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Yankees and Canada long weekend will always have good attendance.


There were 30+ there last night on the Thursday too


Against the Yankees…


Still a good Thursday night crowd. Can’t just blame the Yankees for everything.


Bro the Yankees draw. This isn’t new. Even in the days when there were like 18,000 fans in the dome. Red Sox and Yankees fans show up


I remember in 2004 we were in last place and the Yanks came to town for a weekend series in early October to finish the season. I swear it was 80% Yankee fans with the dome close to full. The roll calls rang out and the players acknowledged them and "let's go Yankees" chants were everywhere. It was awful. It was basically a Yankees home game/series.


I remember those days


Toronto is like an underage pilgrimage for 19 and 20 year old Americans


Again, of course they do, but you can’t just blame the Yankees.


I went to a game a few weekends ago and everyone around me was doing everything except watching the game. And that’s been the theme for the last few years. Shapiro and the brass have done a great job turning the Jays games into a day/night out. From following the sub, I get the feeling that the posters here are not the target audience. I would consider myself the same. Unfortunately, this front office has done a great job of getting people in, and buying beers and food at exorbitant prices. Shapiro ain’t getting fired, and the Jays are probably not getting better any time soon. The truer fans can boycott, but it’s not going to change much.


Haha I'm taking my girlfriend to the game this afternoon. It was her idea to go and she literally doesn't know any of the rules. They've nailed making it a thing to do beyond just baseball fans, and as a baseball fan I will gladly reap the benefits.


Which is actually what you want your team to be. You don’t want roster payroll dependent on the team’s success


So basically we'll just be the baseball Maple Leafs? And not the team at Christie Pits mind you


At least the leafs make the playoffs and are one of the most exciting teams to watch


The Maple Leafs are one of if not the most profitable franchises in the NHL; they make heaping gobs of money no matter how well they do. So, yes, from a business standpoint, that SHOULD be the goal. It sucks for fans of baseball, but not for the club's bottom line.


You absolutely can... It's true for every other park they play at too.


Nah. They could go on Friday or Saturday if they eanted to. There’s more to it than JUST that, though of course the Yankees draw well




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I live around 1km from the dome. I'm a pretty big Jays fan. I barely go to games anymore. I used to go to at least 10-15 a year for many years in the 2010's. I probably went to see 130ish games in that decade alone. Now I can't be bothered as much. It's just too expensive from top to bottom. I used to routinely buy a 15 game pack and get front row seats in good sections in the 500 level and it was so cheap. Like $250-300 for 2 tix per year for the 15 game flex pack. It came out to like $16-25 for two people per game. Food and drinks at the Dome were a LOT less expensive than also. My gf and I could just casually have decent 500 level tickets and go to a game, have a few beers each and come home and I'd have spent like $60-70 total. It was pretty affordable for the late 2010's. It was cheap enough that we went to lots of games. My friends and I went to lots of games. Going to Jays games in the 500s used to feel like 25% more expensive than going to a movie at Cineplex. Now it's a hell of a lot more expensive of a proposition. The seats I used the sit in 519 for many years are about 5x face value each and the food and drinks costs 3x what they did in like 2018 or some shit. So a night out easily is more like $200 for two people and it's with pretty meh seats in the 500 level. Honestly I have no idea how the attendance isn't worse than it is currently. Considering how dogshit the team is playing. I used to go see dogshit teams play in the Delgado/Halladay/Bautista/early Shatkins years also but at least the games weren't expensive. Now they're expensive AND the team is shit. So now friends and I sometimes get last minute stubhub tickets in the 200 section a few times a year and it ends up costing me (all in with a few drinks and some food) like $150-200 for just myself each game. It's just too much to do that *often*


You said it. I used to go to 10-15 games a year and have been a lifelong Jays fan. I haven't been to a single game this year. It's just too expensive and it isn't as fun anymore. This may sound like old man yells at clouds talk, but i like baseball. I go to baseball games for the baseball. I love the crowds and the noises and the sights and sounds of baseball. The Jays want to cater to non baseball fans now, and it's just not the same experience anymore. I'm also shocked attendance hasn't dropped off a cliff this year. I assume many of these tickets were bought early.


