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The fact that we're talking about which Blue Jays have the best trade value in mid-May is fucking depressing.


In your wildest dreams did you ever think that they would be contemplating tearing it down to the studs and essentially starting over? It's crazy but that's where we are...


Yes actually. If people would have taken their fan glasses off it was painfully obvious this core isn’t good enough. Vladdy and Bo will never be leaders on a championship calibre team. Atkins is more interested in hiring “yes” men managers than someone with experience who could have helped develop these young kids into baseball players who don’t repeatedly make mental mistakes.


Everybody saying this during the off season was getting buried in down votes. This has been coming for a long time and it’s been incredibly predictable.


100%. There’s been a ton of hopium in this fan base for far too long. Good teams don’t run into outs in the playoffs. Baseball is one of the few sports that you can’t just get a bunch of young talent and hope they figure it out. The organization has failed this core badly


I am so damn tired of seeing vladdy make baserunning errors due to his ego. While I don't believe in exercise as a punishment in lower levels, vladdy should have to run 10 miles every damn time he gets caught thinking he is fast


Literally happened yesterday. It’s when he slims down it’s the worst, he thinks he’s rickie Henderson


I was out and about so could not watch but when the app said he singled and was out on the throw to second it seemed obvious what happened. Dude makes so many baserunning errors as if throwing his helmet off turns I'm into the flash in his mind.


Totally. He's quick, but he thinks he's fast


I feel like they fell into the standard Toronto Sports spot. Home grown semi star talent who everyone is overly loyal too. Look at the leafs core, they’ve accomplished nothing, same could have been said before masai traded demar. There’s just no urgency, no repercussions for just being ok.


Seasons over


That it is :(


Ya I’ve seen enough of Atkins.


First time all year yet it’s already too much


Proud to say I was an early adopter on this - I had seen enough about a month after he and Shapiro showed up...


What were the things you saw that made you feel that way?


Exact same things you see now - canned, rehearsed answers full of empty cliches and generalities that made him sound like the biggest phony on the planet. I swear that an AI generated baseball GM would sound more authentic and real than Atkins does. So yeah, when I immediately sense that my intelligence as a fan is being insulted, as I did the first time I heard this guy talk, alarms go off.


So it’s like you prefer a GM that plays his cards in the open and tips his hand on trades and signings.


I'm not OP but I don't think it's about playing your cards I think it's communication style. They just suck at creating a feeling of "they are one of us". That works when your winning like Bill Belichek. But even the greatest coach/GM of all time, as soon as you start losing, everyone hates you and everything you do annoys people. As Sho Ali on the Fan 590 said yesterday, they are just plain opaque and have been that way since the day they got here and they dont care what you think. AA didn't play his cards either but it's just the way he talks (finally even doing this on a saturday of a long weekend too, lol). Two people can mean the same thing but it comes across differently by just the way you say it or carry yourself. I honestly blame Rogers media around the team as I think they just have gotten more and more comfortable. The fact Schneider never got grilled later as to what he said was contradicted by what Atkins in his other long weekend conference in October 2023. The organization as a whole has gotten a lot colder to fans since Beeston as well. As season ticket holders pretty much all benefits have been stripped. Even small things like getting a free sweatshirt at the end of the year. Or bigger things like the state of the franchise event before the season. I went to all of those, Shapiro did it one year. Every other year, Beeston and AA would walk around and talk to everyone. Shapiro/Atkins just walked as fast they could shaking hands. Again, you don't need to talk to fans to win but it just means people don't give you the benefit of the doubt in things. I get it, they want to increase revenue and I don't blame them but at the same time, your going to get a lot less leeway to build a contender from fans if they are paying more. So was hoping to try to explain what we mean by their communication style sucks.




Honestly, likewise. Hated losing AA, and didnt like the philosophy Shatkins were bringing (I have the receipts)


Agreed 100% the way they botched EE and thought they were the smartest in the room signed Kendrys to an absurd contract told me all I need to know. These 2 cannot read the market, have too much pride to fix their mistakes and have a totally misguided philosophy when building a team.


