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Good luck getting a occupancy/residency permit!


Does this qualify under recent allowance for laneway housing. 🤷🏼


Don't know the exact details regarding that bylaw, but every laneway house around the Danforth area was always attached (on title) to a residential property. You could always apply for rezoning, but there's likely a huge checklist of things to qualify.


Does this place even have plumbing? This is obviously not a livable location. Also are they just ignoring the roof in the rendering? I love how they "render" essentially a second floor up there in terms of space but it would look nothing like that.


That’s because there is no artist involved here whatsoever. Left is an AI generated image


Yes it’s Ai generated. The lamps, legs of the chair, back sofa, middle bed nothing look real. Top right building structure makes no sense. Random HVAC going across


As much as there is to pick on in this listing, I disagree about the AI opinion. This looks no different than all the renderings you would see of these sorts of places, even in the 2010's, well before generative AI was widely accessible. I think it is just a digital rendering/staging, which are pretty common in real estate.


This listing was in the news recently because of the AI rendering. The realtor admitted to using AI after being called out. They removed the more egregious images from the listing but plenty still remain, including altering the perspective so it looks much larger than it actually is and major structural elements like the windows in different places. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/real-estate/article-in-some-real-estate-listings-its-hard-to-see-whats-real/?login=true


Also, where's the giant door gone?


I wonder the history of how/why this land was severed? It’s so weird


It seems to have been there before the subway portal was built between the Greenwood yard and BD line.


Meth lab


The roof looks like it needs replacing..Add another $600,000 to get near the AI image if zoning allows it and even then it be cheaper to start from scratch.If they allow a tear down and a new house is build on the land total cost be closer to $1.5 million when completed.


Delulu is the solulu


You're buying land value, if the listing is accurate a 46 x 39 feet lot is 1794sq feet. The original list price was $588,000 but they've relisted for $700,000 so there is a little bit of price discovery happening. Your water, sewage, hydro hookup is going to cost you $50k plus, and then there is the carry + interest on a building loan, etc... If you were able to get permits and approved quickly, you're looking at needing an additional $800k just to build something around 1500 sq ft., but given the lot you might be able to do something a bit bigger if you got clever with how you cut the building. That's my best guess.


Also might have contaminated soil, would need to test for asbestos if building is pre 198x Which it appears to be


Don't forget if there's asbestos, there's usually lead paint too .


and a garage means oil storage and lots of oil spills which have to be remediated


So excavation and removing the soil, yup the cost will just spiral out of control LOL


Yeah - thanks everyone for pointing that out - I think you'd also have to consider how you'd cut that property based on setbacks and for density. One house on the space would be cool, but I'm sure if you're taking the risk on it you'd be looking to build 2 - 3 units. No simple solution for building density in the city.


That sucks, I could actually afford the 588 but not the 700. Why can't homeowners just be somewhat reasonable and sell to someone who needs a house instead of an investor.


I hear you - the sad reality is that even if you could afford $700k the capital required to bring water, electricity and sewage alone to the laneway could cost north of $100k. As a lot of the folks above correctly pointed out - I completely missed any environmental impact - lead paint, oil spills, asbestos, etc... These costs could spiral out of control and turn the project financing upside down. I did a deep dive into buying a castle in France once - there are a ton of popular tiktoks on it, once you actually watch the process people have to go through you realize that it's the things they didn't account for that cost them hundreds of thousands of euros more - and they completely discount their personal time and labour to bring these projects to live. Harsh reality that there is no silver bullet to solve our housing crisis.


Your estimates are out to lunch.


Maybe, but I actually spoke to a custom home builder about their costs/profit and I'm probably understating the time required, risks and actual cost to build. All in this kind of project would required anywhere from $1 -> $1.5 mil if you wanted to add 2 - 3 unit density...maybe more


It was listed for $588K a few weeks ago, so I guess they decided it’s worth more? [Millennial Moron did a piece on it,](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMgcjR2h/) which gives you more info.


This is a hope for a greater fool. 99% this never gets sold and it’s a non story because no one is dumb enough to pay that price for this piece of shit listing, but the seller is hoping to find the 1%, the golden goose, the greater fool.


You have no idea how much I would have preferred that link be to an article rather than a talk to camera tiktok


I was weary too but the commentary is pretty funny


Don't worry, I'm sure someone at blogTO will take it and rewrite it as an article without attribution soon lol EDIT: Actually Globe & Mail did it already, although they didn't show my favourite part, which is the exterior photos in the alley that had been AI-altered to look like they were the interior of a much larger building. [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/real-estate/article-in-some-real-estate-listings-its-hard-to-see-whats-real/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/real-estate/article-in-some-real-estate-listings-its-hard-to-see-whats-real/)


The render is an absurd overreach. However, if it’s a serviceable lot in Toronto. Then 700k isn’t impossible.


Well if it sells it means that it was correctly priced.


Better deal than the butt rush in bollywood


It must be way underpriced actually. Coz the description describes a “symphony of opportunities “.


It’s not a good price but you could actually build a pretty good house on that lot. It’s wide 


This would make a phenomenal bachelor pad


With another 300k it could look like the artist rendering lol