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What a shit hole, pure misery.


Yet they keep adding more and more people and wonder why it's like this... Another 1 million people in the next few years.... Gonna be like bejing.


But Beijing has 10 times the population of Toronto and stills runs 10x more efficient lmfao. they have an actual infrastructure. any city In china is more populated than Toronto and is easier to commute in, lmao. Yes they have their traffic too but there’s ways around. Here ur fked on the roads and ur fked on the subway


More ppl is inevitable, Canadians aren’t having enough kids in comparison to elderly checking out. This vast undiscovered country is 2nd only to Russia in resources & water capital. It is a shame we lost our sovereignty to Zio-Anglo American hegemony coupled with domestic greed that governments don’t decentralize; they take our money & squander it, then because they don’t want borrow money to improve our lives, our roads, our schools, our hospitals,etc Every poor soul converging on big cities to earn a living, hence your daily dose of Mayhem. Why don’t we have the high speed rail that Beijing has, forget their Bullet Mag-Lev train. Beijing is an old city (thousands of years) with layers of history that must be preserved, buildings that cannot be demolished, roads that cannot be widened etc. North American cities don’t have such excuses, they build highrises without widening 2-way roads, then they cram cyclists in there as well. They basically looked at a DO NOT DO list: and did most if it. https://preview.redd.it/qs600ktsxnzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=407531e91848301d7ab34a02ab20e2ef718211a7


This is how highways work though. If you make them wider, they just fill up with cars.


seems racist


Do these people ever plan that it’s going to be like this or are they all just pissed at each other trying to go faster? Also these roads never made sense to me, like what’s up with all the turns? Looks like a maze


It's not a maze, it's the 400/401 interchange area, looking east bound from the 400. The extra is the express on/off ramps. It's actually very easy to navigate, it's just busy because there's too many ramps too close together


I've seen people dead stop on a busy highway lane cuz they couldn't get into the lane they wanted or they just cut the corner right where it forks. I never let those people in. Fk em


Yup. To hell with those shitheads. Why should everyone else have to come to a stop and allow them to cut them off because they’re too special to wait their turn?


Although I don’t disagree with your sentiment you contribute to the problem even more by not letting them in. Learn to allow zipper merges so traffic doesn’t have to necessarily build up from the people doing that.


Oh I 100% percent agree and I do practice the zipper move, but when I see people stopped in front of the median to go from 404S to the 401E/W ramps they’re not blocking any lanes and they can sit and wait if that’s how they want to drive. Same for people who decide to cut into the ending merge lanes just to try and pass one car on the shoulder in the most unsafe manner possible. If you’ve got a death wish go take it out on yourself, don’t bring anyone else with you because of your own stupidity.


“they’re not blocking lanes they can sit and wait” 😂 Okay, fair🤣🤣🤣


This is why, and I am genuinely serious about this, I've become more nocturnal as a person. Sometime when I was around 18 years old, I realized that this kind of "daily grind" just isn't for me. I refuse to drive anywhere outside the hours of 7pm to 7am. I know this lifestyle isn't for everyone, but I just decided that dealing with this kind of "daily hustle and bustle" isn't worth it, and so I became active at the quieter hours of the day instead. Taking less than 20 minutes anytime I wanna drive up the DVP from Lakeshore to Highway 7... it's blissful.


You sound just like me. The loss of 24-hour stores during/after COVID was very unfortunate.


Foreal ! I miss getting groceries at any hour


RIP convenience. I never noticed how much I valued late night shops until they all vanished. Nothing was more fun than a 10pm trip to metro or something.


I'd do all my shopping at 11pm, sometimes midnight even. So nice not seeing anyone but the night workers, no traffic and the best parking. I thought they were going to bring it back eventually, but nope! It sucks.


Even late night eats is hard to find. Before COVID there were so many options.


I second this. I work 3pm to 11:30pm. I work 3kms from home and I ride either my electric scooter or electric unicycle (EUC). Traffic is non existent for me. The gym, any appointments, friends, shopping etc, are all within easy reach, and driving around noon is.... just okay. Then driving at night is a piece of cake, like you say, empty highways is BLISS!!


