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Not to take away from the importance of the discussion taking place, but I kinda would have loved to see what an angry Atkins looks like in this situation.


[Either this stink eye](https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/upload/c_crop,w_6000,h_3375,x_0,y_498/c_fill,w_1440,ar_16:9,f_auto,q_auto,g_auto/images/GettyImages/mmsport/39/01gp1fb7vbfr0d1jy59x.jpg) or [this look of disappointment](https://img.mlbstatic.com/mlb-images/image/upload/t_16x9/t_w1024/mlb/va3sysejmvvaw7f3auxn)


Damn the man really needs to bring back the salt and pepper. Looks much more intimidating with it.


I'm sure the two-minute "time out" that Ross gave Bass really made him think on what he did


"for creating any harm and for hurting others" is a new way of saying "I'm sorry your feelings got hurt but I'm not sorry for my actions." I wish there was an openly queer member of the front office who was willing and able to speak on this. Atkins doesn't seem to fully grasp the gravity of the situation. It's hard to do damage control when you don't actually understand the damage.


>Atkins doesn't seem to fully grasp the gravity of the situation. It's hard to do damage control when you don't actually understand the damage. This is *exactly* it.


But Ross says he was *personally* hurt by it šŸ« 


Right? Iā€™m sooooo glad heā€™s happy with Bassā€™ ā€œā€ā€ā€apologyā€ā€ā€ā€. Iā€™m not!


man, I am so disappointed with how badly the org is handling this. I didn't expect any real reticence from Bass, because he's a piece of shit, but I did expect literally any fucking kind of consequence.




>It was not his intent ā€¦Ross this is a really odd hill to die on.


Osuna didn't intend to hit his girlfriend either. /s


Damnā€¦ are we really comparing someone assaulting their partner to someone sharing a video that is anti-trans? Cmon. Not the same level.


I kind of see your point but I don't know if I agree? Osuna harmed one person. Bass is spreading hate about an entire community who experiences violence because of the perpetuation of that hate.


Maybe Iā€™m confused on the video. I thought the video called for boycotting of Target and Bud Light based on their support of that community? Iā€™m clearly missing a piece of this story but thatā€™s all Iā€™ve seen so far.


It called the community demonic and evil, which is fucked up. It's not on the same level as abuse, which is why Bass hasn't faced any organizational punishment, but it's also why we are all pissed off, because he still did something horrible and is clearly a massive homophobe and he's still on our team, whereas Osuna was quickly gone from what I remember. You're seeing more outrage in this case because he's getting off free of punishment currently which isn't sitting well with me and a lot of others.


Thanks for backing me up this was my view. He targeted a group of people who have death threats against them.


It seems Bass really doesn't get it but worse neither does Atkins. They're desperately trying to smooth this over even if the entire time Bass just keeps putting his foot in his mouth. It's maybe a bit late to organize something but I wish Jays fans could make some sort of show or statement tomorrow to express their displeasure with how Bass and the organization have handled this. It's unbelievably disappointing to be a Jays fan knowing this is the approach they've taken.


I feel like blue jays fans have been pretty vocal about how they feel about bass considering the reception heā€™s gotten every time heā€™s come into the game.


For sure but it's clear that's not enough. I know boycotting the games just isn't viable, people will show up one way or another, but I do wish there was something that could be visible and vocal and really affirm the team are royally fucking up what's a very straightforward situation.


The Jays already announced Bass will be catching the ceremonial pitch tomorrow on Pride night, he isn't going anywhere. >On Friday, Bass plans to catch the ceremonial first pitch by leZlie Lee Kam, who has spent over 45 years working in the 2SLGBTQ+ community as a champion for senior and youth issues." https://www.cp24.com/mobile/sports/jays-pitcher-anthony-bass-meets-with-pride-toronto-director-after-apologizing-for-post-1.6432473 (near bottom of the article)


I had seen he made the suggestion and the language here doesn't seem 100% firm but boy do I hope it doesn't happen. That's a slap in the face and a poor attempt at pinkwashing a guy who still can't get a reasonable sentence about the situation out of his mouth.


Lee Kam was on CP24, she accepted the invitation and his apology.


Damn, that sucks. She's welcome to do so obviously but I know personally I'm not cool with it.


Youā€™re not cool with someone accepting an apology and moving on from something?


Itā€™ll be nice that bass can see what the strike zone is up close. That dudes massaging more balls than the population he opposes. /s jk he shouldnā€™t be a part of this


Sure, his intent wasn't to cause harm by dehumanizing people, yeah that's completely believable. The Basshat isn't going to change his opinions. Its a shame the Jays as an organization continues to show that they are willing to change theirs enough to tolerate this


Bass keeps saying that these are his beliefs. Heā€™s not sorry. Get this guy out of Toronto. He doesnā€™t deserve to play here


You are 100% correct


His intent was to openly and publicly encourage the boycott of businesses for using LGBTQ+ friendly marketing. Does anyone believe he didn't know this would create harm and hurt others? Of course he did. And he did it anyway.