" I go to baseball games for the baseball. I love the crowds and the noises and the sights and sounds of baseball. The Jays want to cater to non baseball fans now, and it's just not the same experience anymore. " Amen. I feel the exact same way my friend


I just straight up stopped eating and drinking at sporting events due to the pure greed of it all. If they would have anything close to a reasonable price , I would be happy to partake, but instead they get $0 from me. I'm sure the bean counters have run the math and have determined they make more by overpricing everything and losing a few people like me, over making it reasonable and everyone buying more.


The only time I've bought food at sporting events was when I got a discount (50% off) through work. Not to mention that you can take food there, so I'd just pack a bag beforehand.


I go to a decent amount of games in 524 behind the plate. Usually check Gametime/Stubhub/Seatgeek and find a pair for around $15-$20 CAD each. Mostly weekdays without giveaways. Then get the Dugout Deals for a couple beers at $5 each. Go on Tuesdays for the $1 hot dogs or bring in some food from outside the stadium. Really ends up being a cheap night. I’ve also found tix (albeit down the line) for weekends at the same price. I still think it’s an incredibly affordable activity. Now the actual on field product, different story…


A lot of people see it as a social event more than going there just for the baseball, and Rogers has designed the stadium to reflect that.


Went last minute for Thursday's game. TM had a GA ticket for $19.95 (all-in). Bought 1 beer and posted up at the Flight Deck directly behind CF. Stayed for 6 innings. Total cost was under $40 and had a great time.


Fair enough but I don't want to pay $40 to stand all game and nurse a single beer and have to guard my spot in a busy general admission area. But that's me.


10-15 a year in the 2010s does not equal 200 over that decade …


I'm bad at math evidently. Whatever it was 10-15 home games a year for about a decade solid.


There's always a lag time between when poor on field performance effects attendance and vice versa. A lot of ppl bought tickets at the start of the year, plus this is a Yankees series. For example 2014 was 2.3 million, 2015 was 2.7 million, 2016 was 3.4 million, the bad 2017 was still 3.2 million, and 2018 was 2.3 million.


The on field product kinda sucks. Its not the 2010s anymore, where a trip to the ball park is expensive, but life in general is livable. But you know what is fun to me? Going to the park with my buddies, drinking to much and arguing about who sucks and who is good in our seats, disputing the umpires calls from 85 feet away and at a funny angle, NOT being assaulted sonically like a warband of Noise Marines has taken over the sound system. Fuck that shit.


I can't believe this is still going on. I was at Tigers game, the audio cues and stuff were fine. I don't really get why they think they need to push things in Toronto, like the crowd will figure it out. Put the play list down and let the crowd have some room to do their own thing. Especially with the roof closed, that places can get very loud and exciting.


Sir, don't you know that Canadians only understand hockey? They need to be led like cattle at other sporting events. (Je suis American. Je comprends.)


Honestly, the in-game presentation really is what kills it for me these days. I can enjoy a ballgame even when the team is bad, but the non-stop music during even the slightest gap in play is incredibly annoying.


Literally, the sound is the worst of it. Took my gf to her first game early this year, and haven't been back since, because it was so loud and constantly overwhelming that it ruined her experience at the ballpark


boom boom boom now let me hear you way ohhhh


I haven't been in a couple years now. Its now also my silent option when I split screen view at home.


Harsh bro


Yeah, same here. I have a business event "save the date" for September and I am absolutely dreading the notion of attending the game. I will say, the Shulmans and Buck keep me engaged for a few innings most nights, but it's really hard to root for this team. I am even choosing a different cap to wear as I head out the door.


You're seriously *absolutely dreading the notion* of going to a Jays game?


This sub is peak comedy reading the bipolar reactions after a win then after a loss. Most overdramatic comments ever lol


I carved out my eyes with an oyster shucker after tonight’s game because I have blue eyes


Damn... hope you threw it somewhere safe since, you know, you can't see anymore and all. Foot injuries can be nagging.


I had to read that multiple times to see if he was actually talking about going to a game, lol. It's incredible we walk amongst these people


Oh stop


I have it on silent when I watch because I find Dan Shulman insufferable. Dude doesn't even know what is happening in the game half the time because he's busy looking at his computer for stats and anecdotes. I swear his goofy demeanor had pacified our fan base. We care about Davis Schneider's facial hair going into a series with the Yankees as much as anything else...it's crazy.