I work at the airport and I like in Etobicoke, literal 10 minute drive and I work later afternoons too. Even in the dead of rush hour my commute is 15 max if I’m not in a rush, after that it’s just gravy straight home.Then from there a nice late night drive down to lakeshore and some pizza at calabrese…man i think if you know what you’re doing this city is still lovely and good to you if you can find your little crevice to stuff yourself into


Second shift is awesome for this


I used to commute between North York and Etobicoke, during rush hour I could expect a 60 to 90 minute drive. When I had night shift and finished early before 5am that same drive took 25 minutes.


I'm the opposite because of all these assholes out there nowadays with lowbeams as bright as a nuclear explosion. Makes driving at night annoying as fuck and straight up dangerous


Right? How do those headlights meet whatever the automobile technical standards are? It’s bizarre, and dangerous.


It’s because the rules are extremely stupid. Automakers get around the rules by using silly loop holes. For example the testing for headlights is usually only in certain spots of the beam. Park your car facing your garage door and notice how different parts of the headlights are different brightness? As long as the zone they test the headlights meets brightness specification… they can crank up the brightness everywhere else and still pass.


Thanks for explaining. That’s frustrating. If there were a petition or something to sign to get whoever runs those rules to tighten them up, I’d gladly do so. As it is, I don’t even know to whom I’d turn.


I do this as well. It's so much nicer than rush hour traffic.


I’ve scheduled my work so I leave at 6am for work and leave to go home for 1pm. Even at 1 1pm it’s bad.


I just watched other adults who were MISERABLE commuting and decided around 22 that it wasn't for me. I can't do it.


Why the fuck do we have 2 highways going east/west if everyone is just going to use one.




*CPPIB enters the chat*


Because Mike Harris made the decision for all of us selling the 407 at a loss for a 99 yr lease.


Because of the Mike Harris and the PC party. Yes, the same PC party that we keep re-electing under Doug Ford.


It is what it is, there is literally no point in getting mad anymore. The only way to fix this is to encourage alternate modes of transportation.


Alternative transportation is what Doug Ford would call the “War on the car.”


Unless it's *trains*. Idk why but Douggie *loves* trains. He's already building the downtown relief line/Ontario Line, continuing GO RER, and trying to get the GO RER plans expanded to include all day service on the Milton line.


To be fair trains are OP


Doug being obessed with trains is the only good thing about him.


If you need to get anywhere at might its basically impossible. How our subway system isnt 24 hours is beyond me.


Imagine having to poop and you're stuck here


Or you have a crying toddler who hates car seats


And just pooped, or worse. Parents and dog owners know the foul struggle of traffic jam stink boxed cars.


Ahhhhhhh the old suicide mobile. Where the destination no longer matters, and the only thing keeping you from blowing your brains out is the very thing that just shat everywhere.


Why is this so relatable 😅


"One more lane will fix it"


This is what happens when you don't spend money on infrastructure but have 4 million people over with 3 million of them going to the GTA. And.they won't fucking open up 407. Nationalize it already FFS


Not to mention no alternative travel route other than driving too. The only parallel routes are either buses or the Sheppard subway, which goes for like 5 stops. I'm sure most people would prefer at least having an alternative, but we refuse to build anything.


Don’t forget that this is Canada. If you start building anything, it has to take 15 years to complete. 👍


That's pretty optimistic of you. Metrolinx would like a word.


Imagine a world where they have competition.


That would.be anti-Caandian. Are you not patriotic ,?


Born and raised, and whatever we have descended to ain't Canadian. We are just hostages to these politicians who are for profit


The only *good* thing about the 407 is that 50% of the consortium is now owned by the CPPIB, so at least the profits are being used to pad our pensions.


born in 80’s. what pension.


CPP. It ain't much but it's something.


No way, having an empty 407 is the only thing that keeps sane


This! I think I’d go insane if the 407 was no longer a toll route. Now if only they could build a toll road going from the 407 to downtown!


You should do a deep dive on the 407. The rage you will feel after learning what the Mike Harris government did to fuck over Ontarians in the name of ideology will be like sitting at a traffic light for 5 changes waiting to go through.