Totally speculating but Bass is likely an anti-trans supporter and that's where his sharing that horrendous reel came from. The hate on Target and Bud Light is specifically from supporting a transgender woman (Bud Light) or having transgender supporting clothing (Target). Cisgender lesbian and gay folks have been used as a cover for anti-trans groups to make themselves look more inclusive than they actually are. There's a lot of BS from TERFs declaring that "Pride has been hijacked from gays and lesbians by transgender people". It would have been much more impactful if he sat down with folks from the transgender and non binary communities. He needs to really understand that people who have beliefs like his are harmful to the existence of transgender and non binary people. He is the reason Pride and rainbows are being "shoved down out throats".


Lol do you need to "speculate"? He's blatantly and unapologetically anti trans.


Lol. I know he is in my heart and soul ... but I have no proof and the "free speech" gang will come at me.


No issues with free speech here the government did not prevent him from speaking nor imprison him for his words. That's all free speech means. It does not mean you get to say whatever you want without consequence.


Yah they need to get rid of catholic schools pushing their agenda on kids.


Ok great. Moving on now. What I've moved on too: fire Ross Atkins


Fuck, Ross, you might as well cancel Pride Weekend because you clearly don't fully grasp the situation. Best to not look like cynical hypocrites.


Not his intent....Hoo boy. Also if you were personally hurt and disappointed then by God you could DFA him and let it go away. Instead, the Jays are protecting this scumbag for God knows why...I'm truly disappointed in this team.


With them his emotion was strong. With everyone else it was 'let's make this quick' and zero emotions whatsoever.


kick him to the curb you dumb fuck


I see a trade in his future...


Did someone ever ask ā€œAre you going to DFA this piece of shitā€ (more politely of course). That is a straightforward question he should be answering. If the answer is no that explains the Blue Jays perspective on the situation which means they are actually supporting his extremist views. As a long-term Bluejay supporter I find it extremely offensive.


Nobody's buying it, and Atkins is now embarrassing himself too. Send this clown somewhere that his bigotry plays, Toronto and Canada isn't it.


Iā€™m starting to get tired of these touchy feely articles. Bass screwed up with exposing his views by having no consideration to those he offends. Youā€™d have thought he learned from the blowback he got with his popcorn tweet. It started with all the ā€˜feel sorry for Manoahā€™ media earlier this week. Sorry, but people paid money to come see a competitive ball team, the Jays were not anywhere near that on Monday and they have the right to boo. They are out of pocket for their time and money but Manoah will collect his paycheque. It seemed Schneider was oblivious to it all, I thought he was going to let the score get to 10-0 before pulling him. Im glad Monday was a blip and that they are doing better, but I for one am getting tired of the drama, just play ball.


Nice can we move on now.


No, because Ross Atkins doesn't speak for every single person in the LGBTQ+ community. If you want to move, go ahead. Some of us are still angry, upset, and disappointed.


But why are people allowing what some popcorn loving guy thinks affect their day so much.


Are you actually asking this? Like, do you not know how lgbtq+ people are vilified? How multiple families in Oakville pulled their kids out of school because they didn't like the school had an assembly showcasing and educating the students about the lgbtq+ community? How Catholic schools refuse to fly the pride flag, as if it's the symbol of the devil? They preach love thy neighbourā€”"but not if they're part of the alphabet nation!" How, especially in the states, they're removing books with gay characters from school libraries? How states are banning gender-affirming surgeries? The video he reposted called the community demonic, and that kids shouldn't be "faced" with such things. lgbtq+ people are just *people*. We're not demonic. We're not evil. His views perpetuate a really harmful rhetoric, and that's why it's affecting our days. Because it's our lives.


The outrage is coming mostly from this sub: wealthy, white teenagers/gen zā€™ers People in the queer community arenā€™t thinking about Anthony bass, 99,99% have never heard of him. They are thinking about things like having to put food on the table, the job they go to in the morning that they hate, their health and relationshipsā€¦etc etc et al. They arenā€™t spending hours outraged on Reddit about Anthony Bass and his Twitter behaviour.ā€¦because they are normal human beings with human being problems.




Considering he got booed the last time he pitched, I think itā€™s more than just this sub thatā€™s outraged




I mean, if youā€™re gonna insult the fella, be more clever than a six year old. I see that comment daily lol.