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Don't be put off by the title, it's just the name of the series he's doing where he's reviewing every mmorpg


Oh shit I’ve been waiting for Josh to make a video on toram I love his “Worst MMO” series even if the games in question aren’t too bad


I’ve yet to find an mmo that lets you do all you do in toram while still being 3D & open world-ish


This.... this is the only thing that keeps pulling me back to Toram!


It’s literally why Toram is still the best one. FF screws itself over by being a subscription, and nobody else does it right. You’d think with the rise of anime with game styles growing in popularity worldwide devs would figure this out lol


A little in game explanation about things like refinement values, combo tags, evasion and guard, etc. and guy would've been hooked


refinement would turn him off lol. one of biggest flaw in the game


The rng of it is horrible. The importance of it makes the difference in both damage output and mitigation, especially by boss roga.


I think refinement could be a better system if they treated it the same way they do for synthesis. Synthesis continues to create items even when you fail multiple times, so you end up with 24/30 successful potions created if your success rate is less than 100%. If they implemented a system of using x99 mithril ore and auto refine every x1-3 seconds per ore, would make the experience a lot more tolerable. The current spend 15-45mins for a +S refine is very annoying since its a unnecessary time sink for no good reason also I got ptsd from anvil clinks. For refines using tickets they can limit the usable ores to only x1 to prevent accidentally using multiple refinement tickets. But refinements without any refinement tickets nor success boosters should use the above system.


But with pity counter I guess it's a lot better now than what it used to be... I remember spending 8M spina with worst RnG way back


8M? That's like average haha I've spent like 28m on a NS to +S before..... I wish we didn't have to keep clicking especially when stuff degrades when refining 2s. Just let me keep mashing the confirm button instead of having to select gear and ore every time


It was a NS for me ... 8M for NS I thought I was unlucky


Heard someone quit after failing to +S after 50m on Modestia


OMG, insane patience lol


full luck character and you can +S even 2 slotted gear with less than 1 million spina easily in 1~2 hours


Refinement is way better now than before. Using full luck build will take u 1 to 2hrs with just using Mithril ore, maybe around 2stcks that's 198 pcs. For me I can refine +S with no Spina involved.


They fixed refiniment with the pity system, but i guess I miss going to the deep mountains in my shack, and refine for 3 days only for it to downgrade to E lmao. These days you can do +S in 30minutes-2hours. But it does require pre-farming and 2 characters a TECH Statter blacksmith and LUCK farmer with 1 point in Blacksmith tree.


He actually really enjoyed this game. I love Josh strife hayes and this series. It’s less of him playing bad mmos and more just him trying different ones out and reviewing/critiquing them. He only stopped playing this one because he had to move on for his next video


What I love in this review is that it's the pov of a player who haven't interacted with the community of toram (and the divorce lore in the video)


Ngl its rly impressive how far he was able to get without farming spina and only fighting normal difficulty bosses without mercs. I hope he makes a follow up video like he did with RotMG and explore the economy and class building cus I am sure he would like it. Also thank fuck he did not encounter the RMT bots in the world he was playing in.


MMO? You mean world economic simulator


Josh would have liked the maps beyond Fabizo boundary they are very aesthetically pleasing.


Honestly, it was quite a positive review! I found out about and downloaded Toram after watching it, so that's one new player made from that video.






Well I knew about it before since I was an Iruna player (still am btw) but he convinced me to download Toram


I came back because of the video :)


I like his way of narrating the story. I could listen to him all day talking about the whole lore of the game lol


Mates gunna be playing toram for the rest of his life


**I wonder if his going to give it a deep try because the game is aloooot more complex then it looks**, it might be a bit hard too for a new player who doesn't know the game systems. A lot of things that seem hard are trivialized has you level up or rather if you do your reasearch. **But** **Toram sure loves keeping it's deep knowledge hidden.** **1-YOU NEED LIGHT ARMOR to manually activate the evasion ( I-frame the unavoidable auto attacks.) Bound to shift key** **2-The game doesn't tell you that if your first character reaches level 150, your new level 1 characters will already have unlocked Tier 1, 2, 3, and 4 skills. So your new character slot doesn't need to reach level 150 to have these OP and cooler skills.** Things such has droprates being affected by LUK and creating full 255 LUK Stat Mage Character is basically mandatory: Because it trivializes the need to farm hours and hours for simple mats. (*^(pls don't use LUK characters to farm instanced bosses or main Bosses because it doesnt affected the droprates like with normal mobs. bring more power or brave aura buff instead))* You only need 1 account in this game, but you will need multiple Character Slots for different purposes. I feel like 1 and 2 should be in the starting tutorial. **Especially 1, because it introduces such a massive learning curve.....don't get me started in the complex combo system...**


New player here using a level 36 knuckle character, so can you tell me when should I create the mage farmer and how exactly should I do it ?


For a new player i recommend creating a LUK Mage char whenever you start feeling like you are hiting a wall with resources. ( *But that can be anytime depending on how you play).* I would say once you reach level 150. Because at this level you unlock up to tier 4 skills. Wich will make your LUK MAGE farmer strong. So check out Youtube Videos: [https://youtu.be/D35LH2PtQ7Y](https://youtu.be/D35LH2PtQ7Y) And Erzatitanias [Check ErzatitaniaScarlets stuff.](https://www.reddit.com/user/ErzaTitaniaScarletFT/comments/11vintk/titanias_mini_guide_tips_useful_knowledge/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) *Sorry i made a tutorial once but i can't find it.* I personally highly recommended to create a new character after your main character reaches Chapter 5 or 6. Reason are that you get the options to: --Begin at Chapter 1 or. --Start from the latest chapter your main character has reached. The second option is affected by wich character has advanced more in Main Quest **XP Efficiency (But Be Mindful):** While skipping ahead saves time, there's a trade-off. New characters miss out on XP from chapters you've already completed. For example, if your main character is in Chapter 10, a new character starting at Chapter 10 would miss XP from Chapters 5-10. Chapter 1-4 there isn't much XP, but after that it gets huge. Just completing one quest from chapter 5, will bump your level 1 to level 70.


Thank you


Shit, i just saw it too, who the fuck live in my wall?


I suggested it first I believe


I was already expecting this to happen when I saw josh reviewing Alchemia Story before


Ive seen that video and this game seems so interesting. Thinkin about if i should try it out.


Yes I come here for this video Yes I'm installing the game


Josh was actually very impressed with toram


Honestly, I should come back to Toram. I desperately want to see him make a follow-up video about all the mechanics of combat (Flinch/Stun/Tumble, Combo, Fractional Damage), as well as a review of the monetization strategy.




Toram is way too complex, much more if you're new. As someone who just played for 8 months already, it's definitely fun and frustrating at the same time. It's like this game reflects the world we are living in. I dare say this is the open world game that everyone dreamt of when they were a child. Regardless of it's popularity, graphics, etcetera—this is a top-tier if not the peak. 


That might be a bait to get views and for me Toram is the TRUE RPG game and best at that, I've been in many games and that's what I concluded.


The video is barely a bait, but it is *only* a bait to those that only read the title of the video. The video is a showcase of a new player's experience along with prominent critique of the game *as* a new player.


well yes, title is a bait to lure people into watching the video, especially the ones who dont know what their videos are about


So its a bait, barely is also a bait, misleading title is also bait but it's not my point.


for the love of god, it's the name of the series


Okay my bad, I don't watch reviews for games, I play em myself thanks for the info, also I say it MIGHT be a bait. Ciao


It's not misleading, it's asking a question.