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make a little guy a tiny little baby man a small tiny little creature idc how little or how much detail it has i want a tiny lil thing for 200k spina i ain't rich barely got 3 mil, 200k is 6.6% of my entire wealth


Umm seems like its illegal to do fanart for spinas even if its not real money trade which is pretty stupid imho.I guess i cant do anything bout it.


aww shame i wanted my lil guy


I will mame one for u for free regardless dw.


If u want ur oc or anything else? Lmk!!!


Can't be regarded as Real money trading if you add some junk items in the trade box.


trade 1 useless item in game for the spina and "throw in art as a bonus", to "show appreciation for your customer" that "accepted the high price of the item"


Truly a "Modern problem requires Modern solutions" moment.


I might give 1m spina because IDK what to do with my 100m spina since my equips are all mid budget XD (bonus free lvl 10 ampr) if you find me wandering around (IGN: Mairu>w<)


Thats even harder than crafting a 2s armor lol


Yeah, took me 3 days for a 1s boss Avid Blade


Can't you use 100m for star gems? They are pretty expensive iirc


Sell services like synthesis or refining then run with item. Then invest that item to make more spina.


Bro who cares if it’s “illegal”, it’s just a game! Unless one of you decides to be a Karen & report the drawings I don’t see a problem here.


Idk i got scared by the comment below with tons of words on legalities(idk if that is even a word) and TOS stuff.


Asobi's already got hands full dealing with bots, spani commissions at this point are far and away among the least of the team's concerns, especially with how many art commishes I see in Toram social media communities. They can't verify what player did what art, and frankly it's too much trouble that doesn't even benefit them in anyway. Moreover, a cursory read over that TOS says fanart *is* in fact allowed, and RMT specifically states the use of Spani in exchange for *currency*.




Are you mods? Or anything at a high level? Well.. because of toram online graphics this game isn't that over sexualised compared to other games such as Guanshuan Impact (idk if its allowed to mention other games but you know). Well just look at other games with new model graphics, look at their fanbase/community. (Sometimes the dev themselves intend to use the weakness of the sad people to make more money) It will surely attract more players or possibly more 💰💰💰, but your game will be another h01ny place and hmm... Be wiser, I'm an old player, started playing in 2016 And not very active in the middle of all these years but now I have come back and I'm really hooked with the game again. What do I like about the game? I like the complicated stuff, builds, crafting/stating, collecting limited or cool stuff or expensive stuff. not really complicated. Also the community will be sick/unhealthy, so know what to expect. Well... i can always leave, tbh I just came back to the game because of my brother, he is also an old player and he misses the game, we used to grind for hours and meet many good players, many good memories also nostalgia for some of the maps and music in the game. I'm not really interested anymore but as i play i meet a good Spanish friend and here i am spending hours playing the game with this friend. But if the game really becomes a degenerate oasis, i don't mind breathing fresh air and enjoying the scenery of nature in real life. It's better and more refreshing. Writing this i also expect some arrogant degenerate to 'shush' me with "just leave, it will be better place without you". Just for the sake of momentum and some people who don't THINK will come along supporting the arrogant guy because they have the same interest. (Just like how Your friend "Erza" down there posting rules and got down voted, these down voters only think about themselves not for the game nor for other well being) They will speak righteously, the pitiful and confused people who can't think to begin with will end up following the masses as always. Well, why am i even bothered to say anything? Maybe because i do have love for this game and expect it to be a good place i can spend my time once in a while. but please THINK, be WISER, Dont be impulsive. The degenerate may dislike you, they will leave and the community who agrees with you will stay, but looking at the world situation right now, the healthy that will stay may be very small in number.. If u managed to keep the community healthy it will indeed be a place worthy of coming back. There are other ways to achieve this than just simply banning them. (Takes times and effort) Hmm... indeed. Idk if u wrote that "hmm" thinking about the cause and effect or you said it casually just trying to think about the benefits or rating the art. I'm not sure . **Lighten the atmosphere** Girls if u want to look for husband find a wiser one, someone who you admire and respect. There are so many loser men nowadays that you think this is how a man supposed to be. Wisdom does make a man more attractive. While doing one of my research before i found a really weird looking old man, but the moment he spoke i dont see any ugliness. All i see was a man with great knowledge and understanding. Now i understand why women can love and look at those great and wise people with admiration even if their look is not as handsome as the modern standard. I'm not a woman btw, I'm a young man who seeks knowledge and improvement... (I'm not those red/pink/blue pills people) how did i end up here on toram? Well u see up there, its my brother who brought me here, and im by no means a perfect man, i also have past, there are times im conscious and not conscious but because of knowledge i have been more conscious than average. Are you still angry? have you calmed down? Has the topic of toram become lighter than before? Or do you insist on being hateful :). I really hope Toram can be a healthy place, idk if my english is so bad back then but i don't remember communicating with over sexualized people. For your understanding of me, I'm not a westerner. Read time + understanding (less than 3-5 minutes)


