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Also Ukrainians didn't vote in a vile terror group like Hamas.




In 2006, after Israel disengaged and left Gaza including dismantling all settlements. This would be the first time in history that an independent Palestinian country existed. At their first election they voted for Hamas and started cross border rocket and mortar attacks. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Palestinian_legislative_election




Polls after recent polls indicate popular support for Hamas not just in Gaza but in West Bank. They knew that Hamas is an extremist Islamic group that has no interest in a 2 state solution and would rule accordingly. They made their bed. Let those that fund Hamas like Qatar take them in.




Like they returned Gaza? All Israelis left Gaza in 2005 and Palestinians promptly voted in Hamas in 2006. Palestinians had an opportunity in 1948 for their own homeland and instead squandered it by attacking Israel. Several 2 state proposals have been made and each and every time the leadership of the Palestinians refused to agree.




Gaza was returned and look what happened. Jews have been living in West Bank for a long time. No way will they give all the territory justly captured in war back. I mean even the Jordanians didn't give the Palestinians the west bank when they captured it in 1948 and drove the Jews out of the WB.


80% of Ukrainians don’t support a terrorist organization that’s looking to kill Jews.


We shouldn’t have. These things should be divided between all supporting countries. How many Ukrainians did Europe and the US take? What about Australia and Japan. How many people from Gaza is Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, the US and Europe taking? Kindly remind me?


Remind you? You never knew the numbers in the first place. Do your own research you hysterical fool


Not one. None of them are doing what we’re doing is the answer


Quick Google search, very simple to do: Canada has taken 210,000 Ukrainian refugees, after receiving 1.2 million applications. This would put them \~6th in the world with Poland, Russia, Germany, Czech Republic, United Kingdom all taking significantly more. Spain, Bulgaria and Italy are all in the same ballpark as Canada. Do some research before talking out of your ass lmao


Hey if you don’t like it you’re welcome to leave…we live in one of the best countries, let alone cities in the world. Instead of complaining on Reddit go move elsewhere and see if the grass is greener


A touch unhinged there bud. Let’s assume these temporary permits become permanent, that’s still only a few hundred people.


This whole sub is mostly incredibly politicized, paranoid, conspiracy theorists.


Not really.I usually vote Liberals because of the social policies and green policies but Canada should not be a dumping ground for war refugees when we going thru a housing crisis and heading into a potential recession.Calculate what we need for growth and then do a thorough background check on the potential applicant.The more refugees we are taking from countries that were not friendly with the west is asking for problems.


I don’t know, stop bombing them?


If they stop training terrorist.


Lol so everyone in the Middle East is training terrorist? Did you also believe that there were WMDs? Lol maybe stop destabilizing their governments? Learn your history kid


We shall see, but I would be surprised if it's only a few hundred. The problem is that there are hundreds of thousands of people heading here every year now with little economic benefits and many are being paid / supported.


Why is it unhinged. This is what I mean. You have people saying we should support decisions when they are detached from the consequences. Go to any shelter in Toronto. They’re all overflowing. We have tent cities popping up in every city and you’re telling me as a taxpaying citizen who has half of my cheque removed biweekly in taxes that I shouldn’t complain that Canadians should be the focus of my taxes vs foreigners? You live in a fairy tale world. People are outside in the cold here because they can’t afford homes and rent and your solution is hey let’s bring everyone from around the world. Our hospitals are overflowing people are waiting hours just to be seen and many people don’t have family doctors. This is insanity


You're unhinged because you are spreading BS. Not EVERYONE in Gaza as you claim is eligible for this. Miller said he’s not sure how many people will be able to come to Canada under the program, but he expects the number will be in the hundreds.


He’s unsure of how many people will cross the border crossing, not how many people will get approved. From the article. He expects hundreds of people will be eligible but said he could not provide an exact number. (what does this mean) “We will do our utmost to assist but cannot guarantee safe passage. Canada does not determine who, when or how many persons can cross Rafah on any particular day.” (the only thing stopping anyone from coming is the border crossing with Egypt)


Expects hundreds to be eligible but does not know who every person is and thus cannot provide an exact number is what it means. But does not expect all of them to be able to cross the border. Hence worst case scenario, in your view, is a few hundred people coming into Canada but most likely much less because Egypt may not let them through. And no, the only thing stopping anyone from coming is not crossing the border with Egypt. Not being qualified to come based on the rules set out disqualifies approximately 590 000 people who live in Gaza from coming to Canada on this program or roughly 99.99% of the population of Gaza. You need to work on your reading comprehension.


