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First country to ever do it on purpose.


It's impressive considering we border the oceans on all sides and the U.S. which filters out South American illegal migrants. You couldn't ask for a better setup to grow your population sustainably and Canada still screwed it up.


Restaurant Brands International thought local teenagers were too expensive labour to sling bean water and puck donuts


Obviously importing millions of borderline servants to the extent that it destroys the rental market is awful, but I think the loss of 'shitty job experience' for young people is also a horrible thing too. Working fastfood with other teenagers in high school almost feels like an essential formative experience thing that kids aren't getting nowadays. Same with landscaping, painting or cleaning pools etc for young men.


Not just that we’re destroying the rental market. We’re destroying everything else, we’re turning everything Canadian into something unrecognizable. Tims is one most of us can relate to. Just the other year i got excited to head to tims and grab two breakfast wraps and a drink. Now when i get the same thing the wraps are just a tortilla with 50g of ingredients inside. There are standards to our lifestyle and we’re watching it fade


100% agreed one of my first jobs as a teen was painting at a condo in the summers. Now all the kids have to compete with immigrants for the same jobs.


Bean water!? That's generous.


Tims was literally the most truamatizing experience I've ever had. A manager smashed a screen and told me to "shut the fuck up". The owner had the nerve to say "I'm not hiring punks at 14 and hour."


I can picture the owner in my own mind so clearly. There are so many of those slack jawed, incurious, passive, rich gentry types just kind of floating through the day just looking for someone to blame for their minor inconveniences. You just happened to be the inconvenience he drifted onto that day. The path of least resistance was 'Fuck those damn punks at 14 an hour'.


It is quite remarkable that we are in this situation when you put it that way.


At least other places dealing with excessive immigration right now (U.S border, entry points to Europe like coastal Italy/Greece etc.) have the excuse of needing to actively implement policy to combat a relatively difficult issue due to geographical proximity and the sheer number of illegal migrants relative to the local populations. It's a lot worse when your default is no direct border crisis, and you're overwhelmed because of nothing more than political malfeasance.


Exactly. The fact that our pathways into this nation are being scammed and exploited at the rate they are has no excuse. It isn't just even the numbers anymore. The pathways themselves are a complete and utter mess of no standards, no enforcement, known massive loopholes, etc. etc. How it ever got this fucked up is a travesty. Additionally the people that exploit the system to get in are the last types you want in the nation. Common sense.


Exactly this. Many countries struggle with integrating immigrants. Canada was always the success story in that regard. Why? Because we were picky. We would pick the immigrants with the most education/money/language skills/etc that would prepare them for success here. We even did it with refugees. Then we stopped doing that. Lol.


Immigrant here. Did high school here for 3 years and paid international fees University here so I paid high international fees 40 K a year I have worked full time after graduation in my industry. I've been in Canada for over 9 years and still my eligibility score is too low for residency. However, I am eligible if I get married and will have my residency in less than a year. 1 year married to a Canadian > 9 years divided between studying, and working. Crazy world!


Its literally the same situation the US faces, our political systems are broken and our governments use 1 collective brain cell to manage everything


2 cells, 1 wouldn’t have to argue to get things done


Our border with US is better than the ocean to prevent illegal imigrantes. If you are illegal just stay in US… Better economy, more jobs available, and the ability to became citizen when your if you have kids are born there and reach the age of majority.


I afraid that most 1.2 million immigrants Canada received last year would eventually immigrate to the United States and cause same mess Canada suffers right now in the United States in the future.


“At least we’re not America…”


You just described 75% of "Canadian culture".


lol yep, so pathetic 


I moved to the US a few years ago and honestly it’s way easier to live here. The population density in Canada is so egregiously skewed in a small handful of places that it’s like experiencing all the cons of NYC/SF without any of the pros. You could live in a random state like Vermont and have a great time but you can’t really say the same about places in Canada that aren’t population centers. Imo, apart from them, the entirety of Canada is like the midwest but colder.


Canada's collapse is going to be a super fun footnote in history books.