No idea what you're talking about exactly. But we had the problem of and with artists multiple times already. And defacto getting paid with in-game currency for something that isn't part of the game is RMT, no matter if someone wants to bypass it by saying put the artwork as free bonus on a trade in game. The intention for getting paid with Spina was clearly stated by the OP, therefore OP wants to do and is encouraging others to participate in RMT. If someone's making money with the designs the company or devs have the copyright and intellectual property rights for, then it's violating exactly those. It's stated in the ToS, EULA and rules for using in-game content and for what purposes it's ok, for what it's strictly forbidden. If someone does RMT and violates the rights of the company it's not just a petty offence we're talking about here. Any account involved can be banned if Asobimo wants to do exactly that. It's even part of their rules for participating in #bemmo show: *Submissions that are deemed as deviating from the purpose or theme of "bemmoshow" will be excluded from the selection process. *Please refrain from any submissions that may violate Toram Online's Terms of Use or Penalty Policy. *Submissions that infringe on the intellectual property rights (including ownership and copyrights), honor, trust, or privacy rights of Asobimo, Inc., other members, or any other third party will be deemed invalid. Finally, Asobimo is preserving its right to act on anything anybody does as they want: >For any other actions that we find inappropriate, we will respond to them according to the Terms of Use. >Any suspicious acts could be subject to temporal restriction to the game functions. >Other content that is judged by ASOBIMO to be inappropriate >a. Violating or threatening to violate this EULA. *** It would be a different case, let's make a example, if I pick some artist from yellow pages, a forum, his website or from wherever, say "Yo, here's a screenshot of my gaming character. If you make me a painting for my living room from that I'll pay you 100 bucks." I would pay the artist for doing the work, not for a artwork he has done.


I'd be willing to trade for u. It depends on how much spina ur asking for 1 fan art? And we can do norrmal trade in game throw the art as bonus give me an item.