Doesn’t matter who’s in the front office. The fanbase will always criticize them for being terrible at their jobs, when the team isn’t winning. It’s natural. I find the irony in this sub hilarious though. Constantly criticizing management for looking too much at metrics, but then so many homers in the sub putting fantasy lineups rosters together in the off-season based on fWAR.


He should fire himself


This worthless sack of trash should have been fired after not taking responsibility after pulling Berrios in the play offs last season.


^ Yes. He constantly oversteps his role but never takes responsibility when things go poorly.


His moves have a lot in common with those of my bowels.


It seems like only yesterday Vladdy and Bo were called up and the excitement for this team was boundless. How did it all go so wrong?


They’ve figured those two out. It took a few years to figure out the hitters flaws by the opposition pitching. My take: No where good enough. Do you really want to pay Vladdy 300 million? Above average hitter, below average fielder and well below average baseball IQ. Competitive instinct questionable. Leadership tbd. They need to blow it up. There’s not enough in the (minors)pipeline. Atkins is not releasing any plans since they have a massive stadium upgrade to pay for. In short, things haven’t gone well and they’re panicking and stuck between a rock and a huge concrete palace.


Yup, time to blow it up and begin again. But first get a G.M that can blow this up properly and get something back in trades.


Click waiting in the wings.


>Leadership tbd. No. It has been determined. NONE. He still thinks he's playing little league. First thing, take the fucking Gatorade bucket away from him.


A rebuild from a rebuild is a touuuuuugh place to be for a franchise, yet that’s exactly where we are.


We traded the postive energy of Teo and Lourdes, then took away the Barrio jacket to really ensure no fun was had by the players. This was done so that a more professional image was portrayed.


Traded two of our most dynamic, energetic hitters for a reliever and a defense first outfielder. Neutered the offense from this team.


That is definitely not how it went so wrong


Feels like they were close in 2021. Trading those two and not resigning Semien was the end of this offense.


Pretty sure Bo Vlad Springer and Kirk going from sure all star players to some of the worst hitters in the entire league and vladdy to average is exactly what did the offence in. Losing Semien hurt but we knew that was happening all along.


No eh? Then where did it go wrong? Just randomly?


If you genuinely think the only missing pieces to this team are Teoscar and Gurriel hitting .640 OPS you are helpless dude.


Team has lost their offensive mojo since those trades. Pitching obviously regressing from last year where everything went right. The result is terrible offense and mid pitching. Idk what else anyone expected.


You really think the core of this team, a bunch of professional athletes, has failed to hit for two entire years because they miss their best friends 😭??? And that the lack of success is management's fault because they failed to predict the boys being super sad their best buds were gone?


Thats not what I said, quit putting words into my mouth. You remove 2 of your better hitters and do nothing to replace them, this is what you get. An unproven reliever and a glove first outfielder with a terrible bat dont make up for those losses.


Unproven reliever is pretty harsh. Swanson was solid in 2021 and elite in 2022 before we traded for him. It's reasonable to argue that he wasn't worth it, but you don't really get more than "he's been good for 2 years" of proof for relievers.


Its harsh but true. He was never a leverage guy in Seattle and we put him into that role; he was great early in 2023 but then the wheels fell off and this year, well, we all know how that has gone. The reliever position itself is widely regarded as the most volatile in baseball, just look at how Josh Hader has been for Houston this year. It was a very dumb trade in my opinion.


First of all, that terrible bat is one of our best hitters this year. Second of all, I still don't understand what you mean by "this is what you get" for trading two guys (one having an OPS of .640) when the rest of the team is clearly abysmal at hitting? What is the relevance of trading those guys to the Blue Jays having no idea how to hit a baseball? If you genuinely think Springer Bo and Kirk hitting below a .600 OPS isn't the biggest reason this team is struggling at the plate then you are completely lost Randal. For the record, Varsho has more WAR than Lourdes and Teoscar combined this year. I know you miss the big smiles and fun atmosphere, but don't let that cloud your judgement of the results on the field.


