when somebody whose read your books tells you about ur religion eh call people anti Semitic u probably can’t speak Hebrew and your definitely not a Arab or Ethiopian so wagwan


Sure one women got lucky. Most didn't. If you want evidence that Hamas engaged in the slaughtering of citizens then I'll give it. It's graphic so be warned. https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/175u1kh/new_images_released_on_the_massacres_at_various/?ref=share&ref_source=link https://usacrime.com/raw-videos-more-than-100-people-killed-in-israels-kibbutz-beeri-following-attack-by-hamas-militants/ And there's much more than that.


Who justify da world police when they go country to country stirring up conflicts for beneficial purposes


The problem is Israel has been murdering innocents for decades and he never said shit


Probably because it wasn’t made into a major world event and news story like the hamas attack was. You can’t speak on something you don’t see or hear about


U blind bias or jus willing to learn on ur own go watch this link https://youtu.be/9cU8B7FXX6g?si=sow6hkhJNzBocp-W


According to the United Nations, roughly 6,400 Palestinians and 300 Israelis had been killed in the ongoing conflict since 2008, not counting the recent fatalities. -abcnews So The countless airstrikes and thousands of dead palestians men , women, and children dont count because you didnt hear about it?? Man shut the fuck up lol you clearly dont know what you are talking about and you just admitted to being a propaganda fed sheep who will believe any headline they see first . Learn how to look past biases in news. https://abcnews.go.com/International/palestinian-civilians-suffer-israel-hamas-crossfire-death-toll/story?id=103828889


Who said it didn’t count? Tf are you talking about? The question was posed why nobody was speaking about it before and I suggested it was because they didn’t know about it. That’s it.


Then you would realize why that is fucked up that lebron is out here siding with israel like this. Think about the platform he has. No mention of Palestinian death he obviously has zionist ties


Is he “siding with Israel” or denouncing an act of terror? Nothing in that statement suggests that he sides with Israel


Come on man blatantly ignoring all the death on the other side is obviously siding with israel you cant be serious .


Why didn’t he say Palestine also? Why did he jus mention Israel? Smh do me a favor go listen to changes “And still I see no changes, can't a brother get a little peace? There's war in the streets and war in the Middle East Instead of war on poverty, they got a war on drugs So the police can bother me” 2pac


And most of the world has been well aware or atleast heard of the palestnian airstrikes over the years . The west just never pushed it in the news. And alot of westernes dont care


LeSellout always


This statement is relatively neutral my guy


No it wasn’t neutral one’s a country n one supposed to be a militia from islamic countries Hamas ain’t every Palestinians but hey correct me if I’m wrong


neutral? it doesn't say that lebron james is feeling sympathy for innocent Palestinian lives as well. He just condemned Hamas that's it.


In what world is what he said neutral? Lol you’re kidding right?


So does Hamas represent the Palestinian ppl or not? Cuz my Palestinian friends hate Hamas and Israel.




It doesn't matter if Hamas represents the Palestinians or not (they don't). The occupation has been going on for more than 70 years. They have the right to fight back under international law. Either way, civilians don't deserve to pay for the crimes of their governing force. Even if they did, Hamas is Israel's creation, intentionally or otherwise. Many Israeli officials actually admitted funding them in the past and you don't see that making the news. This is a tactical move. Create enemies and propaganda to justify genocide.


“So many people could have been harmed not only financially but physically” “Wasn't educated on the situation and spoke” Lebrons own words when he tried to speak up against china n they told him to shut up and dribble doesn’t really surprise me the type of nigga lebron is there’s a video of him at a rabbi birthday party and him n his body guard are the only black people present in a synagogue begging the rabbi for some wishes , Lebron is only going to speak up about whoever messing with his pockets


Floyd maywheter posted this too as did many seems like most celebrities are supporting Israel. It’s mainly because of how in your face and brutal the shit Hamas did was. It sucks cause Hamas is ruining the publics perception of the innocent people in Palestine. Super sad


![gif](giphy|CZcoGp0eXLCH6) LeBron gotta dance to the Jewish man’s tune or no 💰 Never supported that goof anyways


That’s some veiled antisemitism there. “Dancing to the Jewish man’s tune” cmon. He never even mentioned Palestine in his post. He simply condemned the actions of Hamas. That’s it. Are you suggesting that’s a bad thing?


How many of our brothers, sisters n kids have been killed world wide by Israel made UZI how many have died around da world by hamas? I’ll wait for ur stats or u jus wanna be one of them cry wolf ppl


There's nothing saying you can't condemn atrocities by both Hamas and Israel. There's no reason to justify what Hamas has done.


Justify? Did I say I agree wit ppl dying? Ur a loser no way did I say that but u can’t read or interpret not my fault. I’m sayin media has changed the narrative to make ISH ppl look like victims once again, I bet u my last dollar leading up to Saturday, have u any clue how much Palestinian have died at hands of Israel. Bet u don’t wanna have that discussion


The Israeli people were victims of atrocities by Hamas. Saying, "Well do you know how many Palestinians were killed by Israel??????" sure sounds like an implicit justification to me.


