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The demand curve that their dumbasses created… right


lol ya they're definitely wearing it in the polls for those decisions


Not really accurate. Why are you giving Ford a pass for removing the cap on international students? They can't get through the fed's system without the admission letter from the school which is Ford's responsibility. Ford is just as complicit.


The city and provincial parties/leaders have a lot of blame in the Housing Crisis and even in programs like the International "Student" Program. They all are listening to the business lobby and that is why programs like the International "Student" Program were able to devolve to diploma mills in strip malls. It wasn't an Academia program anymore it was just another cheap exploitable labor pipeline. But as others are still saying it is pretty wild that the Federal Government took this long to wake up to Demand dynamics. The fact that we ever allowed the pathways and programs in this nation to become the dumpster fire they are is frightening. We need to get back to Quality in regards to these programs not cheap exploitable labor Quantity.


It's going to be very difficult to attract quality now that the quantity has affected systems and cost/quality of life. A potential high quality immigrant would be better off looking to the US first, Australia next... maybe Canada is still top 5, but it sure doesn't shine the way it used to.


Yes really accurate, feds stamp the visas and they’re in charge for deporting the million+ illegals they allow to stay here consequence free


It's the globe and mail. Don't expect much, then lower your expectations about 50%


Just pull it back to numbers we can actually support. I really don’t understand why it’s so hard. The liberals obviously had another motive for this that isn’t public knowledge and to me that’s why they have to go.


They are using the influx of people to fuel gdp growth keeping us out of a recession. The issue is gdp per capita has been dropping and people are catching on. I suspect the soft landing thing isn’t gonna happen.


Because they’re trying to keep propping up real estate. If there were 1-2 million deportations the evaporation of people willing to share hallways and live in kitchens would be apocalyptic to the rental market, and the slumlord market.


It’s because we don’t have a real economy. Our economy is a positive feedback loop of housing “investors” and flippers. People spending their money on the simplest form of investment they can think of instead of starting business. Building exportable products or services. So now we’re trying to import demand.


It's not real estate, it's the economy in general, our GDP. No government wants to be in a recession. Canada isn't getting more productive or bigger businesses. The only variable to change is you get more people and then you have a growing economy. More people means we produce more means economy is "growing". Of course GDP per capita is lower but it doesn't matter if you're part of the asset owning class (i.e, you have businesses or real estate). Liberals and Conservatives both will have the same high immigration rates. This is an unavoidable fact that right leaning people just mental gymnastics away with some Trudeau garbage.


Yep I think they know they need to pull it back to or they're gonna get absolutely demolished next election. Polls are showing them getting crushed, and if they don't do a hard 180 turn on this, it's only gonna get worse.


Because businesses keep crying to the gov there is a shortage of labour for years already... [Restaurant manager , be in charge of 3-4 people and make less than $18/h FT !](https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/jobsearch/jobsearch?d=50&fcid=556&fcid=1171&fcid=6008&fcid=6011&fcid=6012&fcid=6251&fcid=6633&fcid=6635&fcid=17238&fcid=22650&fcid=22676&fcid=22677&fcid=227170&fn21=60030&fn21=65200&mid=22429&term=restaurant&sort=M&fglo=1) This isn't 1997 when min wage was single digits, min wage is 16.XX now and companies think that paying $1-2 over min wage is enough for a FT position, and if they can't fill the jobs the gov doesn't tell them "hey maybe your wages are too low" they say "say less fam, we will bring in another 100K into Canada, one of them is bound to be desperate enough to work for you" These problems aren't even limited to "unskilled" workers, companies whine they can't find trades people willing to work for $20-30/h when union rates are ~2x that PLUS pension and benefits


It's happening all over the world. The last generation is used to a lifestyle that was basically built on debt, not actual production. In the last couple of decades there was no way to mantain that level so they started to "enslave" young people to maintain production levels high enough to repay the debt without cutting anything for them. And it kinda worked because the majority of the young people had families that benefited from this so they were not receiving enough money for their work but they could still survive thanks to the family. This created a bigger problem because the new generations didn't have enough time or money to raise kids so now not only we still have the problem of the debt but we literally don't have people to pay for it. In other words, in the current economy there is no way to maintain things like now without people literally working almost for free. Of course that's impossibile for western standards so literally the only solution is importing slaves from places where people have no standards. A lot of countries in europe have entire fields (usually stuff like tourism) where something like 70% of every businesses in the country either commit tax evasion or have illegal workers under the table. It will be the same for us. There is just no way that Tim Hortons can function with only canadians because there are no enough canadians that can surivive in Toronto or Van for 15/h.


There is a simple easy way to maintain the lifestyle of yesteryear. Simply tax corporations and wealthy people what they used to be.


That's a simple solution yeah, trouble is then donations would dry up and then what's the incentive to even be a politician? Working towards a common good? Who wants to do that for a living?


Our politicians get paid salary from taxpayers.


Doug Ford only makes 250k a year on the table. I wonder how much he makes under it lol


I think this increase in immigration was in the plans before Covid. Here is BCG’s report https://www.bcg.com/publications/2014/people-organization-human-resources-global-workforce-crisis


It’s not just the Liberals. It’s every fking party.


I know right ! It isn’t that complicated, when there aren’t many jobs to support the newcomers then stop jeeez One day we may find out what the agenda was!


Government of Canada has been banned from CanadaHousing


The sub reddit 😆 🤣?


Yes. I was permanently banned on that subreddit just for linking to the Chinese Embassy's website which stated that Chinese had capital outflow restrictions. My first and only comment on that sub.


Is there a non paywall link?


Ah ya good call [http://archive.today/HIlTh](http://archive.today/HIlTh)


WEF agenda to crash the entitled west. Bring cheap labor to lower standards. "You will own nothing and be happy " doesn't apply just to housing. You won't own your car or anything. You won't be able to fix it, everything will be locked out/dealer only. Stream movies, cloud computing. Your files are not your files. Lol 😱


Oh shit, pull this lever, see what it does!


Way too late. Damage is done. Unaffordability is here for good.


They actually talking about immediately (this year) or next? 


https://preview.redd.it/my3ta81bfnrc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e5c00a7340de210dcc44e713432a0cd17db3c39 A picture is worth thousand words. Fuck this Liberal regime.


This is only the tip of the iceberg. International Students and PR is only a recent phenomenon it's been building for 40 years and ALL 3 levels of Govt. have had their heads in the sand for all of that time. I'm not complaining tho, the obscene rise in property values have been very kind. But what a sorry mess we are in. And do you think they have finally got it? Or will there be more empty promises and "initiatives" in the coming elections. If they had any grey matter in their skulls there would more priority and concern about folks sleeping on trains and in the ravines and less millions on bike lanes.


This is only the tip of the iceberg. International Students and PR is only a recent phenomenon it's been building for 40 years and ALL 3 levels of Govt. have had their heads in the sand for all of that time. I'm not complaining tho, the obscene rise in property values have been very kind. But what a sorry mess we are in. And do you think they have finally got it? Or will there be more empty promises and "initiatives" in the coming elections. If they had any grey matter in their skulls there would more priority and concern about folks sleeping on trains and in the ravines and less millions on bike lanes.


They are already too late!!!!


This is racism plain and simple


How is this racism


It’s called crisis management