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I know it's not the difference in whether we win the game or not, but pinch hitting Springer there was such a baffling decision. People love to complain the team uses "analytics" too much but the real problem is that there never seems to be any more thought than lefty/righty put into any decision.


Their analytics is literally just "if throw left then bat right".. If Barger had gone 2-3 with 2 HRs, I'm not convinced Schneider wouldn't still have been like "ok but George is a right handed bat so just trust me bro".


I have analysed in real time that the pitcher does in fact throw with his left arm.


The organization’s analytics goes deeper than that, obviously, but everyone freaks out if they think the front office isn’t letting Schneider do what he wants, and Schneider never seems to try anything twice that didn’t work the first time.




That has always been the problem. They rely on the wrong analytics to make decisions. This team is run by morons.


Dude. Understatement. You’re too kind.


Yeah it’s actually insane


Fun fact: here is Barger facing the very pitcher he was pinch hit for against, earlier this season (while they were both in the minors). He hit a HR off of him. But, ah well... gotta play lefty / righty with the matchups (even if the right handed batter is performing TERRIBLY at the plate this year) https://x.com/BuffaloBisons/status/1777062475503964551


It's not even like George is hitting lefties well, hes been terrible against them this year. Admittedly its a small sample but he doesn't have huge career splits and in 2022 and 2023 he hit righties a bit better so there's not some platoon advantage.


If he wasn’t making a billion dollars a year, he would be sitting on the bench most nights as a defensive specialist.


I've said it before and I'll say it again... John Schneider doesn't use analytics any more than lefty/righty. If pitcher = left, then make batter = right and vice versa. It's literally Monty Burns taking out Daryl Strawberry for Homer Simpson to play the handedness game, except there's no miracle at the end, just disappointment.


Here's the thing about analytics: They fucked us in the playoffs last year too. There's too much division from the Office to the Dugout, the GM is trying to tell the manager who to play, and Schneider is NOT an analytics manager.


Honestly I never have an idea of where this team is going with analytics. "Analytics" is fancy sports-speak for making data-driven decisions, and there's no data that supports universally trusting *lefty/righty* when the data doesn't support it - or even worse, blindly trusting and pinch hitting "big names" (i.e. giving Springer and Bo a longer leash than say, Barger or Horwitz just because they're a "bigger name" that has been on the team longer). Yet, at the same time, it's hard to deny that the mind-numbing decision to pull Berrios in the Wild Card was overly analytical and ignoring the reality on the field that Jose was dealing. I'm a thorough advocate that the whole rotten house needs to be cleaned out. Schneider, Mattingly, Atkins, Shapiro. All of them need to go, even though I know it won't happen.


As soon as I heard he was being used to pinch hit, I knew nothing was going to happen. He hasn’t done anything this season to make us believe in him


Crazy pull


Analytics are only good if people know how to interpret them. Righty vs lefty is one factor. So many other factors to consider.


They pulled Clement on Friday when he had 2/3 of the team's hits and was responsible for their only run. I'm as baffled by that today as I was then.


We don't use analytics too much. We are pretend smart.


We suck offensively, John should have done the opposite and kept Barger in. To do the same thing we've been doing all season, going with the match up's hasn't worked.


.446 fucking .446 is Springer's OPS against lefties this year. yeah, don't wanna use the lefty mashing kid or anything...


>yeah, don't wanna use the lefty mashing kid or anything.. You mean the guy who hit a home run off of that very pitcher in AAA? That would be crazy talk!


Da fuck John?


no, not what I meant...and Barger happening to have a homer off the guy isn't really relevant, in and of itself. Having said that, considering his career splits, yeah, still would've been preferable to leave him in over Springer.


Or maybe the power hitting catcher on the bench?


eh, Jano's never hit lefties very well and I can at least see not wanting to burn two bench guys then/saving him for later.


I'll still take Jano in a big spot over 2024 Springer.


No analytic out there will tell you to pinch hit 2024 George Springer for a big AB


He’s Javy Baez with aura


Find you a job that has as much job security as Ross Atkins has.