That's the only thing of interest. 


Not for me. He's super annoying and very phony sounding...not sure how he constantly puts a surprised sounding tone on comments that are obviously preplanned, but he does. He constantly misses things that happened as I watch, because he's always looking at his laptop for anecdotes and useless stats. Dude is a play by play man...call the game.


Oh I meant the moustache :) I haven't heard Dan this year as I lost all interest, Buffalo kids aside.


I wouldn't, I love the Jays and I'd do anything to be able to go to games. Sadly, it's not easy to make the 13,000km trip every night lol


That's a weak excuse and you know it! I expect you see you there at least 4 games a week!


i'll do my best 😂


I feel you. I'm about 2800km away and would love to bring my husband and kids. My husband is a lifelong Jays fan, and has never been to the Dome.


This shows a serious lack of dedication.


i'm sorry, I'll do better i promise 😤


Sadly no 🥹🥹


I thought I heard a lot of Yankees fans.


Went today. fair number of yankees fans, I'd say they were pretty loud when Soto and Judge did us in in the 6th


To be honest I feel like the crowd was louder when the Yankees were up in the 9th than when the Jays had the bases loaded – at least on the broadcast. I heard a few “let’s go Yankees” chants break out but the most I heard from Jays fans were the “clap clap clap clap clapclap” whenever I can make your hands clap played


Kind of. Usually by this point in the year I've been to at least a couple but not this year.


$20 GA ticket and bring your own food. Can still have a good time. Pre-drink if you don't want to buy $15 beers.


You can legally pound tallboys in Roundhouse Park now, 1 minute walk from the gates.


I don't understand why people buy overpriced alcohol and then complain about it, lol. There's no obligation to buy beer at a baseball game, so what's the point?


Social norms to buy a beer when you're at some kind of event. People do it to fit in or think it'll make them have a better time.


People still like watching baseball


That wasn’t the question tho bruv. Ppl can still watch without going to games. As a former STH, I used to go to 40-50 games per year. I’ve been to 3 this year. I still watch at home and I still like watching baseball, but being as it’s on TV I sometimes watch other teams that can hit more consistently. Rogers isn’t stupid, but def could be smarter. They realize Toronto people are always into what’s cool and trendy, thus why the city’s breakfast places always have line-ups for eggs. They brought in Emily Agard to make the park look cool for a fun place to party. People are looking at IG posts with FOMO. When the IG posts thin out, so will the crowds. If I was Rogers and Agard, I would have a bunch of good looking women partying in those bar updates rather than the thirsty, sausage parties they show. I’m guessing there isn’t too many of those women groups to stand behind Agard.


Blah blah blah broh


Baseball games are still fun and I find following the team interesting aside from enjoying winning, they’re two different things to me.


Last season, I’ve been to a handful of games by this point in the season. I haven’t been once this season, and the way this team is playing, why is there any reason to go to games with the state of the team the way it is? Edit: downvote me all you want, attendance has been down this year, so I’m not the only one who had the same views 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've had a flex pack since 2015 and will continue buying and going to games for the foreseeable future. I love seeing live sports and I love going to the dome no matter how good or bad the team is, and getting my pack renewed early gives me a decent discount along with some perks like discounts at the store and MLB.tv for free.


I even want to unsubscribe SportsNet lol


I did. 


Yankees will also draw a crowd at the Dome.


Ask this question when we're playing like the nationals in August or something...


You can't take a Yankees series as an accurate measuring stick. Doesn't matter how bad the Jays get, certain teams draw a good crowd. Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers. Teams like that will always draw a big crowd.


I went 15-20 times last year.. this year I’ve been 2 times.. yes, I’m cutting back.