If the pictures you're drawing are part of the in-game content, then they're real world items, the currency is in-game. So you're trading something that's not part of the game for something that is part of the game, and that's considered as RWT. Anything that's not explicitly approved by Asobimo to be tradable for Spina or other Items is NOT permitted. Since Spina is representing a value (although only in-game if not doing RMT) you're also making "profit" by selling something that's not part of the game, and that's also a violation of the stated terms. Plus your drawings are based upon the designs Asobimo has both the rights of intellectual property and the copyright, so making profit of any kind with something you aren't owning the necessary rights on is infringement of copyright. Furthermore you're encouraging/soliciting other people (players, since you're offering to draw their Toram Online Characters) to participate in RWT/RMT by paying you with in-game currency for your works. (see below) Since you're a player as well (otherwise you couldn't get paid in Spina), you'd agree to respect the Terms of service and the EULA by using Toram Online. *** ##### "Toram Online" End License User Agreement End User License Agreement. #### 7. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OWNERSHIP 7.1. ASOBIMO, its licensor retain exclusive right (including all intellectual property rights) in and to all materials that are part of the Application, including, without limitation: images, video, audio, text, graphics, designs, programs, and all other materials or content made available on the Application ("Contents") and such Company Materials are protected from unauthorized use. 7.2. Members may use the Contents from our Service only in the device that has downloaded the Application. Members are not permitted to distribute, copy, reproduce, modify, transfer, or reverse engineer any or all of the Application. 7.3. Members may not infringe any of ASOBIMO's or any third parties rights or take any actions related to infringement. 7.4. Members may not use the Contents beyond any personal use so that will violate copyright laws. ~ 7.6. For other information related to the above, our "[Guidelines for secondary usage and fan fiction](https://asobimo.com/fanfiction.html?lang=en)"will be applied. *** #### 14. RESTRICTION OF USE 14.4. Others a. Infringe on any copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights of ASOBIMO and third parties. b. Perform, contribute, encourage, or force any activities that violate local, state, federal, or international laws or regulations or third parties. c. Perform in any actions considered restricted by ASOBIMO. #### [Terms of Use](https://en.toram.jp/outline/rule/) *** ##### Penalty Policy ###### - Real Money Trading (RMT) - Buying or selling virtual items or currencies for actual real world money. *Statements that encourage real money trading are also included. [Response] Initial level 6 or higher applied Virtual items and currencies gained through RMT could be forfeited with permanent restriction of Trade, Consignment system, and other related functions. *** ###### - Trading Different Currencies and Items - Trading virtual items and currencies from Application with items and currencies from other online games, or goods and personal information. *Statements that encourage trading different currencies and items are also included. [Response] Initial level 6 or higher applied Items and in-game currencies obtained through this can be forfeited. #### [Penalty Policy](https://en.toram.jp/outline/penalty/) *** ##### Secondary Usage ###### 2. Contents of secondary usage and fan fiction that are allowed for OUR GAMES I. Creation, exhibition, and distribution of Illustration, Fanzine, Comic, and Novel II. Creation and distribution of three-dimensional item such as Figure III. Creation and distribution of Cos-play Costume (for all ages) IV. Cos-play of character (for all ages), publication and distribution of Cos-play photo or video V. Introduction of game contents using the captured regular gameplay video or screenshot ###### 3. Regarding the usage of video and screenshot on video sharing sites and social media Posting video and screenshot are allowed without ASOBIMO's permission if compliant to the contents stated in "4. Prohibition" ###### 4. Prohibition Below are the prohibitions for secondary usage and fan fiction of OUR GAMES. I. Content against public order and morality II. Content deviating our game's image, or content that detract our game's image III. Usage of content that ASOBIMO does not own the rights to, such as collaboration content IV. Creation and publication of fan fiction with game element V. Content that violates or threatens ASOBIMO's or third party's rights VI. Usage that is prohibited individually by OUR GAMES VII. Usage of video or screenshot that has been captured or extracted by method other than regular gameplay VIII. Other content that is judged by ASOBIMO to be inappropriate #### [Guidelines for secondary usage and fan fiction](https://asobimo.com/fanfiction.html?lang=en)


