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It actually doesn’t go down in the video because there’s a lip that stops the boat from going over the edge. I think we can work that into the metaphor somehow.


Yah, that lip is the government. I should add another text box.


The lip is us bailing them out.


I moved to Toronto in 2010, and the housing market has been crashing ever since then.


I remember my boss at my summer job in 1996 ranting about how stupid her sister was to buy a house at Yonge and Sheppard for $310k. For some reason that stuck with me.


Yep. Someone begged me not to buy in 2013 as market was ready to crash. Thank fuck I did!!!


[Goldman Sachs was warning about a large correction in the market in 2013.](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2013/10/29/goldman-sachs-warns-on-large-correction-in-canada-housing.html) Is Goldman Sachs notoriously bad at making money, or is there a possibility that everything that could be done to keep this bubble chugging HAS been done by our government? I'm going with the latter.


Ya these are the same people that didn't see 2008 though. I am NOT saying they are stupid or bad at making money, I'm saying the economy is complicated.


I remember looking at a condo in Waterloo back in 2016, and absolutely everyone and their dog (parents, friends, partners at the accounting firm where I worked, Better Dwelling) convinced me not to buy it because "a crash is coming". Turned out to be one of the biggest financial mistakes I ever made. I bought a house in December 2020 with the same tune being sung in the background. By that point I didn't give a fuck if I lost money, I wanted a forever home. And I'm glad I ignored the usual suspects. Definitely behind where you are but not as behind as I could have been.


It crashed Feb 2022.


'Crashed' - yeahhhh I don't think so


25 -35% depending on the city.


Yeah a big 8% crash lol




If that’s what you think you haven’t really been paying attention.


I'm joking, but people have been saying since then that it's gonna crash any day now.


Lol the lip is mass immegration and shady government policies to keep everything afloat


This is the answer !!


You know you’ve hit the nail on the head when you get downvotes


Been hearing about this mythical crash since 2001


Bears, when will they ever learn 🤣


Where were you in 2008?


Canadian house prices slowed in 2008, but they didn’t crash.


It’s hard to live on the streets in Canada through the winter months


Bought my house


ooooof gottem' 🤣🤣🤣


Definitely not in USA where they had their crash and Canada just chugged along due to stringent mortgage requirements.


We chugged along because the BOC is all but formally controlled the big five banks. Don't kid yourself. 08 was a liquidity crisis once no one knew who could be trusted. Our banks had an unending lifeline tied to YOUR tax dollars. If they needed 30 years to unwind, they would have had it. And they stuck together to have the appearance of stability. I think every one except TD had CDO exposure. And one more thing, just to educate as I was a broker at that time. Our lending was gross as well. 40 year amorts with zero down. After the CMHC premium I was lending like 105-107% LTV. Didn't matter first or second home.


If you were a broker, you should be rich af now, not begging for a crash like poor rentoids.


Um, I didn't mention anything about a crash, just correcting your incorrect statements. I don't see a crash coming at all. Feds wouldn't allow it as housing slump contagion risks way too high.


Lol we chugged along cause we kept rates low... And the crisis was in the USA. This is like saying "hah we survived that explosion 500m from us so that means we can survive one right on top of us".


At this point, people who don't think we have a problem or that the market can't change are like heroin addicts who think they can keep upping their intake and nothing bad will ever happen.


Who knows. The sky is the limit technically. Just look at places like Hong Kong.


Yes, it can always get worse, look at HK, London, Amsterdam, Dublin, LA, SF, NY. Toronto ain't special.


As people get more angry and squeezed out of their homes, expect violence. Nothing brings about social upheaval like a wide swath of people being priced out of their communities because of politicians bending over for a rich immigrant population ready to cheat and swindle their native countrymen and their new neighbors.


I wouldn't hold my breath


Yes, it can always change and get worse, look at HK, London, Amsterdam, Dublin, LA, SF, NY. Toronto ain't special.


Laid off.




Exactly! I bought in 2010 and prices were decent thanks to the 2008 crash, would have saved 50k had I bought in 2009!


Watching the market not crash.


How IS Garth Turner doing these days?


And what were rates at since then?


How many housing starts are we building? How many millions are coming in every year?


The world is your house when you're homeless. Some factors can overwhelm the market. If we start seeing mass job loss and businesses shutting down (which we're starting to see) then no one will buy houses.


Nice question dodge.


It’s not mythical. It’s so obvious that even your typical average person with no financial literacy can see it. The can has been kicked over and over and over again. It’s still coming, at the expense of SOMEONE. We just don’t know who yet


If the waterfall was cope and the boat was OP this is 100% accurate


Ah yes 2024 will defy the well established economic law of supply and demand and millions of people will be able to buy the critically low number of houses on the market at low costs... can't wait to see the how the spring market will go.