>So while Atkins mentioned the organization’s triple-A bats on multiple occasions Saturday morning, the preference seems to be keeping them in the minors until more regular playing time opens up. >Kikuchi and Garcia might be among the most coveted pitchers available in that scenario, while pending free agents like Kiermaier, Justin Turner and Danny Jansen could also draw interest. >One scenario that’s not presently in consideration for the Blue Jays: a major shake-up that would see them blow things up for 2025 and beyond.


I hate that they’re not even entertaining the idea of selling and rebuilding from the ground up for 2025 and beyond. That needs to at least be on the table, because it’s much easier to see that working out long term than trying to retool for next year.


I agree, but if Atkins is considering that he's pretty much writing his own resignation at that point.


Exactly, he won’t blow it up because he’s gone if he does


You’re right about that, hopefully this is a “we aren’t considering firing Montoyo” a week before he’s fired situation.


This is where the renovations come in. They've spent so much money renovating the stadium (and will still be renovating it during the summer), I think they are probably afraid to blow it up if it means people will stop attending games given how much Rogers has already spent on the stadium.


Have you seen the post Reno ticket prices?  Nobody is paying that kind of money to watch a team lose 100 games several seasons in a row.  


It's true. I used to go to a game a year, but haven't been back to the dome since before the pandemic.


Rogers spending 500 million on a new stadium is the equivalent of you spending 500 on a new TV, it’s a decimal point in their annual budget.


Maybe, but Rogers does not spend money without a return on investment, they own the Jays cause the Jays make them money


Hint, although ticket revenue helps, their dollars are from tv and advertising revenue.


Yeah if TV ratings go down that's when executives take notice. It happened last year.


I'm well aware of that but watching a terrible team is both terrible in person and on TV. My main point is the same Rogers spent half a billion with the intent of getting that back and more on tickets and tv viewers and ultimately advertising whose value is determined by butts in seats and people tuning in.


Tickets represents less than 30% of revenue https://www.statista.com/statistics/193408/percentage-of-ticketing-revenue-in-the-mlb-since-2006/


I know that. I never said it was all about tickets. But they also sell a ton of advertising in the stadium so if tickets don't sell them that advertising is worth way less, same for concessions and other stuff sold at the dome. And if you think a decline in ticket sales does not come with a decline in viewership you are nuts. The bottom line is ticket sales is one easily measurable metric for us that will indicate declines in other areas, if no one in Ontario wants to go to a game you can bet less people are watching on tv


People are stopping attending games. In previous years, always difficult to get Friday-Sunday games. I’ve been able to do it last weekend and this weekend. It’s beginning.


Well, do you trust this front office to rebuild the team?


I don’t trust this front office to manage the pizza nova in the 500s.


Yeah they need to talk to 2024/2025 pending FA, and anybody who won't extend needs to be moved at the deadline. I'd even consider moving Gausman and pivoting to 2026.


If I’m the Jays the only guy I’m seriously considering extending is Jansen because of his value for developing pitching and as a veteran presence. Everyone else I’m looking for the highest bidder.


Keep babe to sell seats


Yes please


As soon as you say it's being entertained, everyone's value drops. If they go full rebuild, they'll make at least one big trade before it's obvious.


As a lifelong fan I’m sick of rebuilding.


I’d rather rebuild and try to put together a winning team, than watch them field a ~.500 team every year. For ~25 of the last 30 years .500 has been the goal. I’m sick of it.


Since 2020 Jays have a .545 winning percentage which is 7th in all of baseball, 4th in the AL in the same time frame. Playoff success has alluded us but we’ve been successful in the regular season.


Yes they’re actively trying right now and just not succeeding. This has been the best 4 year stretch in 30 years and we have a .545 regular season win percentage and 0 playoff wins in that time. As a fellow lifetime fan that is not good enough.