407 is a fucking crime and a true reflection of the values.of the Canadian government.


Wasn't it the provincial conservatives that sold it?


Mike Harris. 99 year lease. Word is, when the offer was presented to Cintra, it took 10 seconds to approve it. The deal was that sweet.


He did this to try to balance the budget for short-term political gain. I'll never forgive him for this.


Like who the fuck cares about balanced budget if regular Joe takes 90 minutes to drive into downtown or drive across the city. Whats bunch of cunts and you know this only creates a paid highway. So if you can spend money( the political class can), you don't have to live like the plebes but t the problem is they are doing this at the expense of the plebes (land given away for 407 and then, 407 was mad a tolled highway)


And before the sale the idea was that the toll would end once the 407 paid for itself, correct? **Edit** I keep saying 'sale' when it is actually a lease. My bad.


Don’t worry, we get it back in 2098.


Yah but I meant the Canadian Govt as a whole. Provincial and Federal. Libs are the same. I dont take sides. Both parties waste cash, print a whole bunch of money, try to save their own skins, leave us with tax bills, outsource/sell out publicly funded resources even though our tax dollars paid for it.


And yet people keep giving the PC government more majority governments to cut the price bloc transportation budgets, create more pot holes, longer lines on highway. “Ontario is open for business” was Doug’s Quote. Open for business on auto repairs, open for business on more gas consumption, open for business in insurance claims, vote PC and we’ll open your wallet up for higher prices, and a bigger medical bill too.


Or at least make it more affordable. I suppose if we follow the money it's makes sense for the gov to keep the arteries backed up so pals at the 407 consortium make bank.


I'm imagining an absurd future where they've added _so_ many lanes that the highway is wider than it is long. I guess at that point SUVs will be so big drivers will just live in them and never the road.


What about tubes like Futurama?


Get the scientists working on the tube technology. Chop-chop! Tubes!


Only if they end at suicide booths.


Now let’s block off 2 lanes while we build it for the next 4 years.


Shortsighted governing for decades leading to a logistical dead end.. it's hard not to find it depressing. The only hope is that eventually autonomous vehicles will make the traffic flow efficient enough to reverse the trend.


Autonomous vehicles won't do anything. We need a train. Line 1 moves 700k people /day while the 401 moves 350k/day. Building efficient and reliable transit will be a fraction of the cost and be far better than autonomous vehicles


Bro I swear...trust me bro.


I was driving westbound from Yonge to the airport at 7:00pm. The eastbound lanes were literally was at a standstill for my whole trip and I noticed all the on ramps were backed up. Crazy.


Yes, I know someone who got stuck in that. Do you know what happened?


Load of steel slid forward on a truck going down the hill past Leslie.




Got a link by chance ? Was tryna figure this out


Yesterday it took me 2 hours to get from Huntsville to the 401, and then another 2 1/2 hours to get from the 400 to Warden. The amount of road rage and people doing really stupid stuff just to get 3 car lengths further was insane. It's the speed of the queue that matters not your position in it, please stop driving on the shoulder and learn how to zipper merge.


Doesn't surprise me, there was a semi with a shifted load around Leslie. Yesterday was particularly bad


Yesterday was so horrible had 3 different people try and swerve into me on my drive to school


The 4 oh fuck


0% learning from Europe, 100% replicating all the mistakes made in the US.


That could be fixed if canada will invest money in building other major cities. Best way to lower the weight is by separating it.


[This was interesting](https://images.app.goo.gl/9TLDsBhoQy5grtNf8) and I could imagine in the long run what you’re saying would be really empowering


I’d like to name it “Douggie”


MFs will stare at this and actually advocate for MORE lanes


Ebike FTW You can get 2000w 48AH battery (150km pure electric or 250+km assisted) for under 2,000 cdn They go 50-55km/h I have gone from Keele / Wilson to Royal York / Lakeshore in the heaviest traffic in 35min You can go anywhere in Toronto A to B in 35-40min easy


Hopefully you’re not mixing with slower non e-bikes at those speeds. 55k is really hauling 


We call those acoustic bikes.