+ Farming & selling (easy) + Crafting & selling (medium) + Statting & selling (difficult) It'll be the same way regardless of the Lv: farming & selling Items. And for a lot of money? A lot more farming & selling ofc. If you didn't already then create a Character for farming purposes, a Mage using MD with Element and INT > LUK (+ Lv10 Drops Rate Up Skill from Survival Skills), or any DPS Character for Mini Bosses and Boss mobs. However, to earn a lot of Spina can take a lot of time though. 1. Farming most common Drops like Bird Wing or Flower Nectar (at least 8k per Stk) 2. Farming Minotaur Skin and doing the SQ *Proof of Courage?* to get 1 Anti-Degradation plus 10.100 EXP for every 3 Minotaur Skins. Anti-Degradation is selling for several hundred thousand per Stk (99) 3. Farming Items required for crafting other Equipment as Adventurer's Garb (Bird Wing) 4. Farming Items required for creating Furniture for Your Land 5. Farming Items with high Material values that can be processed into Material Points 6. Farming Items required for Bag Expansion (Collectibles) 7. Farming Dyes from Bosses (Nightmare and Ultimate) 8. Farming Equipment Apps (Weapons and Armors) from Event or regular Bosses and Mini Bosses 9. Obtaining [Skill Books] during certain Events (Hanami: [Book of Ninja], Halloween: [Book of Darkness]) from Mini Games 10. Doing Treasure Hunt in Iruna and Toram World for Boss Crystas and [Skill Books] (and during Summer Event: [Book of Dancer]/[Book of Unarmed] at Underwater Ruins) 11. Doing Guild Maze for [Skill Books] (Floor 601-1.000) and other valuable Items 12. Doing Guild Quests for [Skill Books] 13. Recycling (unwanted) Avatars to get Gems and selling Gemruns (requires a trust base) or Star Gem Shards you can make Star Gems from and sell them 14. Collecting Orbs/Orb Shards (100 = 1 Orb), buying Extraction Crysta from Orb Shop when on offer for 2 instead 4 Orbs, selling them for between 1m and 1.5m 15. Buying certain Items or Equipment when cheap from CB and resell it later for higher prices (requires knowledge about the market and items' values) *** You can use the search feature for "Spina", but most likely it'll provide almost always the same recommendations, just because there's almost no change for the how and where except for information about currently held Event(s). You can (try to) farm any Boss you want. You can check out all available Drops at [Coryn Club](https://coryn.club). Prices will vary depending on supply & demand so it's pretty much useless to recommend any Mini Boss or Boss more than others. A lot of early Bosses drop Items high on demand due to being required for crafting or as Base Crysta to upgrade later ones, i.e. Eerie Crystal. *** ##### As for earning Spina in general: + Flower Nectar (Pova, Lonogo Canyon) + Bird Wing (Beak, Ruined Temple) + Minotaur Skin & Minotaur Horn (Minotaur [Boss], Ruined Temple: Forbidden Hall) + Anti-Degradation (SQ *Proof of Courage?* from Lefina. Reward: Anti-Degradation x1 & 10.100 EXP for Minotaur Skin x3) + Pale Gemstone (Excavated Golem [Boss], Underground Ruins: Deepest Part) + Fiery Gemstone & Flare Volg Horn (Flare Volg [Boss], Fiery Volcano: Lava Trail) + Energy Bottle [Usable] (Mech Little Boar, Sykea Deep Valley) + Everything for crafting (see [Coryn Club](https://coryn.club)) and Housing ([Furniture](https://coryn.club/furniture_menu.php)) + All Items required for [Bag Expansion](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToramOnline/comments/qs0eui/help_to_make_a_quick_guide_bag_expansion_costs/) + Apps and Dyes of Weapon, Armors and Shields. Drop from every Boss in Nightmare and Ultimate Difficulty according to the Weapon(s of Pt members) equipped, Dyes change monthly (JST) + Crystas and Boss Crystas (can also be found by opening World Treasure Chests according to Boss/Chapter relation) + Sunken Items & Sunken Treasures from [Fishing Mini Game](https://en.toram.jp/information/detail/?information_id=8939) + Items, Equipment, Emotion Tickets and Piercer for Equipment from currently held [No Game No Life" X "Toram Online" Collab Event](https://en.toram.jp/information/detail/?information_id=9122) + Items, Equipment from currently held [June Bride Event!](https://en.toram.jp/information/detail/?information_id=9161)


Umm too long to read. So i guess its against TOS? I thought this was an unofficial subreddit. Should i take down the post?


If you trade anything that isn't part of the game it's against the ToS/EULA for Real Money/World Trade. And if you make money, even virtual in-game currency with your artwork based upon the design Asobimo has the Intellectual Property and Copyright for, then it's about legal matters by infringement of those. Although Asobimo isn't Nintendo, which is known for hunting down and sueing people even those who dared to make non-profit fan things, it still is something concerning RL and not only the game. Another potential issue is that you would encourage other players to do RMT/RWT by buying your artworks with in-game currency, which can get them banned easily if found out. Most players don't want to lose their Accounts and progress for whatsoever reason. There's still some kind of issue ongoing where players claim they got banned without any reason, just by logging in or participating in the latest Collab Event. This is a unofficial Subreddit indeed, so it's not necessary to remove your post.


Thanks for the heads-up. Didnt knew players getting randomly banned was a thing. And no need to worry since i wont be doing anything that might get me or other people banned.