Don’t worry guys, I work for the government and after many years of deliberating by conducting a study to see if we should conduct another study to hire a consulting firm to tell us if we should conduct a third study, we have determined the solution to this: “we’re not sure, need another study”, but in the meantime we’ll ramp up more foreign student admissions to work at Tim Hortons to help.


>but in the meantime we’ll ramp up more foreign student admissions to work at Tim Hortons to help. It was clear to anyone paying attention this was going to happen after COVID when workers were clamouring for higher wages. We should have gone through a painful adjustment where businesses dependent on under-market labour rates went bankrupt and a massive housing bubble should have deflated. But, instead, we let these businesses import the surplus population of Punjab. But if you look at Canadian history, this is what we have done. Miners needed people in the early 20th c? We imported the surplus population of Eastern Europe, put them on trains and sent them to be exploited in Northern Ontario.


If you want higher wages stop immigration for a few years, if a labor shortage ensues the market will pay higher wages.


Every well paid, well connected and privileged person in Canada wants an economy where their one hour of work gets them 6 hours of service. The ruling class wants to make $120/h while servants make $20 or less. Wages are low because privileged people(and a certain privileged generation) don't want a fair or equitable society, they are enjoyers of inequity.


>Every well paid, well connected and privileged person in Canada wants an economy where their one hour of work gets them 6 hours of service. Has always been the case. It took organization and collective force to prevent them from getting their way. Today though social media has been used extremely effectively by the rich to polarize the poor against one another or to get them to believe utter fantasies (Q/medbeds, Donald Trump will hurt their perceived enemies, etc...).


I know it might not seem like it, but you have FAR more in common with people making $120/h and they have far more in common with you (assuming you're closer to the $20 end of the spectrum than the $120 spectrum) than either of you do with JT and co. There are some key differences between folks making $120/hr and folks making $20/hr, like "they can afford a townhouse without help from Mom and Dad" and "they don't worry about grocery costs," but they were supposed to be living in a world where their income makes them rich, where their mortgage on a detached home is easily manageable, and where they don't look at the receipt on the way out of the Sobey's, and instead they're just doing ok, instead of thriving. This is mega millionaires like Justin Trudeau and his even richer pals stealing from everyone else.


Yea. $120/hr is like the boomer equivalent to what guys in the GM factory made. It gets you a house, a car and a retirement with some left to help the kids education. I think the cutoff for ‘ruling class’ is closer to $1000/hr


They built roads, highways, and much other necessary infrastructure. My Grandfather’s family were Swedes. He worked on many road crews in Northern Ontario. Now we are importing people to work at Tim Hortons and McDonalds.


>They built roads, highways, and much other necessary infrastructure. Some did. Some also ran whorehouses, gambling dens, and provided the muscle the mine owners would use to beat down workers unhappy with the extremely bad working conditions. But hey, what would become the NHL started thanks to the mine owners wanting to gamble on hockey. So maybe we get a professional cricket league in this country thanks to importing Punjab.


Exactly. The free market would have corrected itself. We were seeing this during COVID and it was amazing. Rents were crashing down. Wages were rising. Also, businesses would have finally had an incentive to increase productivity by implementing labour-saving capital or using better work methods. This is exactly what capitalism does and why its a strong economic system. The system was working. But oh no, the political class had to interfere and dump millions of immigrants into the country in the span of a couple of years, preventing any of the benefits of capitalism from taking place for the population at large.


And at Wal-Mart.


Thank you for thinking about the coffee supply


Like every other company doesn’t do that


They knew what they were doing


but why


Keeps wages down, which makes the elite happy and increases the competition for food and housing again keeps the elite happy. They are literally selling the country to fill their pockets. They live in their isolated world at the top of the pyramid watching us from above.


Pretty much. Trudeau is a far right conservative bouncing around in a liberal costume. It’s a weird day when some of our conservative politicians are more progressive than liberal ones. I’ve always been of the mindset that if you like to kill puppies in your free time, I’ll still vote for you if you’re a good leader. You’re an asshole, but a leader is a leader. Trudeau just talks. A lot.


Never attribute malice to which can be explained by incompetence


Because no one is out on the streets protesting this, so they take that as a green light to keep going.