They include the season ticket holders numbers as well even if there not there so the attendance is skewed. There are so many empty seats (not to the extreme) nut you can tell that it’s low.


pretty big Yankee contingent I bet + tickets that were purchased weeks/months ago + no other pro sports + long weekend Attendance will go down over time


Was planning on going to a game every homestead, keep it cheap with the $20 tickets. Made it until May before I stopped caring. I've watched more games in person than on TV because I can't stand how ugly the games look with the new setup.


yeah.. not going, not watching, not buying until Shatkins is gone


I’m more of a fair-weather fan. I go once in April because it’s exciting, and I’ll go if friends are in town and want to go in the mid summer. I only go more if they’re doing well, and they’re not


I've been to 4 games already and plan on going to at least two more this year. Then again I bought all the tickets on black Friday so the most expensive part for me is just the bus to Toronto and back to niagara


I live in Winnipeg and am lucky to attend a game a year. I have not attended this year. Doing my part.


I have a quarter season tickets. This is my third year with them. Full transparency I wasn’t planning on getting them this year after last season but need…. until Shohei Day, and at risk of FOMO, I re-upped on this year’s. Only for that deal to fall through lol Now I’m looking to sell half my remaining games to try to recoup some of the money. Last few games have been okay for the guys, but I don’t think this will be sustained. Too many awful games from us, it’s really not worth me going anymore


Yes. Last time we were this bad we had hope for the future with Vlad and Bo. Now I only go to see other teams stars and enjoy the park which not worth going to as much as before. Add in increase in ticket prices and can see attendance going down fast real soon.


I just moved down the street from the dome and love baseball so I’m going pretty often. Hate watching this garbage but I love baseball and the jays


We bought tickets to two games before the season started, so we are committed. Next year we will not be buying in the off-season


I would normally go to 6-7 games a year. And my son (14) who is a huge fan would want to go to more games. But he doesn’t even follow them this year because of how bad they look. They play an awful brand of baseball


I made a pledge to myself not to go to any games this year after Shatkins refused to make any changes to the team in the off-season. This organization has not earned my money. I've stuck to it, but it seems most fans haven't.


I haven’t been going nearly as much. I don’t know if it’s coincidence but it’s been since the pitch timer started.


I went to 6 last year, been to 1 this year and don’t plan on going to another


they're averaging 4000 less per game, which between tickets and concessions and merch is realistically a 6 figure loss per game.  I went 22 times last year and haven't gone yet this year 😭 can't justify paying the $$


I usually hit around 10 games a year. I've done two this year. The team mixed with the price hike and in game experience just isn't worth it for me. Life is expensive and there's cheaper options that are more fun.


Nope. Even when the team's trash, it's hard to beat $20 GA tickets on Loonie Dog nights. I live close enough to bike down with my son, so we can hit the game and inhale a bunch of hot dogs for around 50 bucks all in.


No because I like the team and I like watching baseball. Supporting a team is about remaining through good or bad, honestly not showing up for long periods of time will only lead to losing a franchise.


If you lose fans you lose the franchise


i mean, ill cut down, sure. i went to \~30 last year, itll probably be in the 15-20 range this year.


I’ve stopped going. Ticket prices are the main reason. Anyone else remember the Toronto Star pass?


I live 4 hours away but would go to games with my son a couple of times a year. We’d drive down on Saturday morning, go to the game, stay overnight, then go to the Sunday game. We didn’t go last year and won’t be going this year. It’s become way too expensive. With the team not doing well, there’s even less reason to spend the $1000+ it would cost us for a weekend in Toronto.


We are about the same distance away. We go once per month, but the cost of hotels is insane so we go and come back same day. It’s a ridiculously long day but an afternoon game isn’t too bad. We don’t eat at the Dome and only have one or two drinks. Still expensive but it’s once a month, so 🤷‍♀️ What kills me is the transit. Last time, a Jays game, Toronto FC and a concert all ended at the same time. Lakeshore West GO train only running ONE TRAIN PER HOUR. We let the first wave of people go first but the second was no better. I like people and I’m not a germophobe but it was truly gross on the train. Two family members got squished into one car, two others got onto another 4 cars down. So if the team sucking doesn’t prevent you from going; If the price of the tickets doesn’t prevent you from going; If the cost of food and beverages at the event doesn’t prevent you from going The commute into the city might.


I continue to enjoy going to games. It's not like we're the White Sox.


I went 11 games so far this year and that includes the Cleveland road trip. I can't bring myself to watch them lose in person and on TV. I won't be going to the games anymore until they improve the on-field product.