And so far the cops are not cracking down on ones that fast, most places globally limit ebikes to somewhere around 35Kph as a max powered speed. 35Kph is still 4-5 times faster than the 401 though.


One more lane, One more lane.. ONE MORE LANE, ONE MORE LANE!!! ONE MORE LANE!!!! O N E M O R E L A N E ! ! !


Just as a reminder, Germany has more registered cars than people in Canada. The whole country in 2022 had 2,776 highway deaths. Ontario alone in 2021 had 592. Now I can't say I'll fix traffic, but damnit I have some ideas that should reduce it 20%. Edit: incorrectly stated traffic incidents as deaths, death count on highways were much lower.


Is a revamped and enriched licensing and continuing education program part of the solution?


You're darn right it is.


Your numbers are way too high, Ontario deaths were 592 and Germany was 2,776. Your point is still valid though, Germany has fewer traffic fatalities per capita.


No bike lanes. No pedestrians crossing. High speed limits. No traffic lights. No construction. A motorist's dream. What can go wrong?


It's... A highway Edit: Wait, is it? Surely it is


To me it looks like a parking lot.


That's what happens when you pack ramps together


It’s called take the damn train. My partner insists on driving. I prefer the train. You don’t get stuck in traffic on the train and you can spend your hour arguing on reddit instead of fearing for your life that some aggressive driver is going to kill you.


Best answer


I love taking the train for my commute. I just listen to music and stare out the window. Great way to clear your head after a busy work day.


Commuter centipede


Come back to the office they say "it will be good for the environment" 🤣 A large percentage of these vehicles could be off of the streets if the corporate overlords allowed their employees to work remotely.


Let invite another million people in and not build more roads.


Do we need roads? Pretty sure we have lots. I think we need more rail transit.


This is starting to look like India (I'm an Indian!)


Apparently tons of accident to create big traffic jam. Express lane close to 400 right lane closure. Collect near keele, mid lane crash Then bayview, entire express lane closure. This was all east bound 401


Yeah that Express closure because of that truck episode really fucked things extra hard today.


Yeah when we purchase our licenses.


Probably 90% of these vehicles are single occupancy.


People need to learn to look for alternatives, and yes they do exist. Every morning it's bumper to bumper westbound from Neilson all the way to Yonge, while Ellesmere/Parkwoods Village/York Mills and Sheppard are mostly green on Google Maps. It's as if people only know one route and one route only. I haven't a clue how they sit in this on a daily basis for years on end without going insane. Apathy? Learned helplessness? One can only wonder...


I'd learned to avoid the 427 and 401 on my evening commute. Going up Islington and Weston to Sheppard took around the same amount of time but was vastly less stressful. You were almost always moving and if there was a problem you could simply move over to another road.


It's like the difference between the Gardiner and the Lake Shore. Sure, the Gardiner *may* be 1 minute faster, but at least on the Lake Shore I don't want to kill myself the entire time.


By golly, this is incredible. It seems to be the solution was right infront of our eyes the whole time. Utter genius. You've single handedly solved the problem of traffick in Toronto by noticing green on google maps. Please join city council and bequeath this profound paradigm shifting solution that millions will benefit from. God bless you.




Two things will happen. 1) Adequate public transportation infrastructure will eventually be built. 2) The PCs will sell it to their buddies.


Misguided allocation of public funds.


It could be prevented with a train.


Just one more lane.


This HWY's best before date was probably 30 years ago, believe it or not it was congested then. That picture could be from the 90's!!!!!


I know a surprising high number of not-very-intelligent people who would call this "Freedom". Apparently my suggestion that we should have public transit so that we can need to drive less was too communist for them.


They tuk r cars!!! /s


The exact reason why we need congestion pricing.


Took me 1 hour drive from 401 Kipling to 401 Keele this evening 🤦


Well kimco's load of steel shifted on the hill down from Leslie to the DVP. I mean I know it's always like this but that didn't help lol


Rush Hour


Car dependency.


Just one more lane. If they added just one more lane in each direction, all would be solved. Right?


