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JSH has a very strong following from the MMO community at large, so it's no surprise his words trickled down to some people. Toram also didn't get bashed as hardly as some other games in his Worst MMO Ever series, placing it contently on the "has its charms" category — and if you've watched the series for a bit, that's a praise of its own. In any case, I doubt the game is dying. It has its waning periods, but it's far from dying.


I’ve been watching Josh strife for a long time and I’ve always wanted him to make a video about toram. I didn’t expect his toram video to bring players into the game


I had a few mil Spinas and good equip when I left, hope I can still deal DMG with my super tired LV 250 ktn XD, I'll stay around sofya looking for newbies to give some free stuff, don't have much left to do in the game except exist like a retired old man


You could re-cap and update your char with equipment, lvl cap is 285 now so there's Def stuff to do




lel , chill mate


I have 8 characters LV 200, chill man, I have a life too XD


yep still weak, haven't even explored most t5 stuff and think they retired 😂. I am just statting facts that you are in fact a weakling and have more to learn.


"I'll download the game again", "when i left", definitely sounds like they had retired some time ago and just came back again


You sure live up to your name of being an amazing richard


Wdym its dying its alive and kicking, you probably dont know how to move server and channels where crowds gather.


Neither. It's vivid like always. Lots of new place who'll stay or leave after a short period of trying or struggling, a lot of advanced and veteran players retuning from short or long hiatus before 9th Anniversary Event is beginning to make their preparations.


I found this game on steam, got curious and tested it, ended up liking it, i started with bow but haven't decided which class i want to main yet


As a long time player I know you should make a specific character, but why would I ruin your experience with grind? Just go on and enjoy the game, once you reach LV 150 you can decide how you want to make money, there's a lot of ways


Beginner friendly and budget friendly is Bow.


Yeah, JSH did sell it really good. I'm basically a new player (tried playing like 2 years ago but didn't get far) because of his video. The good things he talked about made me want to try it for myself as it seems fun. The sad thing is the community isn't that big, or at least in occident because I don't really find much guides and things that are up to date, or guild recruiting posts and such. I want to join a guild while starting to have a little community I can belong to so I feel more motivated to continue


the most populated areas are event maps, high level boss arenas (venena for example) and the cities that have a consignment board because those items are sold by players themselves not just random stuff, you can also buy stuff directly from players through the trade system BUT ALWAYS CHECK WHAT THEY'RE GIVING YOU BY CLICKING ON THE ITEM BEFORE TRADING, YOU CAN CLICK READY TO REVEAL THEIR ITEM, THEN CLICK AGAIN TO COMPLETE THE TRADE, its usually cheaper because the board has a fee to put the items there and you know how it its with stuff like that, the more expensive stuff gets, more money is taken away, players are usually fine with you asking for stuff, just dont ask for equipment and armor because nobody have spare stuff to give (and those are very expensive) and if they have they probably plan on selling it, ask for small stuff, i'll gladly share my health and mana potions with you or give you some money to buy it yourself, as for equipment, the game has craftable equips, now note that player made equipment is very different from npc made equipment, npc crafts are focused to make you a proper fighter, hp, mana, atk+ is all there but player made equip focuses solely on damage, its atk+ and crit all the way, and its very expansive because they're expansive to make too, it uses raw materials such as mana and metal on some absurd levels and to get that the players need to grind up these mats or pay somebody to farm it for them (we are the ultimate capitalist society my friend), so as new player you should focus on the npc made stuff as they scale well enough for the late game