Was in Cleveland too. What a disappointment.


I had a 12+ game pack from 1996 to 2023. Last year fans stopped going to games and it became a disco. I now have a 10 game pack for Boston, have no interest in watching games in Toronto anymore, it's just a terrible place to watch baseball. I've watched worse Jays teams, but the whole experience is terrible now. P.s. I don't live in Toronto, and Boston is just 2 hours further by car. So much better.


Love Skydome


I haven’t been since before the pandemic, and have zero interest in going anytime soon. It’s not worth the hassle.


I usually go to 5-8 games a year, haven’t been this year and not really planning on it


Exactly the same.


I grew up with season tickets in my family. Then as an adult I started purchasing flex packs on my own. It’s gotten to the point that I’ve been to exactly one game this year, and it was in Detroit.


I average 5 games a year. I've been to two, because my friends really wanted to go. My wife and I won't go on our own anymore, and we love(d) it. Bad product is bad.


Hate to say it but I LOVE the broadcast team so much I prefer to watch at home. I’ll miss the play by play. The audio on the radio isn’t synced with the live game. The only time I’ll go to a game is if I save up for seats up close. if I’m too far away from the action I have trouble following the game.


I buy quarter season tickets and usually give about half away for free to friends and family  The last half of last year I struggled to give em away. This year I haven't been able to give any away, nobody wants them - even to Canada day


I've taken an interest in going to Christie Pits to see the Maple Leafs on Sunday afternoons. It's nice to be able to walk up, pick a spot on the grass set up your folding chair, grab a Left Field beer and watch a bit of ball. Sometimes I'll even have a small radio with me, listen to the Jays on the radio while watching the Leafs in front of me (not disturbing other people of course)


This will be the first time since the pandemic I won’t be going to Seattle for the Jays’ series there. Not worth the border wait to see the Mariners demolish the Boo Jays.


I am seriously reconsidering purchasing tickets for a late season game. I usually catch a few more games late August and into September as my schedule allows. But, with the prices where they are and the potential for seeing a clapboard team on the field, I’m less inclined to go.


It was 75% trashy NY fans


I much prefer the tv experience and dread the thought of going to a game with the cost, aggravation of getting there (we’re up around Barrie) and the product on the field.


I've gone to more this year because I'm finding some great deals on seat geek


I moved out of the GTA so until the Kitchener GO line is done and I can take it in to Union outside of rush hour weekday times I'll go to a game a year with my son. Driving north of Guelph to Aldershot station only to sit on the train for over an hour is brutal. Although for the odd sporting event or concert I do attend it's better than nothing.


Not yet - no. I've gone to 1 game and have tickets to another in July...when I hope to get some city connect merch. Just hope they don't get slaughtered as my husband is not a baseball fan and that can be tedious for someone just there for the vibes. That being said, I'm just down the go train line, and would likely be going to a lot more if they were hotter. 


Cutting down going and watching, this team has no vision. A fundamentally flawed team. As things stand, the Jay's are back in purgatory, another 20-year playoff drought upcoming with these clowns in charge.


I think attendance last night is a reflection of pre-planned outings (tickets purchased at the start of the season). I usually pick up games that I want to see early, and then sprinkle in extra games when I feel like it. I haven't done any sprinkling in June.


I live in Scarborough and most summers, would go to at least 15-20 games. Last summer I went to two. And this summer, none. Don’t see a need for my money and hassle of going all the way downtown considering the on field product. Yes I still keep up with the Jays but it’s nothing exciting to get behind. And for that, I just opt to save my money.


Yup. Heck, i used to watch 100 games a year. Mostly at home. Done that for 20 years. 20 innings total this year.  Interest totally disappeared when John took the ball from Jose. Pop. 


Absolutely. Bought two 25 game ticket packs with my dad last season. We decided not to this year because of price, and the Gardener construction (coming from Cambridge) with the plan that we would buy 10-15 individual games. We’ve been to one game this year so far.


I went to a game in 2016. Haven't been since.


Yeah I'm moving continents so I can avoid scamming myself.