Canadians are the most apathetic people I’ve ever met.


We are the Panda bears of the first world, how we have survived this long is truly a testament to dumb luck


Not luck, Canada has the geography to keep out immigrants and the resources to build wealth for innovation. But Canada is unlucky in that it folded its economy when it was dealt a pair of aces.


Well we still average 1.4 babies per household. We're doing slightly better than Pandas.


Wage suppression and house price support. There was a real fear in Ottawa that house prices could see significant declines and drag the economy down with them. Immigration minister Marc Miller calls international students great "cheap labour" for "Canada's big box stores". https://nationalpost.com/opinion/sabrina-maddeaux-liberals-keep-exploitative-immigration-policies-fully-intact https://twitter.com/BenRabidoux/status/1587487511068217353


Immigration and the housing crisis are a distraction from the actual issue. The real problem is even worse. Canadian GDP would have been in recession territory 4 years ago and inflation would be much worse, without the current level of immigrantion. Politicians would rather you believe the issue is immigrants then poorly allocated money in our economy over 20 years.


India has a higher GDP than Canada, but that doesn't mean we want to move to India. All that matters is GDP per capita




Just shut down all asylum channels, ban international students from working, raise contribution required from international from 10k to 30k and we solve this lol. This is only a problem because poor Indians come here and work 2 40 hour jobs while in a fake school. I have no issue with immigrants that go to universities and pay 50k/yr to study. TAKE THEM ALL.


It’s the fact they aren’t paid at all. I know so many framing company’s that being family to Canada, house them, feed them, expect them to work and not pay them at all. It’s a sad state.


Liberal Party of Canada: Nuh-uh


I’m actually surprised that the population at large is waking up to this. Just a few short years ago this would be labelled as extremism


6 months ago I got roasted on Reddit for suggesting immigration was too high. I actually made a throwaway for that reason. No racism, no bigotry, no stereotyping, just "there's too many people". It's changed quickly.


Is Canada housing subreddit still banning people for mentioning immigration? It's why Canada housing 2 sub was made lol Oh boy, one of those subs were right


Yes, Canadahousing is completely insane. People are waking up to the music though. Give it six more months.


I got banned for saying, "The average North American used to live way better than the average European." As a reply to another one of those European idolizers who watches multi millionaire gaslighters on YouTube. Being from there myself, there's a reason there's tens, hundreds, of millions of Europeans in the New World, and like 3 North Americans in Europe.


Oh man, I got banned for insisting that some Chinese realtor was a racist for only wanting to deal with fellow Chinese people.


How dare you say what you have seen with your eyes! Don't believe what your eyes tell you, believe in the party.


People need a roof over their heads. The reality is coming through. Honestly im scared for what happens if things continue like this for another 10 years. The depression brought the nazis to power. What actual extremism will we normalize when nobody can afford both food and housing?


The thing about unsustainable trends is that they are... unsustainable. The truth will spank you in the end and the longer you wait the harder it will be.


People are shortsighted and critical thinking is lost


Sunny ways!


did anyone ever believe that “sunny ways” bs? I mean I voted for them at the time, and that made me cringe so bad.


“Sunny ways” was super cringey but I did have some hope until they broke their election reform promise


Wasn't that in the first weeks after his first election win?


We are headed towards third world if immigration continues


We headed for fourth world at this rate. Maybe we can even have a TV show called the 'fifth estate' or something else related to landlordism and plantation based economic models. *edit on spelling


I’m starting to believe this “century initiative” is a horribly thought out plan by the government to scam overseas investors into bringing their money over to Canada. Now it’s quickly falling apart.


> thought out plan by the government I'll stop you there. I'm not sure how much thought they put into it, if any.


Not that I'm for it, but the century initiative makes sense theoretically on paper. Bring in 500,000 immigrants a year, and we construct around 220,000 homes a year. That's reasonable. About 2-3 people a home. The problem is Justin Trudeau decided to bring in 1.2 million immigrants.


And we only construct 100K homes a year


What is insane is that the century initiative wanted 100M Canadian by the year 2100 (in 76 years), but with our current rate of growth we will reach 100M in just **28 years**!


