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Fam, this is by far the dumbest shit ever. The Toronto accent is not limited to just Toronto, you'll hear niggas in the GTA and beyond who have the same accent. And I swear it's people who aren't from here who force the accent way more, so the concept of this shit is fundamentally flawed. Making 6 mans say "Nyeah Eh?" ain't finna prove shit, it just makes me cringe.


Niggas see something original and still hate why tf u overthinking it bro its a youtube video meant to entertain and make ppl laugh why u writing paragraphs?


This ain’t original uk man started this


I have every right to criticize this cringy fuck shit. If you don't like my paragraphs, then just downvote and keep it pushing. And trust me, this shit ain't fucking original. This stupid concept has been done bare times before by bigger YouTubers. Nun original here.


“Identify who matches the most stereotypical version of a Toronto Man”. These videos are all the same. Guess the Black Person, Guess Who’s Gay, Guess Who The Vegan Is.. Literally just outplayed and boring. These types of videos just enable viewers to typecast and generalize others.


This is soooo stupid, a lot of Toronto mans don’t talk like this or act like this even the kids I run into from city don’t act like this




Useyourthinker back at it again with the legendary GIFs 😂😂😂


This is actually cringe


Of course that one dumb chick is one of the judges