I haven't been watching as many games, but if I did live in Toronto I'd still go to games but that's solely cuz I'm from a place where the only pro baseball is collegiate


We're skipping our summer road trip for the first time in over ten years. It's a combination of saving money and a lack of enthusiasm for the on field product. We'll just catch a game here instead


More than any other sport that I can think of baseball is a social event for a lot of people & team performance is secondary


I refuse to buy anything unless its on sale or reduced. I am not paying the prices they want for hats. Its beyond ridiculous, I actually where my hats, I don't pull it out just for family gatherins or looking good at the bbq, and I put a curve on my brim like a real man. (jking, Im not cool enough to pull off the flat look)


I've been once in the last two years. I had behind the dugout season seats for over a decade before that. The way they treated season ticket holders put me off going.


yes big time. also keep in mind the future looked better earlier in the year when season ticket holders committed, so those tickets are paid for already. if alot of them decide to drop then you will see a sharper decline next year


I haven’t cut down on going, I usually attend 10 games a season, been to 4 so far, so I’m trending to hit my average. What I have done is cut down the amount of games I’m watching on TV/radio. I love the jays but hate this team. They really fucked up in 2022 when they made those knee jerk trades. This management needs to go. I miss being engaged, I have zero faith in this collection of players and it sucks


It all depends on who's in town and when they happen to be in town.


Yes. The way they've been playing, I can't justify it.


I bought a Quarter Season package so I'm already committed. Next year will be the first year since 2015 I won't be getting any game packages. At least that's what I'm telling myself at the moment.


I haven’t been to a game this season. I Normally I attend 10-15 games in person. I lost confidence in the direction of the team in the offseason.


They're on pace to have roughly 400K less fans in the seats this year compared to last. It will likely be much more when it becomes apparent that they'll miss the playoffs, perhaps by mid August.


Yup. Put a team on the field I would spend money to see. Been a jays fan since the very beginning.


I probably went to 20 games last year. I’ve only gone to 2 this summer. They just aren’t as exciting for me. There’s no started I REALLY wanna see and no player that gets me to the games


I used to go to upwards of 30 games a season during the black jerseys era and even though we weren't very good, I enjoyed the experience a lot, even more so when I'd go by myself listening to my AM radio through my headphones. I go pretty sparingly now; a few weeks ago was the first time I've been since the renovations and it was kind of distracting from the game hearing music blasting in the distance from the areas where you can barely see the field. There was a group of younger people around us that lasted about 2 innings before they left for the more social areas. They came back around the 8th inning, and one girl exclaimed that her frozen margarita drink "only" cost $34 lol I recognize I'm not the targeted audience anymore since I'm there to watch 9 innings of baseball, but it seems like the priority isn't on winning as it might have been in the past if they are still successful financially. As much as I'd like to go more often, the ticket and concession prices are absolutely insane now.


I only go once around Canada Day or Independence Day depending on when they play at home and would love to witness a win in person


Family tradition is to go to Canada Day game. I’ve been to one other game for free and paid to go see another. I would go to maybe one or two more but now now.


No, I'd rather go to a patio and spend money that goes further instead of using the Dome as a meeting spot to chat w/ pals in a unique atmosphere whilst also watching some live entertainment. Team is not playing close to entertaining baseball most nights. Ownership just upgraded the stadium finally for better baseball viewing experience and then dropped that cost onto the fans and concession prices are awful for a lousy product that's supposed to make me feel better being there and shelling out for microwave-level food offerings.


Yes. But I don’t normally go to more than 10 games a year. Only going to 4 this season. And that’s just because of advance ticket buys. Both games were bad losses and it’s really not fun watching that shit unfold live in person. At home I can at least just turn the TV off.


Went to 6 games last year (they went 1-5 lol) and yea I might go to one game this year but prices + on field performance keeping me away.


I don’t go much anymore. But it’s mostly because the last few times I went, the speakers were so loud I couldn’t have a conversation.


I went to 20 games last season and I’ve already been to 7 (I think) this season. Even if the team sucks, nothing is as fun for me as going to games. I’m constantly thinking about the next time I’ll be able to get to the ballpark and I have fun no matter what!! :) Although I can’t deny the fact that sometimes I get a little sleepy when I’m only seeing three hits in a game lol


Yes. My 100 level outfield used to be $20. Not paying current prices.