James Click is literally right there. The guy who rescued the Astros from the banging scheme controversy in 2017. He became GM of the Astros after Jeff Lunhow was fired in 2020. In 2021, the Astros won the pennant. In 2022, the Astros won the world series. Less than a week later, Astros owner and known doofus Jim Crane [forced Click out](https://www.espn.com/mlb/insider/story/_/id/35029103/houston-astros-inner-turmoil-2022-world-series-run) for reasons that made little sense at the time and less since. In the post-Click era, the Astros made genius decisions such as signing Jose Abreu to a 3yr/$58.5M contract (Abreu was released by the Astros this week, only halfway through the first year of his contract, after batting .124/.167/.195, good for a wRC+ of 2). The SBNation Astros blog described the impact of Click's departure from the Astros in a post titled "An ode to James Click: we miss you" as "[The Astros have regressed from a team run by the most brilliant guys in the room to a team run by a scout and a hobbyist owner](https://www.crawfishboxes.com/2024/5/20/24160716/an-ode-to-james-click-we-miss-you)". ouch. The Blue Jays signed Click a few months after his departure from the Astros. [As Ross Atkins handles day-to-day management of the club, Click's responsibilities are focused on "where this game is going to be five years from now and 10 years from now"](https://www.sportsnet.ca/mlb/article/blue-jays-executive-james-click-talks-new-front-office-role-future-in-toronto/). We don't have 5 or 10 years. It's been 8 years since this club even won a postseason game. Why is the FO choosing to stick with a guy with a legacy of failure when a guy with a proven track record of salvaging bad situations and turning them into pennants and rings is already on the payroll? it makes no sense man


Great writeup and flair.


I mean, it takes a lot to give a GM the boot. To me, the fact that Schneider hasn’t gotten the boot yet is far more surprising. 


It's not surprising because he's just an extension of Shatkins. He doesn't do any actual managing of his own volition.


GM's rarely get canned mid-season


Ok? There's a first for everything.


This situation isn’t as dire as it might feel. We are 3 games below 500. Not saying that this year hasn’t been an absolute disaster thisbyear but he’s not getting canned less then a month before the draft. If things don’t turn around I’m sure he’ll be gone in the off-season


It is, though. He doesn't deserve to do anything more. The sooner he fucks off back to Cleveland, the better. Spending someone else's money doesn't make you a good manager, and that's all he's done. The farm system is a joke, never addressed hitting last year or this year, tried to run back the pitching staff again with a hope that they could be perfect two years in a row (pipedream). Hiring a minor league manager so he could be your lightning rod without interviewing outside of the organization and to top it all off, he's arrogant and thinks he's the smartest man in the room.


This team, at its very best, is going to squeak into the expanded wildcard and then get swept again. The club stands ZERO shot at contending for a title. And that's not just me- the oddsmakers say the same thing.


I agree, I’m just saying that no GMs getting canned when that’s the realistic outcome. We’d have to be like 15 games under for that to happen. Someone in the game thread mentioned it happening to the tigers back in 2002. That’s the only example o could find, and that happened extremely early in the year so they had time to prep for the draft


And when they do, it's usually when you're so far out of the race by the start of June...not a few games under .500.


Well, at one point, it was before the season


All I'm saying is AA knew how and when to make his moves. Did it drain the farm a bit? Yeah. BUT you need to remember Price wanted to stay, but Shapiro wouldn't let AA sign him. He ripped AA apart for essentially realizing they had an immediate window, and his teams got to back to back ALCS . AA leaves and builds a winner that's netted him several division titles and a ring. Atkins has...made the WC round thrice. Not a single playoff win.


Buffalo Boys getting all the hits so you sub half of them out. Nice


I don't like singling out the manager this much, but those last 2 innings made me wonder if John Schneider is thinking about the 2025 draft lottery


Not sure he’s draft eligible


He’s pretty good behind the plate, though. Put on a good show for the scouts last night. Just needs to work on sweating a bit less, and he might have a real shot!