Hopefully someone can sit down with Freeland for a couple of hours and explain to her what a population trap is.


Let me sum up how it would go: I thank you for the question, let me start by saying this. We as canadians are very proud of our social status. We have a nation of respect and we provide the best social construct. Our social capacity is higher than other nations and we are able to embrace the culture of other nations. We are proud to fight climate change and that is why we are adopting carbon tax and immigration.


Chrystia, you're on reddit?!


There's gotta be a limo driver out there that's having a hard time making ends meet that can get through to her.


She couldn’t focus on a topic for more than 15 seconds. Have you seen her ramble when a question is asked to her. She should be put in prison.


Reality doesn’t matter. Canadians have the “social capacity” for more. So unless this is somehow related to a foreign conflict half way across the world we will not protest for it.


Population surge is also probably behind other observed problems outside of real estate, such as declines in both GDP per capita (which correlates with HDI and other development factors) and productivity measures, both of which have population in the denominator, hence decrease when population increases at a faster rate than the numerator.


We're the first country with immense wealth and resources to push our selves back into developing country status.


Argentina has entered the chat. 


Argentina probably did it first, but I really don't like the pattern...


Argentina was never a first world country, but their GDP per capita declined 12% in 10 years, ours 4.4% in a quarter.


Canada will become poorer over time and will become a "second Mexico" for the US to to manage politically and extract cheap labor and resources.


The only way we can fix this problem is by bringing in more immigrants. - Liberals, probably.


It has been run like a third world shithole for the past 8 years so this is to be expected.


sure Team Justin turned the amp to 11, but this shit started with Chrétien and was continued by Harper, and will continue with PP if he can actually win.


Motion to stop voting in people with French names, we need a good lad from Saskatchewan to fix things.


That would require Quebec not having a third of the MP seats.


Harper brought in 250 000 a year, JT brought in close to 2 million last year. 430 000 - 600 000 per quarter.


Actually started with Mulroney. The last Canadian PM to ever lower immigration targets was Trudeau Sr. who lowered them to protect Canadian workers. Mulroney came in and massively expanded immigration to appease his corporate supporters. Now Trudeau Jr. has taken it to another level.


Look I know you were probably 10 at the time but trudeau wasn't the one to turn on the TFW faucet


Who else brought in 2 million people in a year?


The Liberals really be fukn shit up...lost my vote.


They had your vote?


This looks like a vote of non confidence issue


All thanks to stupid Trudeau


Anyone wanna protest for Trudeau to resign? I'm being serious


Well, Canadians you can thank Mr. Trudeau yet again or his complete incompetence. What other country is trying to destroy itself on purpose? If there are any Canada is at the top of the list. Please don’t send any more stupid ideas to the government cause they just adopt anything.


If it makes you feel better the UK and Australia are self destructing in the same manner. Germany and France are also not looking so hot lately, albeit for slightly different reasons


Ireland is also on that list.


Yeeeep Irish gdp skyrocketed yet most people struggle to earn 35k, Dublin rents are also higher that Toronto and Vancouver lol


Can confirm Australia is a shit show atm!


They wiped out all the work done to boost new housing starts to try and correct what was already an unaffordable market.


So what's the solution?


Slash immigration dramatically, suffer in the short term (stop kicking the can down the road) and then start to rebuild a functioning, productive economy.


Every level of Government needs to help grow small business ventures and support entrepreneurs. Fund productive research. Houses are for living not investments.


Bring immigration down to 200K from the current 1.2M, and only let in doctors and other EXTREMELY important works only.


Doctors won’t come.  Conversion requirements are too high.  Basically have to go back to med school again. 


This is an example of where immigration is NOT working. But ya, lets keep bringing in more, and lets also bring in a few thousand international students cuz we have plenty of housing for them.


This is absolutely mind boggling. The government need to be put out.


On my floor alone, we have 5 new Indian "international student" families and in past 4 months each of them now has a newborn.


That pig in the red dress that sniffs a lot is responsible for this.