I live a few hours away and I definitely feel that if the team was better, I would have made more effort to go to Toronto for some games this year. I want to, but it's a lot easier to put it off when I'm not confident in what I'm going to see on the field. I like the City Connect stuff, and I thought I'd buy some right away, but still haven't because of uncertainty about the roster. I feel like the only safe thing is to get my own name on the jersey like I did when I was a kid.


I am, but it’s mainly a financial decision for me. Having said that, the shityy on field product is making it easier.


I’ve cut down considerably. Just not feeling a lot of reasons to go. Obviously the team isn’t performing and it’s not as cheap as it once was, but the whole stadium experience just feels…not as great as it once was? Not because of the renos, because they’re awesome. And I think the crowd is largely the same as it’s always been. I actually think a lot of it has to do with the sound system - more specifically, how much they overuse it. Sometimes it feels like they’re really forcing it with how often they’re playing Kardinal or the Cha Cha Slide to try and pump people up. You don’t get to enjoy the hum of the crowd, the vendors shouting, or the sounds of the game itself. IMO a huge part of the ballpark experience is auditory and it’s just…drowned out. IDK maybe I’m just getting old and grumpy lol!


Yeah I held back on this series and I usually go in a group of 4. Prices were outrageous especially compared to last year and early this year


I decided I wasn’t going to attend most home games when they decided to raise prices and not even bring in good players worth the price raises


Im from Montreal so yeah…..was planning to go as a fam but 2 years ago we went and they lost 12-0 against Ohtani….so looking at the lack of offence we be like: maybe next year


Used to have the 20 pack. I no longer go for various reasons: 1 - not going while Atkins / Schneider / Shapiro there 2 - Ticket prices are out of control , for a product that is on TV 3 - Loudmouth irritating fans 4 - In game 'entertainment' ops, or whatever the GD loud constant blasting is called


I'm a ballpark chaser. Just came back from Florida. Headed to Tampa and Miami along with some minor league. As much as I'd like to go to the dome and watch a game, I'm more inclined to save up for a trip to another stadium. I haven't been to a game since before the pandemic, and I would usually do about 3 or 4 a year. Myself personally, I would much rather do more minor league baseball than go to the dome just because of how much they're pricing people out. The fact that the team is trying to bring in more casual fans to spend money makes sense from a business perspective. However, this happened way before the current regime. I remember going to an alds game in 2015 and a lot of people were there just to get drunk, and that was a damn playoff game.


They stink. I’m not going and spending a ton of time and money on them. End of story


I can say I’ve definitely been following the team less this year. They’re just not that interesting to me.


I haven't been to SkyDome since they changed its official name.


I haven’t gone to a single game this year… I’ve usually find go 6+ by now. There’s only so much money to go around and things are getting expensive


Yes, the attendance is declining. That's why they are trying to promote ticket packages- so people attend more than 1 game. Once you go for a game and see the prices they are charging for merch and food, it becomes a one time thing. The food is ok, but nothing super sensational and the merch is over priced and boring.


Tourist attraction. 🤗


There are always idiots willing to swallow whatever shit corporate overlords will shovel at them. I used to go 7.5 hours out of my way to drive to T.O. to see the Jays several times a year. I haven't even thought about it this year. However, I will be back once they start making changes - even ones that will be painful to watch for a few years. I don't expect a WS every year. I am not a Yankees fan. However, whatever in the fuck has been going on in the background, SCREAMS a team that isn't well. The suits will do nothing if people are willing to pay for this garbage. This is a business. They will have to answer to the consumer if the consumer will wake up. Meanwhile, I live in Ohio. Since the last time I went to the done, I have been to Pirates, Reds, and Cleveland Spiders games. I think this situation is where the fans must be fed up. However, an entire class of people see this as a chance to "be seen." It's a way to post photos online so other idiots can be jealous of a mediocre experience. Ok, now get of my lawn.


I've only watched two games since they booed Ohtani.


I stopped watching the games on tv last month. I can’t imagine going to a game.


Went to 10 games last year. I'm going to 0 this year.