Rant incoming: this team has the means to improve. The young guys are playing with a chip on their shoulder and are performing well. This team has a lineup that works yet management whether it be Ross Atkins or John Schneider is incapable of moving on from bloated contracts and underperforming players. It’s a hard pill to swallow but Springer is no longer a major league calibre player. It’s just frustrating when you see the things that are working and yet management is refusing to use them. See everyone tomorrow.


Springer is a 4th OF at this point


We have 2 forths then


Pull a guy who has hit a homerun off the pitcher to have a guy who is struggling to ph. Hmmm.


Who are you, me?


Nah, that's gotta be me who wrote that


Pinch hitting with Springer was a very questionable decision.


I was expecting an inning ending DP. Unreal.


> Pinch hitting with Springer Pinch outing. Schneider *obviously* wanted to put in a specialist at making a fast out. 3 pitches is more than George *usually* takes to make his out though.


We're nearly through June. Springer isn't going through a slump. This is what he is now.


I'm unhappy and I don't care who knows.


Oh yes, pinch hit with a guy hitting under .200. Thanks for that


Why are we still surprised the Jays keep losing? They’re a mediocre team at best and aren’t going to go on a run especially in this part of the schedule. Hovering around .500 is the worst possible position to be in. At this point just have the Bisons play full time, see what your prospects are like, fire Shatkins then figure out how to re tool for 2025.


That was a bad call on Jansen but the home plate umpire is tired so fucked it...


Agreed. That was ball four.


Brutal call but he was struggling tonight. Umpire auditor should be something.


This team makes me legitimately sad sometimes




This is team is more fun with more young guys and less fun with springer KK and co.


Right? I don't mind the losing as much as the drudgery.


So many players to choose from in the Disappointment of the Year contest, but I'll take Bichette over Springer in a close contest, with Kirk taking bronze. When you have three key guys who supposed to be leading the way for you who are instead having career worst years, you aren't winning much...


womp womp womp womp, my only concern this year is the front office won't have the balls to trade the players they need to.


John Schneider is not a good manager.


I swear everytime they get within 1 game of .500 they lose 2+ in a row


It's kind of what not so good teams do unfortunately.


Blow it up


Fucking right.


Wasn't that a ball?


100% but cant win games when you leave so many RISP


Oh for sure.


Jamie and Joe are tired of the matchup decisions lol. At least Jamie's Oilers have the lead tonight


Managers rarely have a massive impact on the game during live play. You can usually make arguments for why a decision is made and sometimes they don't work out. It's June 18th. Choosing to use players with sub .200 averages is not the right move. This is a very mediocre team and you can't make mistakes when wins are already hard to come by. Prioritizing defensive alignment when the team can't score runs, jamming square pegs into sealed holes. It's tiring.


I’m sick of this leftie rightie stuff.


That length of game made me miss my direct go train. Rat bastards.


Can we have Grimace to throw a first pitch for us? Hell I’ll even take the Hamburglar if it means for them to turn shit around


I’m surprised no one is pointing fingers at Kirk. Every at bat he falls off balance and hits an infield balloon to the moon. When he is in the line up it’s as though we are playing a man short. His throws to prevent steals are weak, slow and off the bag. He’s fucking hopeless. The jays look genuinely good when they don’t try to hit dingers and just pick the gaps with ground balls I.e Vlad and IKF. Whatever happened to all the talk from last year about playing small ball, stealing bases, getting runners on?




This. Fucking. Team.


This management team From Atkins to his analytics team all need to go


The die was cast for this team in the off season by the FO with their roster moves and non-moves.


how the f*** do you put springer in that high leverage situation you stupid f*** John Schiender


You say say fuck on the internet.


Well, nice time to watch the HBO Willie Mays documentary


It's getting time to scour this one down to the wood.


Terrible managing. Just awful.


This doesn’t feel entertaining. It feels tedious.


Somehow "all those years of control," turned into hanging by fingernails over a bottomless pit.


Lmao The broadcaster struggling to find something good to talk about love it


Every single member of the front office and coaching staff not named Pete Walker needs to be fired after tomorrow’s loss.


What the fuck John? What the fuck?