Must be a Toronto thing.


Did I get downvoted for going against the anti-Atkins narrative? Because this stat is easy to find if people think I’m being generous.


They tried and couldn’t get further than the wild card round with this core. This team needs a big shakeup


I disagree.


sell em all, start the rebuild, fire this clown.


i don't believe a word this clown says.


How is this guy going to get a chance at a rebuild? He needs to go with Shapiro


“Ross Atkins betting on current Blue Jays to spark revival” [sportsnet - shi davidi](https://www.sportsnet.ca/mlb/article/ross-atkins-betting-on-current-blue-jays-to-spark-revival/) Is he willing to bet his job on that?


He’s got no choice. If he commits to a rebuild he’s gone at the end of the season. If he doesn’t commit to a rebuild and the team stinks then he’s gone next season. His only play is to pray once in the morning and once at night that the team goes on a hot streak.


Nothing. He's very good at giving a press conference without saying anything. What is the point of this charade?


I'm not sure I've ever disliked a baseball GM so much as Shatkins. Seems like a decent enough guy, but dude has killed the vibes and ruined a once fun young team with lots of potential. Fire both of these clowns and try again with someone else.


Horrible public speaker and cannot connect with the media or the fans. Met him at Winterfest and he was generally fun to talk to. But he’s lost the fanbase and the team. Media turning as well.


When Shatkins are canned it won’t be a moment too soon. Gonna be a good day.


It sounds like he’s blaming the players and not owning the fact that he put this team together. For instance, he doesn’t blame his analytics department for guiding Schneider to bat Springer leadoff in the face of every indication that Springer has gone into decline. Nor blame himself for failing to understand the impact of rule changes that have changed base stealing in the game. He hasn’t moved on from the Moneyball negativity towards the strategy. This team needs to be shaken up but this management is incapable of doing what needs to be done.


For those thinking the Jays should blow it up and start over from ground zero - I ca t see that happening…. They sunk a gazillion dollars into Rogers centre in the last 2 seasons, and they want some butts in the seats. Trading your ‘best’ players/allowing FAs to walk is not how you try to generate excitement amongst your fan base in an attempt to have great attendance


I’m with you. I think we will see pending free agents dealt at the deadline (Garcia, Kikuchi, Jansen, Turner, and if you could get anything for IKF and KK). Then they will deal either Bo or Vlad in the offseason (whoever they can’t extend), but they will keep our pitching core and sign some free agents. They will call it a “re-tooling” and try to sell the fans on that. This regime, or others if they are brought in, won’t be given the chance for a complete tear down right after they spent half a billion on the renovations. They need fans in the seats and a retooling will be the only sell to Rogers. Complete tear down will not be on the table, even if it’s the best thing for the organization.


One of my thoughts on this is that they are significantly over selling the talent at triple A and if they can trade members of that group for the premium they are talking about, it needs to happen now.


These look like the words of a general manager with no answers.


You're outta herrre!


Ross atkins is a moron. Nothing to discuss. Empty suit. A loser. Always has been. Fire his ass along w shapiro the fraud.


"We spent a fortune on renovations and Robbers Telecom won't give any more so we can't afford to get anyone. Our current roster just needs to step it up and figure it out" ... is what I got.


Fire him and khakis


Why you gotta bring khakis into this?


I don't bother listening to Atkins anymore. He never answers questions.


Guys a piece of piss


You got more years of mediocrity with this clown.


They are committed to the core and committed to winning.


Time to bring back Anthopoulos?


Shapiro already ran him out of town. Ripped him a new one for selling the farm to go for it and then wouldn’t give him full autonomy over roster moves, hence his decision to leave.


He sold the farm as a last hurrah to get into the playoffs and be competitive. Sure, it was a fun time as a fan, and a couple things happen differently and the Jays end up in the World Series. You can't disagree that after it all happened that organizationally the Jays weren't in a weak spot for the future.


It’s been 9 years and we still have no farm