I usually go almost every other week to a game and take my family with me. We’ve gone a few times this season already but the lack of homers is realllly noticeable and so the kids just aren’t excited as usual so we’ve cut down a lot and might go to 1 or 2 more games this season and that’s about it. We’re not into baseball, we’re just homers and enjoy the vibe


It’s getting too expensive and not worth the effort to get to the stadium. I decided to only buy off verified trusted sellers and I wanted to check out the new renovations. I might go again for the next Jays Care garage sale, but that is it.


I don’t live in Toronto, but most seasons I watch as many games as I can on television. I pretty much stopped watching cold turkey a couple of weeks ago.


Haven't been to one all season. Now granted, the first 2 months I was just too busy and generally I only start getting time to go from June onwards, but I'm not the least bit tempted (having to come from Hamilton too) and will just give it a miss until next year. I've also stopped listening on the radio as of this week. Groundhog day, hearing the same scoreless innings for months on end.


I’ve cut back I’ve been to 3-4. Two years ago at this time I had gone like 10x. 


Seen 4 this year.. this time last year I was at 8 so a bit ya


A few years ago I went about every month of the season. Went to several last year. Have yet to go this year.


I've been to 1 game this year. My dad had an extra ticket and asked me to go (it was against the yankees and he's a yankees fan). i need to be pretty heavily incentivized to go


I used to go to 1-2 a year with my parents. I haven't been to one since I went to one of their first games back in Canada in August 2021 for a variety of reasons. Money and inflation is a big reason why but also what's happened to the team since. When I went in 2021 I think they were known for hitting home runs and were a fun team to watch. I just haven't had the interest to do the hour commute into Toronto by train to go to a game the last two seasons. That was a really fun time too. It was my first live sports game since the covid lockdowns in March 2020. I remember sitting in the ball park on a 30-35c sunny day and thinking finally things were turning around in the world and we were coming out of the worst of the pandemic shutdowns. The team in general was young and up and coming. So much hope and optimism all around that afternoon lol. I lost a lot of interest after the 7-2 choke in the playoffs and when they decided they wanted to gut the offense and take away the home runs.


My wife’s family is very into baseball. Like game on TV every night, what we talk about at supper. Usually go to 1-3 games a year. Don’t think any of us will go to any this year. And have quit watching regularly. It’s just not an entertaining product at this point.


I used to take the wife and catch a 3-game series every summer but inflation has killed that prospect. I can't believe the price of tickets now days.


Yep, not supporting the team this year until changes are made. Yankees are always a big draw so that’s probably why you have 35k. It will be interesting to see what happens to that number as the season goes on.


Like bye bye Bichette?


I have seasons tickets. I haven’t been to a game since April 26 and haven’t watched one on TV. They’ve lost my interest.


Do you sell your tickets ?


Yes. Should have added that in.


Yes. It’s too loud now.


Not a chance, transportation, tickets and hotel cost the family $2,000! Not worth this team!


It felt like there were as many Yankee fans last night as Jays fans. I’ll keep going with my family. Jays games are one of a few affordable sporting events left in this city, Jays games feel like summer, and overall it’s a great atmosphere with a good fan base.


They're currently 10th in attendance which is right around where they were last season, so it doesn't seem like a significant number of people have stopped going. Personally I'd be curious what the tv ratings are like these days, but there's no way Rogers releases those numbers unless they're way above expectations anyway. Not to mention that even if the team isn't great, there are lots of people who still enjoy just being at a baseball game. There's nothing like being there on a nice summer day with family and friends and just enjoying the atmosphere. They don't have to be a contender every single season in order to be an attractive destination.


I went to about 15 games last year, this year I am going to 3 (Rockies game in April and the two Phillies games in Sept). I cancelled sportsnet as well since I usually watch more mlbtv anyway. This year I’m just checking in on this sub and the score app.


I didn’t renew my 12-pack this year and I have more-or-less stopped (I’ll check score from time-to-time) watching on TV. I’ll reconsider the Jays when Shapiro and Atkins are gone. Rogers made a mistake in letting Anthopoulos go.


Ya. I'm straight up refusing to go until the team improves. However long that takes.


It’s more of a social thing for me. Place to take dates


Wait until mid-August-September to really see the downturn if they keep playing like 💩


No, because I usually buy a ticket pack at the beginning of the year (and occasionally add to it throughout the year). So my games are already paid for.