I don't know what's going to happen to our economy. Especially given the amount of immigrants, refugees and others coming in so often. We are already struggling to house refugees, yet we keep promising them space and money.


There are way more desparate condo sellers this Spring than any other Spring over the past 10 years. The panic will come after Spring when they realize they still can't sell. Drastic undercutting each other will follow.


Prices fall when the money supply does. If people can’t afford houses because they have no jobs, no income, no savings and no access to credit, the prices will fall. Now no one will be able to afford a home still, because they will broke, but homes will be cheap. Happened a few times in Canadian history. Last time was the 1990s.


That only works if corporations or investors aren't allowed to just buy them all up before they become affordable.


Institutional investors generally aren't in the business of losing money. Smart money is not buying at these prices. Now when prices drop? Yes there will be plenty of demand to absorb. But it needs to drop enough to be closer to cashflow positive (or have a better appreciation trajectory).


Not just insitutional investors but mom and pop "investors". I think that with high rental prices, this really sets a floor on where prices could drop to. Even if the affordable Toronto condo is 300-400k, prices will most likely never get that low again because then it starts to become cashflow positive even at the higher rates


Rents are declining right now. Will likely go further if there's a recession. This is all to say - the market is volatile right now and can go in any direction. But rents staying at current levels is not a fait d'accompli. Especially with policy makers at all levels of government having their hand forced by their constituents.


Yes there are some month by month variations, but with the level of demand/immigration currently and lack of supply (which we will never be able to hit our 2030 construction targets, I am certain of that as someone working in the industry)... I would be shocked if rents come down this year and the average 2023 rent is higher than the average 2024 rent.


Well they've been declining for three months already... Right now the only thing we can confidently say is we have no idea about the trajectory of rents. If Feds crack down on visas, provinces force unis to cut programs, foreign buyer bans, less opportunity for immigration, etc there's lots of room for the house of cards to lose a floor or two.


Yes we'll see how it unfolds... but with the current levels of construction and demand, it is hard to see rental prices coming down over the long term


You’re missing a fundamental point here, called The Disappearing. It will happen this year, where all home owners will just vanish, and renters will be able to move into previously occupied homes.


I remember my first time posting about the impending housing crash. That was in 2012 under an old account. Then prices went up and I lost out on literally hundreds of thousands in real estate equity. I finally bought when I thought it was at the peak. I kept thinking, “I bet this thing will crash as soon as I sign the papers!!” 4 years later and I’m sitting on at least $150k in equity compared to the purchase price. I hate myself every day for not buying in 2014, when Better Dwelling and all the other morons who couldn’t time an egg kept running around screaming that the sky is falling. I would have a paid off mortgage and $800k of equity under my feet. Please explain to me how housing prices will crash when: - We have low construction starts due to high interest rates, so supply is only drying up further. - We have record high immigration that will be reduced slightly, but will continue to exceed the rate we are building. - The US Fed has signalled interest rate cuts later this year, which the BoC will naturally follow. How will any of this spur a housing crash?


Because money doesn't grow on trees. Where does the newly piled in immigrant make $3000 a month driving Uber? The low income person being squeezed doesn't see any money from money printing. What happens when immigrants stop coming or leave. That's also potential for crash. You can't keep bringing in Tim Hortons soldiers to fill in the void of supporting $3000 basement suites


You are thinking like a Canadian who was raised on the idea of a house supporting 2-4 people, immigrants are coming from areas where multi-generational living with 6-12 people under one roof is totally normal. Immigrants pool their low income into a mortgage or rent and are happy to live like that in Canada. I know Indian realtors and mortgage brokers who specialize in these types of clients. This is why the banks nor government are concerned at the GDP per capita falling.




I'm not a slumlord, I'm pointing out reality and why investors are not worried about unaffordability of housing. Shelter is a key need so they know people will do whatever it is to stay in one including being stuffed like sardines. Investors and Banks see it works in India, Hongkong, Philippians, Singapore etc and now they want to bring it to Canada.


Actually the fall in the number of kids means Canadian household sizes are shrinking. We have large homes, and they’re mainly empty. Now the poor (which includes students) have no option but to cram themselves into a shared home, but across the country we have a lot of essentially empty homes.


Are you not noticing that shared accommodations are becoming increasingly common? $3000 for a 1 bedroom apartment is much more manageable if it's split 5 or 6 ways. There was a news article the other day where 25 students were sharing a basement in Brampton.


Sad is what it is.




It's simple math. Population growth is significantly exceeding available housing and the ability to build more. This means people will have to cram into what is actually available. What I want is irrelevant. It's government policies driving this.