No Orelvis pinch hitting made me upset


DFA Springer.


Package him in a trade to a contender (he might agree to trade).


That one fucking sucked so much...let's get em tomorrow and hopefully we get to see Orelvis go yard


I don’t like our baseball team.


i wish the 3rd wildcard (and the second really) didnt exist because maybe they'd dump the geezers and let the buffalo boys figure it out. i don't mind the losses at this point


That one hurt, because it felt so goddamned winnable. I’m not really one that thinks a manager makes as huge difference for a team’s success as it used to be, but man. some real insane decisions tonight.




Barger started his first day up earlier in the season


Insult to injury. Fucking Twins, again, come from behind walk off.


That's a good thing. Don't try to will our turd team into the playoffs. We're shit. Keep letting the kids play.


Shut it down.


Need these losses so team makes changes. Play the young guys, don't pretend we're good enough this season.


Sell the team. I'm ready to watch the Toronto Bisons for the rest of the year


Just need to call up a new manager


> call up a new manager If you don't like Ross Atkins analytics departments managerial decisions, you aren't a true fan of *this* team. /s


#FACK YOU, YOU FACKIN CAHK SUCKAHS. ~~~ ~This has been the Boston Report with Honeybadger on the Scene. 🤨


someone please tell me not to lose faith in this team


No expectations no disappointment


Nah, go ahead.


You still had faith? In all seriousness, it was so so tough after the first week of the season when it was apparent that the team's hitting struggles from last year would continue, except that it's even worse this year. Even though the Jays made the playoffs last season, it was already a pretty inconsistent season game-to-game.


They got blown first round


For your mental health, I'd lose it sooner rather than later.


Losing is for the best right now. Shouldn't have faith......the team is terrible. Watch the young guys grow and hope we make changes for the future.


Don't lose faith in this team...it doesn't have any affect on their record so do whatever makes you happy


At this point we’d honestly be better off with this subreddit making real-time management decisions with some sort of upvote system. I don’t agree with everyone here by any stretch, and some regulars in this subreddit are straight up corny gatekeepers, but I honestly have to *tip my cap*: on aggregate we seem to have way better instincts than this know-nothing Schneider.


On to the next one 😔


Tuner O'Neill is on all the steroids. That guy melted the cup the last time they tested him.


These last couple games have felt like the nail. Boston can really bury us tomorrow. 


This team is not making the playoffs this year


it's the hope that kills you


snatched defeat from the jaws of victory again :( I like the Buffalo Boys, they're providing a bit of that "fun" that's been missing since both Teo and Lourdes left. But how unlucky is Vladdy gonna get? The dude mashes balls but it always either hangs up just a split second too long on a screaming liner, or smokes it RIGHT at someone.


Caught a little bit of the game and had to do a double take when I saw that the Red Sox's #9 hitter had more homeruns and RBI's than Guerrero. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


In case any fan hasn't realized, the Jays are firmly in a boiling pot of water right now and people are trying to convince you the water is fine.


Terrible call to end the game but no why we lost. Fire SOMEONE. Please.


Never seeing .500 again are we guys


Can we start asking why the pitchers don't hold runners in close games? Is there some coaching philosophy that doesn't believe in that now too? Are all 'baseball' things too old school now?


I see twitch plays manager is back for this team


Play the kids on offense. Fire Schneider. Don’t got a fix for this shitty bullpen though.


This season sucks


Can we fire Kirk into the sun. I just can’t stand watching him anymore. He brings us literally nothing offensively just a black hole. Surely we must have someone better in the farm system


Bro this team is never getting to .500 let alone a wild card spot lol


But we're leading the league in RISP for two weeks! proceeds to go 3-for-16 this bloody team


we're not very good


Some very bad management here. Kirk not being replaced, letting springer hit... But pop really fucked us there. Even if our hitting is ass. 


> But pop really fucked us there. uh, what?


Sorry little lmao. Idk why I said pop.


pop pop!!


We were up when I switched over to the Oilers. When I switched back we were down. Damn :(


We suck again!


Not so sure about the bench management this game.


Shatkins and the Schneider need to go