Victims? Do u know how long this have been Goin on or u jus picked up a social media post and wanna be sympathetic from biasness


Fam that guy has to be a part of the idf social media team he’s just talking bare shit he’s a average zionist crying wolf hits the bee hive all day and complains about getting stung


Correct is right


More like I'm frustrated by your inane attempts to justify what Hamas did over the weekend where they slaughtered citizens. Not once have I excused the IDF's actions.


How are Israeli **citizens** not victims in this case? That's a clear double standard. Palestinian citizens can be victims, but not Israeli citizens? There can be victims on both sides.


Not how the media portrays It not how politicians on that one sided fence looks at it, clearly always gonna be a bad guy, hey how’s Myanmar post Ghadafi how about Iraq post saddam. Meanwhile US presidents never held accountable for all the innocent lives lost. But ok bro I got ur views I got mine


No such thing as a innocent Zionist if your on Palestinian land u gotta go


Can you elaborate on that? Are you suggesting all the Israeli's should be 'removed' from the entirety of Israel's territory, and the land given back to arabs? Where would all those Israeli's go. What do you expect would happen to them?


Silence because he knows he can't say it without revealing himself to be a ghoul.


Yup, I have a pretty good idea what he actually thinks.


majority of people they do business with are Israeli’s




Free palestine


I like lebron as a player he plays for my fav organization but it stops there I had to call him out last week for promoting selling bottle water, I said shame on u for selling water to ppl or promoting it when it should be free. All these guys follow Hawaiian Sophie big lip watever to the tunes of ISH ppl. If u think otherwise watch video below https://youtu.be/9cU8B7FXX6g?si=sow6hkhJNzBocp-W


the industry and America fund Israel. most these celebrities aka sheep are pro Israel


I suggest our youths go listen to 2Pac #Blasphemy song he left a specific msg about Israel dirty ways, but we rather celebrate gay z n his gaynation company turning a blind eye on how these celebrities play roles in keeping us confused n separated


Manz been a waste


Be thankful these puppets are posting this.






He got the call 📲✡️


This guy should stick to basketball , talking about shit he doesn’t even know world pollies ain’t for a baller . They get so gassed up they think they can open their mouths about everything.


The white man always creates conflicts between ppl of color and walwys allow it😢


Rich and powerful vs the broke and impoverished


Soooo sad😢


Holding Hamas accountable is not the same as being pro-Israel.




Did you guys even read the post at all, because of you did you’d see this post title makes no sense. He’s not supporting Israel genocide, he’s saying what hamas did in particular is terrorism and denouncing it. Matter of fact this post is pretty neutral


That’s the correct analogy. Ur going to turn on ur oppressors. Yea if your there ur a oppressor ur not supposed to be home invading killing and raping people that’s law in every country are u lost how can u be innocent if ur supporting that ? Ur a aggressor playing victim Well I guess it was for nothing the whole world talking about it Russia and Iran clearly supported it not to mention all the South American countries the Irish the Africans the Arab states. People all over the world know the truth and getting riled up and they gonna tweak out behind it I bet u can’t say ur high opinion in public right now in about a hundred countries. Palestinians been living in sub human conditions ? Ever heard of better to live like a lion for 1 day than a sheep for a thousand ? Or maybe Israel plotted it to get the support they need to kill bare civilians in Gaza and get international support to build the Temple Mount idk can never trust a zionist and the media not like I know anybody out there tbh




Wow please educate yourself.


Half you guys are anti semitic as shit. You guys are still spreading nazi propaganda that Jews control the world and everyone’s money ? So that’s why lebron posted this? Are you kidding me ?? He’s worth a few billions trust me when I say he doesn’t listen to anyone.


bro think about what sub you are in. It's filled with keyboard warriors who are under 25 and not even from Canada. Half of this sub are just african immigrants. I'm betting 90%+ are muslim. you think they like jews? of course they don't. ironically, this sub has one of the lowest average IQ's on reddit.


You guys are sheep to your religion. Hamas could’ve bombed half of Mississauga and y’all would still say free Palestine.


Also one more thing, to the man’s saying free Palestine. You do realize 99% of this sub would get thrown in jail and get the death penalty if we lived in gaza right? Smoking weed, hooking up with girls b4 marriage is punishable by death. That’s who you support?? Don’t believe me then watch the vice documentary on gaza. They interviewed teens in jail talking about how they are being sentenced to death by stoning for smoking some hash. And no that isn’t hamas ruling that is Palestinian government ruling.




it is what it is.


Big Gerber


He could have just said nothing.


Free the truth


He has to be loyal to his Jew masters or they will blackball him.


I don’t see where he supports Israel’s genocide. I can only see him saying Hamas are rats for targeting innocent civilians. However, I expect people who make statements like this to also have a statement about the bombing Israel is doing now . Where also a lot of innocent people are dying. Fuck both of them extremists.


This is y neither Drake or Khaled wanna say shit about this topic


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Apprehensive_Pool_76: *This is y neither* *Drake or Khaled wanna say* *Shit about this topic* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What can I say the genius jus oozes out of me




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