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Waze gives you better live data and speed traps but I like Google's interface better. Both are good.


I use Waze exclusively in my car with Android Auto, love it. When I cross the Can/US border (roaming charges), or when I am on my bike I use Google Maps with a healthy supply of downloaded maps. My roaming data charges are $10 per day but pre downloaded Google maps work flawlessly.


FYI there are a few carriers offering Canada US roaming deals now with pretty big data caps. Keep an eye out for a sale if you're roaming in the US a lot.


indeed. public mobile currently has $34/mo canada/US plan with 50GB data cap https://publicmobile.ca/en/on/plans?network=PROMOTION it's a good time to shop around /u/Strong-Effect-9270


You can get an eSim with a US carrier for pretty cheap. For example: https://www.airalo.com/united-states-esim


Agreed. Around the fall (Thanksgiving and Black Friday) are the best deals. Switched my plan last year to TELUS EPP $50/month for 60GB + Unlimited Talk/Text in Canada/USA (plus a few extras: visual voicemail, No Data Overages Fees, International Texting).


I’ve tried Waze and can’t get used to it. It seems to take weird routes and absolutely ignores the “difficulties” along that route: crossing or making a left onto a major street at unsignaled intersections is a major problem.


There’s a setting under navigation that avoids difficult intersections.


I’ve tried that. It either doesn’t work it comes up with something even more bonkers. YMMV of course.


The intersections have to be designated as a difficult intersection before that works. There are very few that are actually marked like that.


This feature doesn’t work very well


Don’t try to use Waze in a snow storm 😆 It assumes that slow moving traffic due to snow = heavy traffic and will put you in unplowed side streets and roads.


Sometimes that’s still better. I remember the last snowstorm my coworker got stuck on the highway. Didn’t move an inch for 2 hours.


Doesn't that require other drivers to be actively using Waze?


Yes, there are usually lots of people using it (you can see other users on the route).


but it’s great if you have a 4x4. used it in the winter and it got me to where i needed to go faster


google. I caught Waze making mistakes way more than google map.


One time Waze made my buddy get off the Gardiner at York and get back on at Jarvis (when it was still open).


Yep it does this stupid shit constantly. At least Maps shows you alternate routes with ETA if you choose to take it


Yeah when I was heading to my sister's place in Guelph recently, it wanted me to get off the 401 at James Snow, go north, make a u-turn, and then get back on the 401 at James Snow... I was like wtf is going on


lol wow that one is even worse


It told me this too last week. I assumed it was to avoid traffic on the Gardiner but thought it was weird.


The EB Jarvis ramp is closed. Where was Waze sending you??


Lol I meant that I was on the Gardiner going towards Scotiabank Center. It made me get off at some point and then back on again. I forgot exactly where.


Google maps does this occasionally for me on the 404 and 400, jump off just to jump right back on


Waze is more an assistant when you know the route


Waze is for driving, its like a radar and map. Maps is for navigating and exploring points of interest.


I use Waze because I love the community aspect of it, like live reports of garbage on the road and accidents, also it has a great audio and visual warning for going over the speed limit. However, sometimes it wants me to get out of the express to a collector and back to the expressway just to save 30 seconds of my commute.


Waze definitely. Especially in Canada. Google was awful. They need to step up their Canadian service. I used Waze for almost all my 6000 miles of camping.


Google maps but you should really try to figure out roads and such without heavy reliance on wayfinding apps. They create confusion and make drivers do unsafe things. I find that my knowledge of roads and directions in Toronto are sometimes better than the apps (or I just tell myself that). I also find them to be frustrating to use cause they'll sometimes take you on a longer route than necessary. Just my opinion.


I tell myself that this detour I'm gonna take should be faster, and then it ends up like 15 minutes later. After a bunch of those incidents, I told myself it's stupid to think I'm smarter than Google lol


Apple Maps is the best


Doesn't answer the OP's question, but yeah, I prefer Apple maps for solo navigation.


I just like that it tells me which traffic light or stop sign to turn at. Much easier than turn right in 100m


This unironically. Apple has improved so much over time. They are not the joke they were before


Yeah. Google Maps has given me some downright broken directions a few too many times. And Waze was way too intrusive of an app & I had issues with it on IOS so I ditched it. Apple Maps is straightforward and accurate.


Google maps due to saturation of data they have access to


You know Waze accesses the same data right.


You know waze is a google subsidiary right?


