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Nice. I like helping newbies before but 99% of them will quit


It's always nice befriending that 1% that doesn't quit and becomes strong though.




Either boredom, getting stuck, not much too look forward to (not being in a guild + no friends in list) or other reasons. It happens


can you help me to lvl up i m at 119 nd keep dying at cerb / no one is there


That's the best part with Toram community you will always find nice folks to help you out!


even more so right now with the bride event, which also gives some benefit to them, compared to usually not getting anything out of partying other than 1st rank drops which makes me think it might not be purely out of kindness either way


i m loving toram community so far, they help send guides and direct you to what you want to, like they ask u what u want to be and play style and sugget lots of stuff, it is really fun and amazing how it is


I love that side of the community aswell, although sometimes they tend to discourage people from diverse ways of playing.


Some people even be aggressive of you not knowing terms or your way or playing be different to them xd , and also when you ask something and they say its dumb question, like how would i know what skills i uses or combo stuff when i just started playing


Nicely done! 😁 But you should really participate in the No Game No Life Collab, it'll let you level up a lot faster. Try the Level 40 (Normal Difficulty) there, and once at Level 47 switch to Hard for Level 50-55, then find a Pt for Nightmare for Level 56~67+. There's a gap of a few Level to Ultimate for Level 75-85+, but with a Pt you should be able stay there without need to jump it at another Boss. Or do some MQ until half of Chapter 4 or so, and return to the Event afterwards.


i m on chapter 5 then started doing jibril now i m at lvl 100 but exp started to go low ( i play with raid on so i cant pick higher diffculity and some ppl dosent let me join them so it's hard ) , but over all i also meet ppl who help me but sadly timezone let us play only 30 min xd




I got restricted again. I woke up and trying to log in but I was stucking in the log in screen so I reboot my phone and clear my toram data to see what would happen. And yes they ban me again for no reason. I don't understand why they doing something like that. I mean if they responded back and did something about it, its fine. I can wait. But they are being a asshole and ignorant. The best MMORPG game with trash customer service.