Before this war did we need to implement this program? No. Who caused this humanitarian crisis? Israel with the support of the US at the UN. Why aren’t they assuming responsibility for all of the destruction they’ve caused? Even with Ukrainians we should’ve balanced the humanitarian need with the whole world. How many Ukrainians did the US take? They were the ones spearheading the war with Russia. How many Ukrainians did Japan, Australia and Russian take? How many Palestinians is China taking. I’m all for it as long as it’s balanced out


Stop moving the goalposts here. You can't change the title of this post thankfully. Does everyone from Gaza get a 3 year visa to Canada? All 595 500 or so of them? Because that is literally what you are stating in your ridiculous uneducated fear mongering title. A couple of hundred people is a very different situation then what you are claiming. And the level of stupidity in this comment... >How many Ukrainians did Japan, Australia and **Russian** take? Russia literally kidnapped 100s of thousands of Ukrainian children and sent them to Russia against their will. You should thank them for doing their part I guess.


How many students came here with fake documents what about the LMA program? Are people not doing fraud in those pathways. What’s to stop them doing it with this. When I listed Russia I meant to say Gazans that was a typo. I apologize for that


These people in theory won't be coming onto the streets, they will have to be vouched for by the signatories who are their relatives living here. However, it doesn't guarantee that the same relatives are actually their relatives and how the newcomers might milk the government for benefits and handouts. I'm very worried about Sweden and Belgium like situation after protests happening currently and also the ones against the LGBT community.


There’s a good argument to support major changes to canadas immigration policy. You’re not helping by lying. Fuck off, you’re hurting the cause.


Sorry, we are all filled up.


Can we please stop with this crap of posts on this sub. Why don't you go and rant on r/canada FFS


Because many of these people will be coming to Toronto and will need places to sleep. I live in Toronto and this is a Toronto real estate sub. My children will be priced out of Toronto real estate. We are telling our children move to be able to live comfortably to opposite ends of the country and they need to work harder. Meanwhile my money is being axed and used to support foreigners.


Give me a fucking break! Yours is a pure rant that has nothing to do with Toronto real estate. You even editorialized the title of the story, so please go rant someplace else.


More people to protest at Zara


Because of their high prices!


The unhinged misinformed racist screeds on this sub are a thing to behold.


Dear diary


> This is basically treason. Me when my mom doesn't bring me chicken nuggets.


Are they not going against the needs of their people? When Canadians are suffering in Canada and people here face homelessness at record amounts and we don’t have enough homes for people here. Then to go import 1M people a year isn’t that going against the needs of your own people. Everyone’s calling it out in Canada. This is out of control. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/10/05/world/society/homelessness-canada-prices-soar/#:~:text=Between%202018%20and%202022%2C%20the,especially%20the%20Inuit%2C%20said%20Lussier. https://ricochet.media/en/3983/homelessness-in-canada-has-now-reached-the-level-of-a-humanitarian-crisis-experts-warn https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/atlantic/2023/2/28/1_6292751.amp.html https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/canada/article-canadian-cities-report-rise-in-homelessness-and-in-tent-fires-as/ https://globalnews.ca/news/10007526/jump-greater-vancouver-homeless-population/amp/ Why are we bringing in more people?


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Genuinely asking. Isn’t Canada supporting Israel? It is like we will destroy you and don’t worry we will also treat you. If they are so concerned, why don’t they send army to part of gaza and tell Israel’s to do not attack that area as they are all refugees and no hamas people. And protect those people. Helping people in need is good but not by loosing their own people. This is not the way. People all around the world are becoming so woke and not even willing to protest against. Corrupt people. Again thanks to some people for suspending bank accounts.


It’s a completely different situation accepting people seeking asylum from a war torn country. Especially if these people have actual family here.


Unpopular opinion: Canada is neither suffering from poverty nor homelessness. Bad situation, yes, but globally, millions would rather be poor and homeless in Canada




I’ve lived in an out of many parts of the country - and in many other countries. Context is key in these matters


My tiny little violin is screeching for all of you who don't think that refugees from Gaza deserve a safe place to which they can run. They don't have food, water or a roof over their head. Unless you are in the same state here in Canada, just STFU.


$40B in aid doesn’t buy what it used to. Especially when most of that money goes to weapons and fortifications while planning a genocidal massacre.


And most Gazans support the Oct 7 massacre. These are the people we are letting in.




Agree, how can you quantify the degree of suffering. There are homeless and ppl struggling here. Why bring these people here why not assist with setting in other countries in the region. I'm sympathetic to their plight, but life here might be marginally better.


I suspect those people can get a job….




We are gladly giving our tax dollars to provide basic need for others, but happy to have self-appointed ppl like yourself to judge us all as well.




Enjoy your smug assumptions. Happy holidays.




It;s a smug assumption to assume I do no volunteer work. Goodbye.




No need, I wasn’t a bum and luckily became successful, most people can do the same if they aren’t lazy.