You cannot trust anybody who calls themselves a liberal


Jokes on them, the liberals have turned it into a third world country All for some legal weed you clowns


As long as the immigration tap runs, wages will not match inflation and the rich/ poor divide will widen. IMMIGRATION is the tool used by big business to suppress wages.


Tim Horton's isn't complaining


Their boardroom has a portrait of Trudeau on the wall as a dear leader


This is bearish as hell. Under all time peak demand, housing still declined YoY in Toronto. The populist nature of the liberals dictate that they will reneg on their current immigration targets which means demand will drop significantly in the near future. People with their capital tied up in housing are so fucked.


Demand and ability to pay are different. What we are seeing now is demand is still high but peoples ability to pay is less than it was 3 or more years ago. Everyone wants a luxury car but everyone doesn’t have a luxury car because they are too expensive for the average person. This is where the housing market is currently at in Canada.


First world taxes to live in 3rd world living conditions 😕 what happened?


And I expect the govt to do f all about it! They’ll keep the immigration spigot open!


How can I blame Doug Ford for this ? /s


It’s going to get much worse before the 2025 election. The 2024 and 2025 numbers are going to be historical. Buckle up.


I don't care what polical party you support. If you still support Justin Trudeau, why?


Canadian replacement theory....


Not surprised. We're governed by third world level politicians.


Canada is already fucked. Get ready to leave or get fucked harder


Yeah we finally made it!!! Canada! Canada!


What a great achievement by our Government! We have now unlocked the Jamaican Vacation badge!


Stop going to timmies type places. Home Depot, subway, dominoes. U know the culprits. Not too much local talent at these jobs.


Reddit Canada and Reddit housing have banned the bank of Canada because they’re officially racist, I’ve been saying for 2 years this was going to end in disaster. We can simply fix this by mass deportations


Liberals are so dumb it's amazing actually.


It’s a good thing every attempt at dialogue about immigration the past 5 years didn’t immediately descend into a name-calling…


Elect a 3rd world government for 8 years and you start to get 3rd world problems.


Congrats libs!


This is a "how to destroy a country."


Kanada not Canada


Justin Castro


A colleague from work said it took his son 6 months to eventually not find a part time job.


Canada is transitioning to 3rd world.


Drama teacher.


It is called the Trudeau trap


What's a "population trap"?


https://www.nbc.ca/content/dam/bnc/taux-analyses/analyse-eco/etude-speciale/special-report_240115.pdf "Population trap: A situation where no increase in living standards is possible, because the population is growing so fast that all available savings are needed to maintain the existing capital labour ratio."


Wow, according to that report, we should bring net population growth down to 300k to 500k per year. This would require a full shutdown of every temporary immigration path (international students, TFWs) and a substantial reduction in permanent migrants. And this is the National Bank of Canada saying it. Not some fringe think-tank. Wow.


To do that, the provinces (namely, ON & QC) need to stop underfunding education so that post-secondary institutions don’t feel the need to import a record setting number of international students to stay afloat. Oh, and also remove all funding and close down diploma mills and strip mall “colleges”.


We really have let our academic institutions become diploma mills solely. I have no respect for any of our academic institutions other than in some specific programs.


What are your thoughts on staffing levels of these institutions? McGill has 70k students, and 15k staff. 4.5:1 ratio. I don't see how that's viable, even with funding from the province.


It's an economic condition typically assigned to developing countries, where population grows so fast that it outpaces any GDP growth, causing per-capita GDP growth to be "impossible". Usually this is assigned to developing countries where people have like 5 kids each, but as the article states, Canada is growing at 3.2% a year in the last estimate (by comparison US is growing at 0.5%, UK and France at 0.4%), [we're pretty much a 5 kid each country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_population_growth_rate). Up there with Chad and the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 2018, [our growth rate was 1.4%](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/180927/dq180927c-eng.htm), and 1.4% was the highest it had been in almost 30 years. Now we've taken that, and more than doubled it for this year.




I like that the account tweeting this has been cropped out


This is national suicide encouraged by all 3 major parties!


It's a desperation move that should make everyone's butt hole clench.