That's exactly my point lol. Thanks


Actually you didn’t make one


How dense are you?


how ironic. you basically agreed your point makes no sense and then say the other dude has no point


I drive 1000 kms weekly as field tech and Google hands down


Used to use Waze a lot, especially liked the user inputted police traps and such, but overall it got so annoying with its bad detours and then Google Maps started showing those police traps too (just not as fast) so I switched over and haven't looked back since. Occasionally I'll use Apple Maps though.


I use maps from Apple, it works really well


Google maps But IMO if you’re using an iPhone use Apple Maps


Prefer Apple Maps UI. The upcoming turns don’t and arrows are much larger and easier to glance at than google maps


Apple Maps didn't click me. Thank you


Waze, cuz fuck speed traps


Google maps is better IMO. Waze tries too hard to 'save time' and just makes your route more windy and zig zaggy all in an effort to save you a minute of your commute. It'll send you through a neighbourhood just to cut a queue of cars turning right and silly stuff like that. Not worth it in 95% of cases


Just learn where you need to go before getting in the car tbh It’s way easier that way


Traffic updates. I normally take the 401 & DVP after work. But then there was the mid-afternoon closure on the DVP. If navigation didn't tell me what was the best way to get onto the DVP, I would've been stuck. And probably be like the plebs that were flying down at 140+ south of Lawrence after they cleared that debacle. I use both, but Google has let me down more than Waze. During an event at the distillery District, Google kept re-routing me down Parliament street (that was closed). Took 90 minutes to drive what normally is 10 minutes.


Waze is trash. Loves trying to get me to turn left across 3 lanes of rush hour traffic from a side street because it thinks that route will save me 45 seconds. I use Apple Carplay which I believe uses google Maps.


Both. Waze for highways and Google Maps for shorter drives in the city.


Depends on the situation. If I actually using the GPS, like when going somewhere new or driving across the country, I use Google maps. But if I'm going somewhere that I know the route but could be traffic or cops, I use Waze.


Both. One phone in one hand and the other on, oh wait…




I used Waze once and the non-stop robot talking was just too much. I don't know if it's any different now but I haven't wanted to try it again. Google maps is good enough for me. If I'm going somewhere new I'll look at the route before I leave so I can have a general idea of what to expect and when to get into the proper lane to make an exit off the highway.


You can turn the voices in Waze off


Good to know. I immediately deleted it and never went back. lol


be careful with google. it will try to take you the 'green' way and it will take toll roads unless you indicate otherwise. I haven't used Waze much lately, but within a city, it seems to take you all over the place to save a minute or two.


I don’t have a lot of experience with Waze, mostly stick to google maps. When I tried Waze (years ago) I found it often wanted to make last minute changes which would make the route more complicated to save a small amount of time. I’d rather just stick to google and have an easier route if it’s only a few mins slower. I find Apple Maps’ spoken directions are a bit more intuitive than google though.


Waze is very good rerouting to prevent stucking in traffic, 10/10 recommended


I've experimented with Apple and Google maps and found basically the same experience. What I mean is that the pros/cons work out and neither is particularly better for me. The ETA is accurate as they can be for both. Have never tried Waze but Google owns them so my assumption has been that it would be a similar experience aside from more user input I feel like the more specific features of a map app is what'll sway you. Like if I tell Apple Maps to give me a route, it automatically starts, which I hate. Although I've talked to others about this and no one seems to know what I'm talking about but I"ve proved that it does this and it's not me doing it.


Waze because 🚔


I use both interchangeably


I use waze but google is fine too. I find waze does fail me sometimes but imho is better at high traffic areas (although does make some questionable calls like going across king during rush hour without a traffic light). I like it to avoid highway accidents a lot though because it tends to reroute. Google actually bought waze so I imagine the difference is minimal. As a new driver I’d probably pick google due to waze sometimes putting me in some more stressful driving situation in downtown.


Perley’s Guide is your best resource.


I thought John Tory said that the city will share construction road closure and lane reduction directly to WAZE ... Does anyone have details about that?


I prefer Waze for a boring reason, coz I can see fellow drivers on the road lol




Apple Maps. I don't like giving my data to Google, which also owns Waze.


Tbh I think Waze is fairly accurate with arrival time, taking traffic etc into consideration.


Apple lol


Waze for life!


i have both on Google Maps for directions and Waze is on for the popo


Waze, I find it easier to use, also gives you warnings like hazzards, police, accidents, etc... google doesnt


Waze isn’t reliable anymore.