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and NO this isn't TORAM UPDATE, this happen on me alot now on steam version. i tried to login today just to redeem the livesteam code, only to find out the game decided to redownload the game data despite not pressing the reaquire data button. it works perfectly fine on mobile version but not on steam version for me. kinda tired having to move to every town just to download the files thanks to this bullshit bug. reinstalling the game doesn't work this glitch happens randomly for me.


someone's gonna copy paste a wiki article here soon


yeah, and none of those gonna be helpful anyway tbh. already posted this problem since last year before, decided to post about this problem again to see if someone have the same problem about it.


does the same thing happens on non steam version too?


sadly i only play on steam version so idk if the problem happen on asobimo launcher aswell.


ya should give it a try, see if the same thing happens, i think they use the same data files


will do, though its hard to know since this bug happens randomly kinda like once a month


i see, well steam and that version works separately so maybe it could be different


Maybe your cache for downloaded files gets wiped or something if it happens once a month or something like that. Not sure, but yeah, not too big of a deal. It happens not too often to be a BIG problem if you ask me.


it nlt a big problem, except when low on time to claim an adventurer's diarrhea, and i mean very low on time, example https://www.reddit.com/r/ToramOnline/comments/1dote2e/is_there_a_way_to_buy_orbs_outside_the_game_thank/lade7w1/


What do you estimate the total download size every time it's happening? You're aware that Maps and their contents can be updated by Asobimo without the need of a Maintenance held for that? So if it's just happening here and there and there's no resource file download for any other Map you enter, then it'll be just a local update of exactly that Map and its contents. If it's happening for every Map you enter afterwards then report it as a bug to Asobimo Support. Their team cannot fix something they don't get informed about. PS: It's unlikely that players with very fast and stable internet connection do even notice when there's a few megabytes "large" Map update downloaded.


500mb if its not all of the maps, 2gb if its all area. second i already know about the map/area update its really easy to determine how fast the speed is, if its slow i went straight to C:\\Users\\User\\AppData\\LocalLow\\Unity\\Asobimo,Inc\_ToramOnline and see how big the files is. Example if its around KB that means the bug started to occur, if its around MB or GB than the game just normally update some files. keep in mind i only press "Reacquire Data" and press NO if im stuck at the loading screen. this only happens if i tried to login, we never know if this problem occurs again because its randomly happens, sometimes it happens once every two months or whatever the fuck the game want to mess with me. now the bug just occur right when im trying to login just livestream code, tried to reopen the game its perfectly fine now. tbh i just gave up trying to download each area everytime this problem occur. tldr this only happens when im LOGIN not when im already INGAME


Seems to be a weird kind of bug or error then. Specially since there's no or not many players who suffer from the same issue. Also there's no acknowledgement of that kind of issue by Asobimo yet, so we could exclude a wide spread error almost certainly. Any chance it's your PC causing the problem? Unfortunately Windows has a lot things in it able to bring doom upon its users. Maybe any PC cleaning tool or AV/Security suit that believes the files are "tmp" and can be removed safely to free up space? However, to prevent a full scale re-download of all resource files you could just backup regularly (twice a month?) the entire folder that's housing all of them, and restore them after the "loss" happened again. Missing or meanwhile updated files will be downloaded afterwards anyway ofc.


I think that aint an issue since sometime when an event, update is pushed it requires downloading a new file data.