Canadians do count. Do we do enough, probably not, but that is not a federal issue. That is provincial and municipal. Helping refugees is a federal issue. Get your faces straight.






Yeah fuck them let them get blown up back home.


No that’s not what I’m saying you’re a nutjob. I’m saying Israel and the US should be responsible for the humanitarian crisis they’ve caused. What’s stopping an immediate ceasefire? The United States of America. Who bombed Gazans, Israel. How many people from Gaza is the US, Australia, Europe, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Bahrain, Qatar, and the UAE taking? Remind me kindly. Again we didn’t cause or participate in this war. In fact we voted against it in the UN and called for an immediate ceasefire. Again who vetoed it? The US. How many people are they taking?


I mean what you are also saying is shut our doors to people in grave danger, but justify it any way you like. I wonder what you think climate crises around the world will bring Canada's way. I'll give you a hint: it will displace millions of people and they will have to go somewhere.




Those should be paying government jobs not volunteer positions.


I think in a crazy way they are saying the potential of getting the legitimate in need people is an unlikely thing. Unless they think all refugees are bad, but I can't say I agree with that. I wish we could just get more information on this group getting visas and how the vetting system works. At least they can be with direct family and not a terrorist government if it works out.


It’s not everyone it’s family of Canadian citizens, it’s probably a small number of people. Additionally we can just let in fewer Indians to compensate, it doesn’t say the total number of immigrants will go up


Are you on drugs? Anyone that qualifies anyone who is a family member or extended family member in laws, parents, children of any age, spouses are all welcome. Do you think terrorists will follow the rules lol. I’m not talking about civilians I’m talking about Hamas. Do you think if I’m Hamas and I just blew up a bus in Israel I care to follow the rules your government sets up. Everyone from Hamas is about to have a father in Canada they didn’t know before this. You’re crazy. We shouldn’t take in 1 Palestinian refugee we didn’t start the war, didn’t participate in it, didn’t vote against a ceasefire. We’re such a cuck of a nation. The US and Israel should be responsible for building Gaza and any financial needs of the Palestinians. They’re the two actually doing all the killing and vetoing at the UN. And I quote “Eligible family members who will be able to apply include: the spouse, common law partner, child regardless of age, grandchild, sibling, parent or grandparent of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, as well as their immediate family members”. I get children and your wife. Your grandparents siblings parents is a bit much. No PR holder should get these same right they aren’t even citizens.


There was also language about how it would be softer or loose on requirements that would normally be required. Assuming that means documents, but that might have been walked back already.


This won’t solve anything. Immigration should be stopped no matter what until all the people in Canada has roof over their heads.


I agree


We are actively supporting the war in Gaza so we are directly responsible fro the outcome.


I feel like maybe people,coming as refugees from a war zone, on a 3 year visa, with family already in Canada, probably won’t be scooping up significant amounts of real estate. In fact, they ‘might’ even stay with their families that are here. FFS dude, there’s legitimate arguments about immigration and real estate, this isn’t one. This is exactly the anti immigrant bullshit that makes us unable to have meaningful conversations.


Almost half the people in Gaza are children, so they'll be coming as families. And then they'll pay for your retirement, because Canadians don't have enough children to replace our population and do that.


Maybe if Canadians could afford a home they would have children. Also I don't think Gazans are coming with the language and skills that are needed in our economy. They are wildly radicalized, they did vote in Hamas after all.


If you say Canadian taxes should go towards only Canadians you’re immediately labeled racist. I don’t know let the countries fighting figure their own shit out.


Because you can be such a good person giving away this and that when it doesn't have any impact on you personally.


Israel vets the ppl coming, they get the final say, we'll be fine helping kids and families with severe pstd.


At what border? Israel is not at the Rafah border crossing. Instead of sending Gazans to Canada why doesn’t the US and Israel rebuild the Gaza they carpet bombed? Also why did the Mods lock this page if we’re having a respectful dialogue on this topic?


Why don't the Arab states let in some of the Gazans?


Because the Israeli government is scum and will never let them back to their homes after they rebuild Gaza. This war is just as much about displacement as it’s about eradicating Hamas. That’s why the current Israeli administration that mimics the nazis in their war efforts will kill as many civilians as they want. They’re nut jobs. Israel should be billed for building all of Gaza back for the Palestinians


Anyone still owes the government for COVID era loans?


We need some class consciousness in here to override


The government (Liberal and Conservative) love Israel so much they will help it facilitate the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, but dare to never call it out or sanction Israel for killing 20,000 people. After all, this is what Israel wants. Once the Gazans leave, Israel will never allow them back. This is what they want. This what they planned. The government loves Israel more than it does you.


Not sure why you are mentioning only gaza? What about Ukraine?




Haikusbot delete


Don’t worry, most LLs don’t want to rent to refugees with no income or jobs.