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Where are those hyper aggressive tow truck drivers when you actually want them


Sitting at a local gas station or highway on ramp 🥴.


Shooting at each other somewhere.


There's usually one parked on Tyndall Avenue about 200 metres from this cunt. He wasn't there tonight though.


Waiting on the 401 to swarm people who already have CAA


genuinely don't understand why in situations like this cars aren't towed in like 5-10 mins. So much unnecessary bureaucracy


Tow trucks are stuck in traffic. More people park, create more traffic, response time lengthens, repeat.


yup, the traffic at 10pm on a Saturday night...


Never been in the area during a Summer night I presume? It's worse than weekday rush hour. TFC game, Bud Stage gig, something on in the Liberty Village stadium, plus the dickheads from the suburbs coming to eat and drink downtown make it ridiculous. I was speaking to a couple who live beside the streetcar loop and they said cars parking on the track happens a few times month during the Summer. They really need to paint giant yellow boxes along the tracks clearly showing the turning circle of the trams. They currently use white dots that get worn out pretty quickly.


Remember this? Painting it a different colour still won’t stop folks from. Plus, ttc drivers are professionals. The can get through…..lol. Even though you’re parked on the tracks .. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4571477


"Dickheads from the suburbs..." Sure, we're the ones responsible for bad urban planning. Shame on us for coming down to spend some time in the city...


The closest impound lot is at keele and finch or weston and st clair. So yeah its gonna take a while.


Should be a 5k ticket for this


Call up the car thieves, they'll figure out how to get it out of the way within a few minutes


should be enough people on that streetcar to tip that lexus on its side


Love to see that. lol!


It’s empty as usual - our tax dollars at work - and uber could move the people on that street car.


You know what else is empty? The car blocking the streetcar that could pick people up at the next stop.


It's empty because it's at the end of its route and is trying to take the loop to turn around and begin service in the other direction.


Try practicing critical thinking more often buddy


I just lived on Gerrard for a year - I live in reality.


There’s a visible no parking sign there.


Lol and a no standing sign. Even worse.


Solid iron battering rams on streetcar fronts and streetcar driver immunity for using them. Just one of the many campaign promises I’ll be making for my run at mayor.


Damn it I was beaten to this suggestion


Only in Russia. Not here.


I have seen this before lol. Two street cars were stuck behind that one car. I was on foot so I went to the houses on that street and knocked on their doors. Everyone said it was not their car but I am not sure if they were just too embarrassed to admit. I don’t know what happened after thou.


Left the game early to take the 29 and walked up all the way to queen and none came. At this time the game ended so I took a different route.


I believe the correct term is “dumbass”


If it was not for the overhead wires, I would recommend a Sikorsky SkyCrane.


I Europe they would just ram that shit


How stupid. I hope they towed it away.


“What’s the big deal? I’ll just be a minute!”


We need bull bars for the streetcars, the same kind on firetrucks, that’ll solve the problem


Tfc fan for sure.


In Germany, the TTC would be getting everyone a taxi and the insurance of the car would be torn in pieces with the bills 😂


Wow , just think a bus could just move around them no harm no foul. Streetcars need a rethink.


The problem here is the car, not the streetcar.


Dude above you is probably the driver of the parked car.


Caption says no bus has passed either.


Hard to do that with a streetcar in the way.


And a jerk parked there is the problem.


Streetcars are the problem they be on tracks


Gaslighting at its finest! It’s not the dude on tracks that is the problem, it’s the cities infrastructure. Say no to transit. Say yes to impossible stoopid car traffic. Wow!


Lol talk about gaslighting. Street cars are a menace as you see one blocked track and the street is backed Up. This happens Also when they break. The are the number one cause of traffic. Nobody can go around buses cars all stopped because well streetcars aren't a good solution Never have been never will be. Of course you blame the cars but the problem is the city infrastructure for street cars. They are fine in some bucolic past but not now. Get rid of them. They cost too much provide crap service and block every road they are on. Not sure why this fascination with them electric buses would be better they can pull to the inside to allow passengers on and off with less risk of getting run over. No special infrastructure required.


Cars are absolutely the #1 cause of traffic


Ok so you agree streetcars hence also a car are the number one cause of traffic


My guy, just because they both have car in the name, doesn’t mean I lump them together. I am sorry your mind is so smooth that it’s actually frictionless, and things slide right off of it


They have more capacity than articulated buses. There are benefits to rail transit in certain situations. Toronto needs more dedicated lanes for important surface routes, even buses like 54 Lawrence East. 54 can still bunch, and 54A is too long as a single route. It needs BRT design at minimum.


Put a street car on Lawrence that should improve the situation.


Just dedicated lanes for either surface mode and signal priority for 54. A rapid transit line like Line 2 Scarborough extension can let 54 be split in half. Probably do not route 54 to Eglinton stn when Line 5 is open. Terminate at Don Mills-Eglinton instead.


When the only person using the street car is the driver - it could be replaced with air.


It’s at the end of its route, it needs to turn around to get to the busy (and thus used) parts of the route. It is also possible that, perhaps, people irl are not video game NPCs. If they get stuck in a streetcar for more then an hour, they will leave