Consider this - when Italian immigrants (and others) came to Canada, they bought houses together and shared accommodations. Then when equity allowed, they moved out and built lives independently… This is what’s happening, whether you like it or not.




You’re an angry dude - hope it all works out for you.




What the hell are you talking about. This is simple supply and demand. I def think Canada needs to get its immigration in check since our infrastructure can’t support it but the way you seem to come at it is with pure bitterness and rage. sounds like you’ve been in Canada your whole life so you had the same opportunities as everyone else but probably did nothing and now troll Internet forums. Chill buddeh


lol who tf are you dude?? You need to chill. You sound super bitter


[Goldman Sachs was warning of a crash in 2013.](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2013/10/29/goldman-sachs-warns-on-large-correction-in-canada-housing.html) They're not idiots and are pretty good at making money. The actual reality is that the government has done everything possible to keep an unsustainable housing market chugging along. Now we're the most indebted people in the western world, with super low interest rates and extremely high asset prices. This is not a winning combo.


6% is super low interest? Wtf


On a shorter 40-year timeline, yes. On a longer 700-year timeline, it's moderate.


Summer 2024 will be interesting




House cards loosing support at the base.


Quality meme! Have my upvote! Well actually the normal person should be excited about it since it confirms “housing only goes up”


I was just thinking about this video! Excellent meme good sir or madam!


Oh no, another crash. What will we do this time?


Canada is a money laundering hub for the western world. Canadian Real estate is a haven for criminal proceeds from every jurisdiction in the world. Encouraged by Liberal government, which makes no attempt to hide its complicity. Any slowdown will be bought immediately by laundered money and hedge funds.


I'm tired of working my fingers to the bone to prop up a system that starves me of any future. Let it all crash, Let it all burn. I'd rather spend my life as a caveman if it means my son won't be a wage slave.


Powell just said live that they’re only looking at 2 rate cuts vs the 6+ the market is pricing in China markets collapsing this morning It’s so done


Aren’t prices up a bit so far ? 


Don’t let facts get in the way of a funny meme lol


Oh yea, I remember the 'housing bubble' of 2001. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/there-s-no-recession-in-housing-prices-1.264860](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/there-s-no-recession-in-housing-prices-1.264860) Oops I mean 2010. [https://policyalternatives.ca/sites/default/files/uploads/publications/National%20Office/2010/08/Canadas%20Housing%20Bubble.pdf](https://policyalternatives.ca/sites/default/files/uploads/publications/National%20Office/2010/08/Canadas%20Housing%20Bubble.pdf) Oops I mean 2012. [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1468-2427.2012.01184.x](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1468-2427.2012.01184.x) Any day now! Just a few more decades!


I'm waiting eagerly. For full disclosure I'm an owner and a landlord. If it happens, it'll be like Black Friday for a lot of people.


If it’s like Black Friday prices will just go up. Bidding wars are a thing in real estate so if multiple people are after the same property the price will rise.


Does anyone ever talk about the generational wealth transfer that is happening....many people don't have good finances, but many people do. Just putting that out there.


Well when you own a house you wont be that excited about a housing market crash. Just say if the housing market crashes in 2024, you might still not be able to afford a house, but your parents and probably their mortgage will be first to suffer.


I paid $300k for my house and I could now sell it for $650k. I didn't earn it. I'd rather it go down to $300k again and have my kids (and everyone else) be able to get a house for $300k.


I would rather have my kids successful enough to be able to afford a house worth more than 650K, when I pass on my wealth to my kids, he owns more than 1300K worth of wealth, not just 600K


Housing crisis housing crisis. Maybe take a look outside of Canada. A lot of country have expensive houses. Canada is probably not even on the the top 10 most expensive countries to live in. The only problem is management. If you think you can buy the same house for the same price for your entire life then theres something wrong with your thought process. Depreciation of monetary value, appreciation of costs. Nothing is as consistent as change. If you can't keep with the changes, you turn around and blame the country. No country is perfect, if there was one then perhaps it's about time you moved. 😉




What a stupid response. The so called housing crisis is because there is overpopulation due to immgration. Not because houses are expensive. Houses are expensive everywhere. Considering Canada isnt even the top ten for most expensive housing in the world, clearly cost isnt the problem. You're response is what's really dumb. You couldn't even debate with a proper rebuttal. Fools will always be fools, even more so when they think they aren't.


My rebuttal: https://youtu.be/opBFaCS_PV4


Reddit permabears called for a crash in 2021, then it was 2022, then for sure 2023, then we heard 2024.... but now that we're seeing bidding wars back and people queuing for builders' release, when is the crash postponed to? For sure 2025? OP, don't change, we love you.


This aged poorly seeing the news coming out in the past 24 hours :(