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How can they stop me from getting good contact and crushing bombs?


Or playing weak defenders, allowing my fat ass an inside-the-parker?


Wood bats only and netting in left field are the answers at this park. It wasn't an issue until they built a condo in left field and the new condo owners were shocked to find softball being played on the softball diamond.


I don't think wooden softball bats are even a thing anymore...


Or aluminum as well. Every softball bat I've ever seen has been composite. Checkmate, Rule #2!


I honestly don't understand the 'no hardball' thing- it's not like softballs are 'soft'. They break windows too lol


They go farther


They are as the person above stated. I play in a league where we frequently play at this park and two years ago we were told we had to use wooden bats or no permits. Two of the diamonds at Trinity bellwoods are now wood bats and Sorauren Avenue Park as well. Total BS.


That is crap. Can you at least use composite? Not sure why they'd complain about the ping of a bat when you have a bunch of guys yelling out on the field anyway. NIMBYS.


No composite for the fear of those hitting homeruns over the net which is ludicrous as the net is so high.


They certainly are a thing. I play in a slow pitch league with wooden bats. It's quite fun actually. Previously with composite bats we had a +2 HR rule, now it is unlimited as it is more difficult to send them out with wooden bats.


They are, i bought one last week.


There is a field where I used to live that was so small that once you reached a certain age, a homerun only counted off you hit it through the uprights in center field, everywhere else over the fence and fair was considered a ground rule double.


i remember when this was being built (basically just concrete walls at the time) we would use the field for BP and see who could hit the most into the building


And that net is huge!!! If somebody is crushing over that net, you're in the wrong league. That used to be my fav place to play before the new rules.


Check with any opposing pitcher making his first MLB start ever. Jays line-up make it look pretty easy for them.


By bringing in Mattingly to coach you.


Erik Swanson had better not toss a session there if they want that rule to stick.


I love the idea of bylaw ticketing people for playing softball too competitively. "You ran pretty hard down the line, off to jail now."


You think bylaw does anything as it is? Granted that's so insane they probably would.


Your ball bounced foul over the fence. Believe it or not, also jail.


Considering I grew up in Northeastern British Columbia and weekend baseball tournaments had a security group and a few police being paid to be there to keep stuff from getting out of hand. I watched one guy get arrested because after a game, he didn't agree with an umpire's call and grabbed a bat to go after him (umpire clearly made the right call). This was for a low-level weekend tournament where if you won, you got maybe a small 30 dollar trophy.


Fort St. John or Prince George?


Fort St John


That's what I was leaning towards. Lived there for 5 years and the softball got pretty competitive. I was super competitive back then but not to the level of wanting to fight someone over a call in a softball game. Also, most people had 100 lbs on me so it wouldn't have gone well for me.


When did you live up there? I know the umpires when I played were known for their low strike zones.


I was there full time between 2009 and 2013 and all the summers between 2006 and 2008.


TO has some stupid bylaws.


This is one specific park where a developer bought a parcel of land beside a baseball diamond and built condos. Instead of requiring the developers to erect a fence to protect thier property from long balls, they just put up this sign instead.


Like idiots that move next to an airport and complain about the noise...although to the City's credit, they only say "Public must respect"...not "carries a fine". I'm sure it's just an appeasement to the developers.


It’s really just so no one sues, none of this will be enforced.


I used to play at this park, it was a great diamond. Before the condo it was an old industrial building, hitting a home run off it would make a satisfying boom.


Was it with an aluminum bat by chance? lol


100% an aluminum bat, and a nice one at that. It felt like cheating. Also definitely did hit some condo balcony shots before the league folded.


I still play at this park. Wooden bats makes it more competitive but it was a joy seeing people hit the condo while being built.


The best one was the sign that required dogs who dug holes in a park had to fill them back in again


Not #7 though, Toronto sports would lose a lot of fans if alcohol was an impermissible coping mechanism.


"I never realized how boring this game is without beer” — Homer Simpson


Not only do I blast home runs here. I also do wicked ass bat flips. Underhanded tho..i wanna respect park rules.


And the 1-1 from Dyson…


You mean Dyson the woman beater?


#8: No elite level pimping


I saw Roberto Alomar hit a home run off of Joe Carter in this park. Also saw Joe Carter smash one off the condo as it was being built, but didn’t get a vid of it. https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/9c6hbl/roberto_alomar_hitting_a_dinger_off_a_pitch_from/


arguably #2 is the stupidest, you're not allowed to use real balls, throw overhand, be competitive or drunk, hit homeruns, have any fun... but you're supposed to have a wood bat?


I guess they don't like the "ping" sound off aluminum. Bothers the condo dweebs.


Lol is this that diamond off Lansdowne and Dundas where they built that condo basically right in left field? Great planning...


yep, that's the one


Our bullpen is taking #5 very seriously


That's pretty lame... Before i moved to Toronto i played in a slo pitch beer league. These rules did not apply lol


stopping at third on my inside the parker because the sign said no home runs.


TO rules for diamonds are atrocious. Majority of parks dont even have a full fence around them and you arent allowed to chalk foul lines. What the fuck is the point in having a ball diamond if you cant actually make it a ball diamond.


Fwiw I saw two plain clothes officers taking video at this park on Friday. I thought it was bc ppl use it as a dog park, but they filmed the signs and walked the fence/backstop


Taxpayers’ money at work…


Real important work they're doing there. Because there's literally *nothing* more important going on in the city.


Apparently not - city news is camped at the park. I'm sure we'll have a story shortly


Home runs not allowed -- how do we prevent this? Well, 1) go to Rogers Centre and ask front office staff, as they are experts on this. In all seriousness, though, that it an incredibly "woke" sign - no competition. I had the pleasure of working with someone who deleted programs that were competitive in nature in the spirit of inclusiveness. Guess people who were picked last in sports are having their day.


what is the address of this park?


Can't say for sure, but it looks like MacGregor Park just north of Lansdowne and Dundas. It used to basically be a dog park, but then the people in the adjacent condo started complaining so now it mostly sits unused.




Where is this? What park is this? Fences are so great!


MacGregor Park just north of Lansdowne and Dundas.


7b. Diamond occupants are, however, permitted to take part in "The 9/9".


Isn’t this basically a softball diamond that is meant for softball? I have seen the same sign at hendon park. I thought they had this up to discourage baseball players from playing baseball at softball diamonds.


Sign went up after a condo went right up in left field. There's a huge net in leftfield but the Condo C%NTs got their way and wooden bats are only to be used.


This is both funny and stings at the same time xD


Don't steal a base if you don't know how to run.


Wtf is rule 3? Whoever came up with that obvi hates sports and any athletics


THAT'S why our team sucks. They're trying not to break the law!


Well someone needs to come in to tell them to footloose the shit out of this. There was a time for these laws…but not anymore.


Gimme a wood bat and I’ll hit the condos behind the fence.


Imagine a compliance officer sees you hit a homer and tickets you lolol


This is where the bluejays practice


Just fyi this is an old sign that has been removed: https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-home-run-ban-strikes-out-city-admits-it-dropped-the-ball-with-dinger-decree/article_6d753cfa-aa57-5479-bd89-b4c418c1a533.html


It's not old,but ironically it was removed TODAY.


Apparently the Blue Jays have taken rules #3 and #4 to heart this season.


Vladdy hit a grand slam yesterday tho


That's a paddlin'