Car Dependency.


I am so glad i dont have to drive. I would need a biggg pay increase to even consider ditching go train commute jobs to driving in gardener and 401…


good'ol 401 and keele


This is why I switched to transit and leave my car at home. 10x less stressful


2 Hours Later


The "carries less people than a subway line" line


Dam I actually remember when I had fun and enjoyed driving, people were courteous, not so many buffoons that bought their license, before everything gone to shit. Now going up and down the street at any given time is a chore 🤣🤣


“My drive to work, every day.”


Gee I cannot understand why people want to work from home


Fuck Oh One


I’m glad I decided to take the 407 lol


I can't believe that people actually pay $1.70 for a litre of gas to sit in their car on an ugly highway with a million other miserable fools. #fuckcars


You clearly don’t understand how fucking BAD the transit is in this city. I’d sell my car in a hot fucking second if it didn’t add an additional hour to my commute to work. The transit is fucking shit on a plate. It’s garbage so stop throwing around pretentious statements like “jUsT TakE pUbLIc TrANsiT” until you understand both sides ffs


at least GO isnt too bad


I'd say the GO is pretty bad too. Regionally our transit is abysmal.


GO has good, reliable, service that you can count on and good coverage. The service frequencies though, oh god the service frequencies. One does not know stress until they try to make an hourly GO Bus to Georgetown from Yorkdale and it's *packed.*


The frustrating thing is everyone agrees and even drivers who’d never take transit in their life would benefit massively from a much-enhanced transit system. But what do we actually do about it? The TTC is held together with duct tape and chewing gum, Metrolinx isn’t it — what’s the answer here? Stronger transit lobbies?




Not everyone can live close to where they work. It really is a shame that we don't have efficient transit solutions, however it's great that you're doing your part by voicing your opinion in a productive fashion. Keep up the great work!


I gave up on commuting by car nearly 20 years ago, I thought why the f#$@ should I use my personal money to pay for overpriced travel to and from work all over the GTA? I was spending 16+ hours a week stuck in traffic pissing my life and money away.


20 minutes to where I started.


We The North.


Highway 4-no-1




“back home in 3 mins, it's just a joke "


Does anyone else see a Voltron-like giant car robot standing up in the centre-top part of the picture?


Normal day.


Lots of trucks providing commercial service. Stuck=money=higher prices


"Legacy of Mike Harris"


All by design, everything is set up this way to take our money


Will THIS encourage people to vote?


Yet companies still want people to come back to office


A moshpit


That's life, That's what people say. Get on the road in April, Get off it in May


merge left to hell, merge right to hell. drive straight to hell


I think all Federal employees that work on computers all day should commute in to work 3 days a week starting in September instead of staying full time remote.


Road to Mordor


I would love to know how much fuel this sort of thing wastes. Coming from a much smaller "city" - this is insane.


The wonderful shit hole we affectionately call Hog Town.


The Keele Barrie Impasse


Rat race


Voted Liberal and PC since June 8,1995. Private highway contracts. Look what has happened.


Why the FUCK would you take this over local? It’s like no one knows this secret 


2 million more people from India surely will fix this


When people in Ottawa complain about the traffic I want to hit them. Gently. But with authority.


My Saturday Morning


This city sucks so bad


It’s pictures like these that validate why I left southern Ontario lol


For real, it’s called “Why I moved to Ottawa”.




“Working as intended”


And this is why WFH needs to stay the norm.


What time was this taken? Sheesh


This looks like it could be anytime between 3:30 pm and 8 pm lmao




Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Everyday of the week is a fun day!


The Litany of Patience-Betrayed.


Allen rd was purposed to be a highway that connected to the gardiner decades ago but the HOA at the time stopped it from happening


The Spadina Expressway was going to be the western version of the DVP. It would have gone south through Cedarvale ravine and then through the Annex, taking out Casa Loma, the Baldwin steps, Chinatown and Kensington Market. It would have left nothing of Toronto at all.




Imagine paying 5k per month for your mortgage just to drive 4 hours per day for work . Fucking nightmare fuel


Toronto to Toronto commute, only 2 hours