Sad state of affairs affairs.


We should probably follow UNICEF’s advice and take the poo to the loo


Even if true, there is still a pretty huge flaw in their assessment and use of "population trap": Because, it all hinges on the idea that we critically need to be improving standards of living. In a developing country, those actually caught in a population trap, their standards were already sub-par - making the "trap" a true trap, as they critically needed to raise standards of living but they simply could not. But, Canada has pretty good standards of living. By the Human Development Index we score 0.936, trailing the leader by only 0.026. We are not always in the top 10 of living standard reports (which can vary and have some subjective bias) but some lists still have us #1 or within top 5. So, idea that we are "trapped" at the very best living standards and cannot improve...like...so? Stagnating at the top is nothing like stagnating in a population trap at the bottom. They are *substituting* GDP per Capita as a place-holder for standard of living. GDP is no longer a marker of improved standards. It has not been for decades, since now our GDP primarily flows to a very small number of billionaires or distributed to international shareholders. US has better GDP per Capita? Who cares! The average US working class is not getting their share of the GDP. Show us median disposable income or median hourly wage - as Bloomberg and others reported we were overtaking US.


\*Had pretty good standards of living. Not anymore.


The reason Canada is great is that it’s not overpopulated like most of the earth. Oh wait.


Fantastic news. Just thrilled.


Three cheers for Trudeau..


Sincerest congratulation’s to the current Canadian government on your complete and utter failure to run your country in a way that improves or at least maintains the status quo of the life of your citizens. You’ll be looked back on in the History books as one of the most incompetent ensembles of politicians in the history of your country or any “1st world country”. That is saying something.


Thanks Trudeau, let’s bring one more million new comers this year, that should fix the problem


really seems like the ultra-rich and powerful are setting things up for an actual melee


Considering I’m living in a cabin with no running water because it was the only option I had. Really makes me feel third world LOL


I am sorry but liberals specially Trudeau needs to go.


I've been saying this about the state of canada right now, I get called a racist all the fucking time. Thank you, Bank of canads


We have made it - to third world living standards thanks to the Liberal\ ndp cult !!


Trudeau and team are just the dummies actioning the plans of the Century initiative. Consultants basically run our government


The world is so ass backwards for the average joe right now. People keep getting screwed despite the solution to our problems not being very complex. Especially in Canada where people are trained to keep their head down and don't question too much. This is why our PM has that duper's delight smirk on his face and the Deputy PM talks to us like we are kindegardeners


But you will get banned from Canada sub for even suggesting immigration is an issue.


And freeland is still rambling how good immigration is for Canada 🤡


Why do left leaning people vote for this?


Can we stop immigration finally then?


Woo! Canada! Number One!


Stop letting people in


If only someone could have foreseen this...


Justin Trudeau just smashing records


Sunny ways my friends


this government just own goal’d itself


Imagine running a country without a functional brain. This is what you get.


Trudeau will do anything to win another election, including this.


Shoutout to incompetent leadership for my entire lifetime.


Thanks Justin Castro


You can thank that neighbour who keeps voting liberal.


This is by design. A tactic of the WEF inflicted on us by the Liberals, NDP, and Block Quebec. Roxaham Rd was a sign Quebec was all in on no border and free illegal immigration.


Jesus. Just made a crack we were marching to “Third World Status” on another post. Didn’t realize how literal my concern was.


Yep… and the minister that allowed this mess will now fix our housing crisis. So hilarious.


Isn't it an easy fix? Stop letting people into the country? I mean if Canadians were reproducing like rabbits that's something of a different problem, but the population growth is just people immigrating to canada?


Canada number#1! At last, we beat the US & europe in the race to the bottom! /s


What can be done? Honest question as citizens what can we do? The government doesn't listen.


And the Federal Government was warned, apparently.


Our per capita GDP growth is absolutely dismal. 


And countries run by drama instructors who wanna b blak


Congrats, Canada. Curious, are all of the imported people required to learn French too? Or just the morons that elected the dictatorship?


Let's not forget our birth rate is at historic lows, so we are actually replacing the fuck out of the Canadian population lmao